synthetic industry

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk ˈɪndəstri][sinˈθetik ˈindəstri]


  • Along with the development of the national economy and petrochemical industry the synthetic resin industry is facing new opportunities and challenges of the market .

    随着中国国家经济和石油化工产业的发展, 合成树脂 行业也面临着新的发展机遇和市场挑战。

  • Along with screen packs the synthetic fiber industry utilizes gaskets and seals with each pack configuration .

    人造纤维 行业,各滤网都要安装与其轮廓相吻合的垫片和密封圈。

  • The third generation Ziegler-Natta catalyst developed by English BP corporation which has great advantage in lower investment cost simple technical process and good product quality obtained wide-promoted application in the polyethylene synthetic industry .

    而由英国BP公司研究开发出的第三代Ziegler-Natta催化剂具有价格低廉,工艺相对简单,投资成本低,生产的聚乙烯产品质量好等优点,在乙烯 合成 工业中得到了广泛的推广应用。

  • The impact of Asia financial crisis on world 's synthetic resin industry

    亚洲金融危机对世界 合成树脂 的影响

  • China Synthetic Resins Industry in Global Financial Crisis Atmosphere-General Situation of China Synthetic Resins Industry in 2008 and Prospect in 2009

    金融危机下的中国 合成树脂 工业&2008年中国合成树脂工业概况及2009年展望

  • The status of domestic PET and PAN fiber production as well as supply and demand is described in details . The deficiency in domestic synthetic fiber industry was analyzed and proposals were put forward on the strategy of adjusting the product structure and development .

    详细论述了国内涤纶、腈纶工业生产和供需现状,分析了国内 合成纤维存在的问题和差距,提出今后 合成纤维 工业产品结构调整的思路和发展建议。

  • The Ziegler-Natta catalyst due to lower production cost ideal catalytic activity lower equipment cost and so on already developed into a very important kind of catalyst system in the polyethylene synthetic industry .

    Ziegler-Natta类型催化剂由于具有制备成本低廉,聚合反应活性高且设备成本低等优点,在聚烯烃 合成 工业中已经发展成为一类非常重要的催化剂体系。


    云南矿业结构、市场形势及其资源发展潜力新形势下我国 合成材料 行业发展潜力分析

  • The status of synthetic rubber industry in China was analyzed .

    分析了我国 合成橡胶 工业的现状。

  • Cuprous chloride is widely used in organic synthetic industry .


  • The paper expounds the status and important technology developments of global synthetic fiber industry describes the position of Sinopec 's synthetic fiber in China 's synthetic fiber industry and the circumstances of structural adjustment of Sinopec 's synthetic fiber products and analyzes the current problems .

    阐述了世界 合成纤维 工业的现状和主要技术进展,重点介绍了中国石化合成纤维在中国合纤工业的地位和石化集团公司合纤工业产品结构调整情况,分析了现存的问题。

  • Study on the Separation of Low Concentration Dimethylamine from Wastewater of Synthetic Leather Industry


  • This article introduces current situation of Russian synthetic rubber industry and analyzes its future development .

    介绍了俄罗斯的 合成橡胶 工业,并分析其未来的发展方向。

  • The present review is related to the progress of synthetic rubber industry in this century with special emphasis on the synthetic chemistry which is the theoretic ground of synthetic rubber .

    着重讨论了 合成化学基础及相应聚合 工艺过程的进步这两方面的问题。

  • This cooperation is also to Lishui environmental an important step on the road we believe Lishui sulfide crystals synthetic leather industry will be more to a higher level .

    此次的合作也是让丽水市走向绿色环保之路上的重要一步。我们深信,丽水硫晶体 合成行业 发展将更上一个台阶。

  • With the development of synthetic ammonia industry in our country the development and application of process and technology of energy-saving synthetic ammonia would have a better future .

    展望我国 合成工业的发展,节能型合成氨工艺与技术的开发和应用将有着更广阔的前景。

  • All the laboratories taken part in this work represented the testing level of butadiene rubber in the national synthetic rubber industry .

    所有参加比对的实验室基本代表了中国 合成橡胶 行业的丁二烯橡胶测试水平;

  • Catalysis or catalysis carrier in synthetic industry the refining of gold .

    合成 工业作触媒或触媒载体。冶炼黄金。

  • Evaluation of testing level for styrene butadiene rubber in synthetic rubber industry Uniaxial tensile experiments of ultra-high toughness cementitious composite

    合成橡胶 行业橡胶拉伸性能检测水平评价

  • The present developing situation and characteristics of artificial leather and synthetic leather industry in China are introduced .

    介绍了我国人造革、 合成行业发展现状和特点。

  • The article gives an introduction to the status of Japans synthetic fiber industry including production capacity supply demand status and export import analysis .

    介绍了日本 合纤 工业的现状,包括生产能力、供需状况和进出口分析,分析了日本 合纤 工业目前所采取的发展战略和今后发展趋势。

  • The same samples of butadiene rubber were tested in17 laboratories in national synthetic rubber industry and the test data were compared and analyzed by robust statistical method .

    利用稳健统计技术时中国 合成橡胶 行业的17家检测实验室所做的丁二烯橡胶检测数据进行了比对分析,对各实验室检测能力进行了评价。

  • History of synthetic rubber industry

    合成橡胶 工业发展史

  • Progress of automatic on line analysis for micro amount of imparities in Chinese synthetic ammonia industry is reviewed .

    概述我国 合成工业生产中在线自动分析微量有害杂质的发展与进步。

  • As a result : Perkin forgot about malaria and made a mint establishing the synthetic dye industry .

    结果:帕金由此忘记了疟疾,转而发展 合成染料 工业

  • Prospects for China 's synthetic resin industry in 2000

    展望2000年我国 合成树脂 工业

  • Review in 2008 and prospect in 2009 of synthetic rubber industry in China

    我国 合成橡胶 产业2008年回顾及2009年展望

  • A Study on the DMF Recycle from Used Resin Barrels in Synthetic Leather Industry


  • The impact of the crisis on China 's synthetic resin industry is analyzed and some suggestions are presented .

    分析了此次金融危机对我国 合成 树脂的影响,并提出了一些建议。