synthetic petroleum

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk pəˈtroliəm][sinˈθetik piˈtrəuliəm]


  • Synthetic methods of β - diketones and its applications in petroleum industry catalysis medicine pesticide new materials et al were particularly reviewed .

    详细综述了β-二酮铈的 合成方法以及β-二酮铈在 石油、工业催化、医药、农药、新材料等领域的应用。

  • There are three main types synthetic soil conditioner available derived from petroleum chemicals the Tertiary period minerals and organic materials .

    人工 合成土壤结构改良剂可分为 石油化工产品、第三纪矿物产品以及无机物与有机物相结合产品共三类。

  • A synthetic technique of producing petroleum carboxylate using liquid ? phase oxidation and taking fraction of Daqing crude oil as raw material is introduced in this paper .

    介绍了以大庆原油馏分油为原料,采用液相氧化法生产 石油羧酸盐的 合成工艺。

  • Synthetic Evaluation and Decision Making for Petroleum Production under Multi-standards

    石油生产多准则方案 综合评价及决策方法

  • The product was test by synthetic laboratory of Chinese petroleum pipeline company pipeline research center . Product quality far goes beyond the standard of SY / T4013-95 . And it is also the first pipeline using the configuration software by us and designed in the research domain .

    产品试样经中国 石油管道公司管道研究中心 综合实验室测试,远远超出SY/T4013-95标准,明显地提高了产品质量和生产效率。

  • This product mainly used in polyethylene polyamide polyester polyvinyl chloride ABS resin and all kinds of synthetic rubber and petroleum products is highly effective to polypropylene .

    本产品主要用于聚乙烯、聚酰胺、聚酯、聚氯乙烯、ABS树脂一级各种 合成橡胶和 石油产品中,对聚丙烯有卓效。

  • This paper summarizes the classification synthetic method and physical and chemical properties of ionic liquid as well as its application in petroleum industry .

    总结了离子液体的分类、 合成方法及其主要的物化特性,重点介绍了离子液体在 石油工业领域中的应用。

  • As one kind of high molecular weight suffocate hydroxybenzene antioxidant antioxidant 1010 is widely used in plastic rubber synthetic fiber elastomer petroleum products and fodder fields .

    抗氧剂1010是一种高分子量的受阻酚类抗氧剂,广泛应用于塑料、橡胶、 合成纤维、弹性体、 石油制品以及饲料领域中。

  • The method introduced in this paper is a new synthetic acoustic log technique developed by Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau itself .

    本文提出的方法是大庆 石油管理局自行研制的新的 人工 合成声波测井技术,它的分辨能力不但高于经常规方法处理的地震剖面,也明显地高于经国外的Seislog和Velog处理的剖面。

  • The general technology of the GTL lube base oil is described which consists of synthetic gas process synthetic liquid hydrocarbon process and synthetic petroleum process .

    GTL润滑油基础油的一般工艺技术由3个部分组成:合成气生产技术,合成液体烃生产技术, 合成 加工技术。

  • The synthetic anal-ysis and evaluation of remote sensed data in petroleum geology in southeastern margin of Tarim Basin

    塔里木盆地东南缘 石油遥感地质的 综合分析与评价

  • Improvement to Cracked C_9 Synthetic Petroleum Resin Process

    裂解C9 合成 石油树脂工艺的改进

  • Synthetic waxes organic silicon petroleum solvent etc.

    合成蜡、有机硅、 石油溶剂等。

  • Acetylene is a fuel gas in application to industrial gas widely . But acetylene production has higher energy consumption and calcium carbide is an important raw material of synthetic chemicals so liquefied petroleum gas is a good substitute for acetylene when welding .

    乙炔是工业燃气中应用最广的一种可燃气体,但生产乙炔能耗高,电石又是重要的 合成化学原料,因此,用液化 石油气代替乙炔作为焊割气,是一条节能的重要途径。

  • It is necessary to strengthen the synthetic research on oil and gas geology so as to look for petroleum accumulation .

    为此,有必要加强油气地质 综合研究,寻找 经济海相 藏。

  • Optimization of Synthetic Technology for Petroleum Sulfonate KPS

    石油磺酸盐KPS的优化 合成

  • Some synthetic textiles are made with petroleum products .

    一些 合成物质的纤维是由 石油产品制成。

  • A new type of H2 / N2 ratio control system has been designed for a synthetic ammonia plant where there are two different technological processes using coal and petroleum to synthesize ammonia .

    本文针对具有煤制氨系统和 制氨系统两条既相互独立,又相互关联工艺路线的 合成氨装置,设计了一种新型H2/N2控制系统。

  • Synthetic methods for polyurethane emulsion leather paint agent and polyurethane emulsion petroleum emulsion breaking agents are described .

    本文阐述了聚氨酯乳液皮革涂饰剂和聚氨酯乳液高分子 石油破乳剂的 合成方法。