


  • What therapies appear most effective for the treatment of vasovagal syncope ?

    血管迷走神经 晕厥的治疗措施中哪种方法最有效?

  • What premonitory signs and symptoms may exist for vasovagal syncope ? Some patients develop premonitory signs and symptoms such as nervousness sweating and tachycardia .

    血管迷走神经 晕厥出现的先兆症状和体征有哪些?病人可有先兆性症状,例如易于激动,出汗和心动过速。

  • Main clinical manifestations were exertional dyspnea chest pain cough hemoptysis syncope etc.

    临床主要表现有活动性呼吸困难、胸痛、咳嗽、咯血、 晕厥等。

  • Can you give me some medicine to calm the syncope down ?

    你有什么药能治我这 晕厥 吗?

  • Objective To evaluate cilazapil in the treatment of vasovagal syncope .

    目的观察一平苏对血管迷走 晕厥的疗效。

  • Are there risk factors for vasovagal syncope ?

    血管迷走神经 晕厥的危险因素有哪些?

  • Potential mechanistic links between syncope and future manifestation with PEA warrant further exploration .

    晕厥和将来 发生的PEA之间潜在机械联系还需要进一步探究。

  • The incidence of untreated VT and arrhythmic syncope was similar between the PREPARE study patients and the control cohort .

    PREPARE研究患者和对照队列间,未经治疗VT和心律失常 晕厥的发生率相似。

  • Among bradyarrhythmias the most significant is alcohol-induced sinus bradycardia which may be manifested by recurrent syncope .

    心动过缓性心律失常中,最重要的是酒精诱发的窦性心动过缓,并可能表现为反复发作 晕厥

  • Variation of Neurohumor Factors in Rabbits with Vasovagal Syncope

    神经体液因子在兔血管迷走 晕厥中的变化

  • Syncope : Effect of temporary impairment of Blood circulation to a part of the Body .

    晕厥供应身体某一部分的血液循环 发生一过性障碍引起的症状。

  • These correlate with a higher rate of recurrent syncope younger age and a more benign course .

    上述疾病通常与较高的 晕厥复发率、幼和较为良性的病程有关。

  • Possibly enough to cause syncope .

    也许这足以使人 昏厥

  • Objective To analyze the clinical character and differential point of vasovagal syncope ( VVS ) and partial epilepsy in children .

    目的:分析儿童血管迷走 晕厥与部分性癫痫的临床特征及鉴别要点。

  • Dizziness anxiety syncope and anorexia have also been reported as well as profuse tearing and photophobia . It 's a faintingly weak voice .

    头晕、烦躁不安、 昏厥和食欲不振以及落泪不止、畏光也有报道。像是快晕厥的软弱声音。

  • A Six Cases Clinical Analysis of Acute Pulmonary Embolism Initially Presenting as Syncope

    晕厥首发 症状的急性肺栓塞6例临床分析

  • Primary cardiac tumors can mimic many other cardiac conditions and may cause obstruction to blood flow heart failure chest pain syncope pulmonary hypertension and arrhythmias .

    原发性心脏肿瘤可以产生许多其他心脏病的表现,可能阻塞血流,引起心力衰竭、胸痛、 晕厥、肺动脉高压和心律失常等。

  • Are there any new initiatives into the triggers of vasovagal syncope ?

    是否有新的迷走 晕厥的作用机制?

  • What is the tilt test and how has it been adapted for use in patients with vasovagal syncope ?

    何为倾斜试验?该试验是如何用于血管迷走神经 晕厥患者的?

  • The relationship between vasovagal syncope and anxiety in children

    儿童血管迷走 晕厥与焦虑的关系研究

  • Head-up tilt table test in unexplained syncope on the clinical application

    直立倾斜试验对不明原因 晕厥的临床应用

  • Most of patients with unexplained syncope had VS. Unlike nonspecific lightheadedness or dizziness vertigo has relatively few causes .

    结论:不明原因 晕厥患者中 血管 迷走神经 晕厥(VS)占大多数;眩晕与头昏眼花及头昏情形不同,是由一些特有的原因所导致的。

  • What are the symptoms or circumstances related to the syncope ?


  • AbstractObjectiveTo determine whether midodrine hydrochloride therapy could prevent vasovagal syncope ( VVS ) in pediatric patients .

    目的探讨米多君对血管迷走 晕厥儿童的治疗效果。

  • Effect of Early Nursing Intervention on Syncope Postpartum Micturition

    提前护理干预对产后排尿 晕厥的效果观察

  • Have more invasive therapies been suggested for the treatment of vasovagal syncope ?

    有没有侵入性治疗推荐用于血管迷走神经 晕厥的治疗?

  • Older age ( > 60 years ) is more highly associated with arrhythmias orthostatic hypotension medication side-effects and situational ( e.g. micturition ) syncope .

    老龄病人(>60岁)与心律不齐、直立性低血压、药物副作用和环境性(如排尿) 晕厥关联更大。

  • There are no pathognomonic signs from the physical examination which are specifically related to vasovagal syncope .

    体格检查没有发现与血管迷走神经 晕厥相关的特异体征。

  • What premonitory signs and symptoms may exist for asoagal syncope ?

    血管迷走神经 晕厥出现的先兆症状和体征有哪些?

  • Analysis of predisposing causes and premonitory symptoms of vasovagal syncope

    血管迷走神经 晕厥 患者发病诱因及先兆症状分析