


  • Relationship Between Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Expression in Syncytiotrophoblast and Placenta Pathological Change of Intrauterine Growth Restriction

    胎儿生长受限胎盘病理改变与 绒毛 滋养 细胞基质金属蛋白酶9的表达关系

  • Conclusion One of the possible mechanism involved in perinatal of ICP is apoptosis caused by overexpression of bax in syncytiotrophoblast leading placental dysfunction .

    结论ICP患者 胎盘 合体 滋养 细胞bax基因过度表达,胎盘细胞凋亡率升高,影响胎盘功能,可能是ICP并发围生儿 缺氧 病理 生理 基础之一。

  • Leptin expressed on the placenta villous syncytiotrophoblast .

    Leptin主要表达于胎盘 合体 滋养层 细胞 中。

  • Results The expression of bFGF and Bax were located in the plasma of all types of cells including trophoblast epithelial mesenchymal and fibroblast but the expression of Bcl-2 was only observed in the chorionic syncytiotrophoblast ;

    结果bFGF和Bax在滋养细胞、上皮细胞、间充质细胞和成纤维细胞胞浆内有表达,Bcl-2在绒毛膜 合体 滋养 细胞上有 表达

  • This leads to oxidative stress and damage to the placenta specifically to the syncytiotrophoblast .

    这会导致胎盘的氧化应急和损伤,特别是对于 滋养层

  • Result Immunolocalization of VEGF in all cases was observed mainly in syncytiotrophoblast .

    结果VEGF主要 表达 胎盘 绒毛 滋养 细胞

  • Computer image analysis ( 1 ) The expression of VEGF in placenta syncytiotrophoblast cells : There was no significant difference between mild PIH group and NP group P > 0.05 ;

    胎盘 滋养细胞VEGF染色 光度:轻度妊高征组和正常晚期妊娠组比较无显著差异,尸>0.05;中度妊高征组和轻度妊高征组比较无显著差异,尸>0.05;

  • Objective : To study the changes of the biochemical indexes in syncytiotrophoblast cell plasma membranes ( STCPM ) of pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome ( PIHS ) and the cause of these changes .

    目的:研究妊高征(PIHS)患者胎盘 合体 滋养细胞质膜(STCPM)中生化指标的变化及原因。

  • The results showed that the positive rate of neoplastic syncytiotrophoblast ( ST ) ; intermediate trophoblast ( IT ) and cytotrophoblast ( CT ) was 100 % respectively .

    结果表明,肿瘤性 合体 滋养 细胞(ST)、中间型滋养细胞(IT)及细胞滋养细胞(CT)内细胞角蛋白的阳性表达率均为100%。

  • Results HB-EGF expression was localized in the cytoplasm of cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast but no expression was present in those with spontaneous abortion .

    结果HBEGF主要存在于细胞质, 合体滋养层和 细胞 滋养层 均有 表达,部分流产滋养细胞不表达。

  • Future studies will determine whether carbon monoxide can prevent syncytiotrophoblast death in animal models and whether other approaches similar to carbon monoxide may provide feasible protection .

    进一步的研究需要确定一氧化碳是否可以在动物模型中抑制 滋养层的死亡,以及是否有和一氧化碳相似的途径存在保护作用。

  • HE staining : To prepare paraffin sections of placental tissue observed them under high power lens of light microscope after HE staining to evaluate the interstitial fibrosis and necrosis of villus and syncytiotrophoblast nodes . 2 .

    HE染色法分析:制作胎盘组织石蜡切片,HE染色后于光镜下200 视野观察绒毛间质纤维化、坏死及 合体 滋养 细胞结节。

  • CONCLUSION : HCV persistent infection suppressed the synthesis and secretion of MMP-2 and MMP-9 of human placental syncytiotrophoblast in vitro which is not specific .

    结论:丙型肝炎病毒持续感染时体外培养人胎盘 合体 滋养层 细胞MMP-2和MMP-9合成分泌 能力 下降,为非特异性。

  • Villi syncytiotrophoblast layer and cytotrophoblast and loose in the middle of stromal part .

    绒毛组织 合体 滋养层及细胞滋养层及中间的疏松间质三部分所构成。

  • Results : KiSS-1 was mostly found in syncytiotrophoblast .

    结果KiSS-1主要位于 胎盘 绒毛 小叶 合体 滋养 细胞

  • The Analysis of Fatty Acid Composition in Syncytiotrophoblast Plasma Membranes of Human Placenta

    人体胎盘 合体 滋养 细胞质膜的脂肪酸组成分析

  • Western blot was applied to determinate the expression of IDO protein on cultured syncytiotrophoblast ;

    westernblot检测体外培养的 合体 滋养层 细胞IDO蛋白质表达;

  • Results : Ability of invasion adhesion migration and function of hormone synthesis and secretion of infected syncytiotrophoblast decreased significantly in comparison with cells of control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

    结果:感染 细胞侵袭、黏附、移动以及激素合成分泌功能较对照组均有显著下降(P<0.05)。

  • The bulk of the human placenta consists of branching chorionic villi with an outer syncytiotrophoblast underlying cytotrophoblasts and a stromal core .

    人胎盘绒毛膜绒毛的结构由内向外依次是绒毛基质,细胞滋养层细胞和其外层的 合体细胞滋养细胞。

  • In pathological placentas there are significantly lower expression of MMP-9 in syncytiotrophoblast ( 18.2 % ) than those without pathological change ( 75.0 % P < 0.01 ) .

    有病理改变的 胎盘 绒毛 滋养 细胞MMP-9的表达(18.2%)明显低于无病理改变胎盘(75.0%),差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。

  • Mainly in epithelial cells of the amnion chorionic trophoblast nucleus syncytiotrophoblast membrane and cytoplasm of placenta .

    结果AQP8 蛋白在羊水 过少 正常羊水组产妇的胎盘、胎膜组织中 均有 表达,主要分布于羊膜上皮细胞、绒毛膜滋养细胞核 胎盘 合体滋养细胞的细胞膜和细胞质中。

  • When syncytiotrophoblast cells die they are released into the maternal circulation initiating a cascade of inflammation that can damage maternal organs .


  • Objective To study the relationship between matrix metalloproteinase-9 in syncytiotrophoblast and placenta pathological change of fetal growth restriction .

    目的了解胎儿生长受限( fetal growth restrictionFGR 胎盘病理改变与胎盘组织中基质金属蛋白酶9(MMP-9)表达水平变化的关系。

  • Conclusion : HCV persistent infection suppressed the biological behavior of human placental syncytiotrophoblast in vitro .

    结论:HCV持续感染可抑制体外培养人胎盘 合体 滋养层 细胞包括 侵袭 激素 合成分泌功能 在内的多种生物学功能。

  • Study on the Relation between Syncytiotrophoblast Microparticles and Pathogenesis of Preeclampsia

    胎盘 合体 滋养 细胞膜微粒与子痫前期发病机制的关系研究

  • The results show : in hydatidiform moles syncytiotrophoblast of floating villi LN is negative ;

    结果显示:LN在葡萄胎中的游离绒毛 合体 滋养 细胞 LNR 阳性 着色、LN呈阴性;