system deadlock

[ˈsɪstəm ˈdɛdˌlɑk][ˈsistəm ˈdedlɔk]


  • On the System for Dealing with Corporation Deadlock with the Intervention of Judicature

    司法介入公司 僵局处理 制度的探讨

  • By analysing the two classical process synchronization how to solve the practical problems by applying P.V operation is indicated emphatically illustrating both the reason of deadlock easily occurred when applying the signal quantity system and the approaches to cope with deadlock as well .

    通过对两个经典同步问题的描述,说明如何使用P、V操作解决实际问题,重点简述了使用信号量 机制解决同步问题时容易产生死锁的原因以及解决 死锁的方法。

  • The practice of the main parties within the framework of the existing system in breaking the deadlock is unsatisfactory . This makes us think that the reasons of the stubborn deadlock must exist within the system .

    各方主体在现有 制度框架内突破 就业 协议 解除 僵局的实践差强人意,让我们反思顽固的僵局肯定存在制度内的原因。

  • There is a condition that the system does not deadlock but because the insert of the controller the system sometimes may cause deadlock . For this condition we design the deadlock prevention algorithm . 3 .

    系统本来不存在 死锁状态,而由于控制器的引入可能会使系统存在死锁状态的情况,设计了避免死锁的算法。

  • The company judiciary having established our country formally for the first time with the legislation form has dissolved system the deadlock solving has provided the way that the judiciary relieves to the company .

    第一次以立法的形式正式确立了我国的公司司法解散 制度,为公司 僵局的解决提供了司法救济的办法。

  • Distributed system deadlock are resulted from resource and communication .

    分布式 系统 死锁是由于资源和通讯产生的。

  • However because of the sharing and competition of limited resources if there is lack of effective control it is likely to cause circular wait of resources when the system is running thus resulting in deadlock .

    但是由于存在有限资源的共享与竞争,如果缺乏有效的控制,在 系统运行过程中很容易出现资源循环等待,产生 死锁 问题

  • The developing environment mentioned in the paper consists of visual system modeling deadlock detecting and actual system enacting tools .

    该系统提供了可视化 系统建模、 死锁检测和实际的系统运作功能。

  • However AMS usually exhibit a high degree of resource sharing so when various jobs advancing through the system compete for limited resources deadlock would occur if proper scheduling and control methods were absent .

    然而在这种自动化制造系统中资源高度共享,当工件进入 系统并竞争有限资源时,如果缺乏有效的调度和控制方法,就会发生 死锁 现象

  • System Deadlock in the Transformation of International Financial System : An Analysis of the Long Standing of Unbalanced International Financial System

    论国际金融制度变革中的 体制 僵持&非均衡国际金融体制长期存在的制度分析

  • If the system is also stripped of the right to arbitrarily abort transactions ( system aborts typically occur for reasons such as node failure and deadlock ) then problem ( b ) is also eliminated .

    如果系统还有权任意中止交易( 系统中止通常发生故障,如节点和 死锁的原因),则问题剥离(二)也是消除。

  • The Analysis on Distributed System Deadlock by Petri Nets

    分布式 系统 死锁的Petri网分析

  • Deadlock will cause the program crash and increase system costs especially in real-time system the deadlock will cause serious consequences .

    死锁问题会造成程序的崩溃和系统开销上升,尤其是在实时 系统中, 死锁会造成严重的后果。

  • This paper discusses the deadlock problems in FMS s by using its Petri net model . The necessary and sufficient conditions of system deadlock are characterized . We presented a deadlock avoidance feedback policy .

    本文利用FMS的Petri网模型讨论系统的死锁问题.给出了 系统 死锁的必要充分条件,提出了避免 系统死锁的反馈控制策略.这种策略对 系统 限制小,在许多 情形下是 最优的。

  • This paper gives a dynamic monitor system . It may monitor whether deadlock occurs during Ada multi-tasking program execution .

    本文给出的动态监督 系统可以检测Ada语言多任务程序在运行过程中是否发生 死锁

  • The formal proof and experimental results show that the improved algorithm is effective and better for the multi-task system to avoid deadlock .

    通过算法推理和实例验证,改进后的算法是可行且高效的,能更好地适应多任务 系统 死锁避免的需要,实现 资源的安全 分配

  • This thesis presents transformation of marking of Petri nets to get the reachable states of system to detect deadlock and proposed two methods to recover deadlock .

    本文通过Petri网标识转化方程对 系统的各个可达状态进行分析,判断 系统 死锁 出现,并提出两种死锁恢复的方法。

  • As the core of model execution Concerto engine controls the coordination of distributed component system by following certain arbitration rule which resolves the deadlock and starvation .

    Concerto引擎作为模型运行的核心,按照特定的仲裁机制协调分布组件 系统 运行,解决了 死锁和饥饿问题。

  • The expulsion of shareholder system is the last measure when the company is in the deadlock . Unless the shareholder requests the court to adjudicate the dissolution of the company .

    股东除名 制度是公司处于 僵局 状态的时候,在股东诉请法院强制解散公司之前的最后一项切实有效的措施。

  • Experimental results show that the optimal set of elementary siphons ensures more permissive behavior with fewer controlling places in the controlled net system when the same deadlock control policy is applied .

    实验结果表明采用相同的控制策略,最优基本 信标可以使目标网 系统在添加尽可能少的控制库所的同时生成尽可能多的许可行为。

  • Usually we should control DES 's behavior to meet special specifications like preventing the system from special states especially deadlock .

    常常需要控制离散事件系统的行为以满足特定的规范,比如防止 系统进入特定的状态,尤其是 死锁 状态

  • Chapter two defines the concept and characters of corporation deadlock the basic forms of corporation deadlock and the reason why corporation deadlock comes into being the limitation of beforehand prevention system of the corporation deadlock .

    第二章为公司僵局概述,依次介绍了公司僵局的概念和特征,探悉公司僵局的基本表现形式和出现的 制度原因, 分析了公司 僵局事前预防的有限性。

  • The most hardware transactional systems can get access to shared memory concurrently . This may lead to data conflicts between transactions and even bring lower system performance or deadlock .

    和其它实现方式一样在硬件事务存储系统中也会因共享存储发生事务冲突,引起 系统性能降低甚至 死锁

  • This kind of situation is harmful not only to corporation itself and its shareholders but also to other interest related people . As a result it seems completely necessary to research on the relief system of corporation deadlock .

    公司僵局状况无论给公司本身及其股东或者其他利益相关者的危害都是巨大的,因此研究 公司 僵局的破解 机制就显得十分必要。

  • Thirdly the routing algorithm of S-mesh based on the shortest routing algorithm destination-oriented routing algorithm is designed to make optimum transmission paths . It works with three-level flow control strategy to make the system immunizing for network congestion and deadlock .

    基于最短路由和目标驱动的S-mesh路由算法为网络中传输进程确定最优路由路径,并与 系统三级流量控制策略一起,为S-mesh网络拥塞和 死锁等现象的解决奠定了基础。

  • In reference 1 w_48 We introduced some methods to decide system deadlock by its Petri Nets model .

    在1w_64中我们讨论了从系统的Petri网模型来判别 系统 死锁的某些方法。

  • Methods A kind of Petri net model for describing the system was set up then the key cause of deadlock in concurrent information flow was analysed .

    方法建立了一种描述 系统的Petri网模型,进而分析在并发信息流中产生 死锁 关节所在。

  • By analyzing the algebra model that comprise of operations and constants the behaviors of routing system such as deadlock and alive lock can be found .

    通过分析由上述代数运算和路由网络常量构成的路由网络代数模型,可以分析路由 系统 死锁deadlock)和活锁(alivelock)等行为。

  • In this paper the condition causing deadlock of distributed system and solutions prevention avoidance and detection of deadlock in the distributed system are discussed . Distributed algorithms for prevention avoidance and detection of these deadlocks are given also .

    从分布式 系统死锁产生的条件,解决策略,以及分布式系统中 死锁预防、避免和检测的各种算法进行了具体阐述。