system resources


  • It monitors major system resources .

    它将对主要的 系统 资源进行监视。

  • For example one of our customers migrated to R5 and reported a reduction in system resources ( CPU memory ) utilization .

    例如,我们的一个客户迁移到R5并反映 系统 资源(CPU和内存)的使用率降低了。

  • Am I replacing processes with threads to reduce the use of system resources ?

    我用线程替换进程减少了 系统 资源的使用了么?

  • The number of estimated additional sessions this server can support based on available system resources .

    根据可用 系统 资源,这个服务器可以支持的额外会话预计数量。

  • LPAR provides the capability for server consolidation which helps optimize system resources and reduce system complexity .

    LPAR提供了对服务器进行合并的功能,这可以帮助对 系统 资源进行优化,并降低系统的复杂性。

  • Service oriented architecture offers system design and management principles that support reuse and sharing of system resources across the healthcare organization .

    面向服务架构为整个医疗组织的 系统 资源重用与共享提供了系统设计和管理原则。

  • Each WPAR within LPAR is now using the same system resources of the LPAR .

    LPAR中的每个WPAR现在都使用LPAR的相同 系统 资源

  • IVM can be used to modify the system resources that are available to the partitions .

    IVM可以用来修改分区可用的 系统 资源

  • Logical partitioning provides POWER processor-based servers with the capability to do server consolidation and optimize system resources .

    逻辑分区为基于POWER处理器的服务器提供了进行服务器合并和优化 系统 资源的能力。

  • This was done to provide necessary system resources for processing .

    此方法用来提供完成处理所需的必要 系统 资源

  • The new code makes a better use of system resources and includes algorithms that improve the scalability and performance .

    新的代码更好地利用了 系统 资源,并且包括了提高可扩展性和性能的算法。

  • PCI Express Multicast Functionality & Optimizing System Resources and Performance in Embedded and Communications Applications

    PCIExpress多播功能&优化嵌入式和通信应用中的 系统 资源和性能

  • This process is an adware and is know for using large amount of system resources .

    该进程是一个广告软件,会占用大量的 系统 资源

  • Working with the registry may compromise security by allowing inappropriate access to system resources or protected information .

    对注册表进行操作时,如果允许对 系统 资源或受保护的信息进行不适当的访问,则可能会降低安全性。

  • Increase the utilization of system resources .

    提高对 系统 资源的利用。

  • These actions can be security configuration changes key and certificate management access control policy changes bus and other system resources management and so on .

    这些操作可以是安全配置更改、密钥和证书管理、访问控制策略更改、总线和其他 系统 资源管理等等。

  • Memory overcommitment can increase the demand for all other system resources .

    内存超量使用可能增加所有其他 系统 资源的需求。

  • Threads can be created and managed less operating system overhead and fewer system resources .

    线程的创建和管理只需要较小的操作系统开销和较少的 系统 资源

  • System resources are used more efficiently because administrative processes are not duplicated for each application server .

    由于每个应用程序服务器不产生重复的管理进程,因此可以更有效地利用 系统 资源

  • You might need to modify the template based on your system resources .

    您可能需要根据您的 系统 资源来修改该模板。

  • The type of account will determine how much system resources will be allocated to you .

    帐户的类型将决定有多少 系统 资源将分配给您。

  • Common Information Model show electric system resources by means of classes attributes and associations between them .

    公共信息模型(CIM)通过对象类和属性及它们之间的关系来表示电力 系统 资源

  • It provides the flexibility for dividing system resources between jobs without having to partition a system .

    它提供了在作业间划分 系统 资源而无需对系统分区的灵活性。

  • The reservations guarantee access to time-multiplexed system resources ( CPU network or disk bandwidth ) .

    这种机制保证了对时分复用(time-multiplexed) 系统 资源的访问(CPU、网络或磁盘带宽)。

  • File system sharing : Used when replication is costly like with file system resources .

    文件系统共享:当复制开销像其他文件 系统 资源一样时使用。

  • The resource manager uses the object pool provided by the container to manage system resources .

    资源管理器会使用容器提供的对象池来管理 系统 资源

  • The corresponding virtual system resources will be automatically associated to satisfy the service quality requirement .

    对应的虚拟 系统 资源能够自动地联合,满足服务质量需求。

  • Besides image management users can also monitor and manage the system resources such as Power CECs LPARs and HMC / IVM comprehensively in a PowerVM environment .

    除了映像管理之外,用户还可以全面地监视和管理PowerVM环境中的 系统 资源,比如PowerCEC、LPAR和HMC/IVM。

  • The fundamental tools of electronic security are keys : complex algorithms that unlock access to system resources and content .

    电子安全基础工具是密钥,这是一种用于解除对 系统 资源和内容的访问限定的复杂算法。

  • You also rely on operating systems to provide mechanisms to protect operating system resources from abuse .

    还依赖操作系统提供的机制来保护操作 系统 资源不被滥用。