system sand

[ˈsɪstəm sænd][ˈsistəm sænd]


  • The mechanism of soil water used for sand plants could be demonstrated by the following two aspects : the physiological and ecological processes and biomass of ground parts of sand plants distribution of root system of sand plants and soil water environmental capacity .

    沙生植物的水分利用的机制主要体现在如下两个方面:地上部分的生理生态过程和生物量:地下部分 根系分布及其土壤水环境容量。

  • In this paper the authers analysed the features origins of modern wind-sand hazards in this area and put forward disaster reduction countermeasures including construction of shelter forest system local sand fixation and sand source control etc.

    本文分析了胶东半岛北岸现代风沙灾害的特点,成因,提出加强防护林 体系建设、局地 工程 固沙及控制沙源等综合减灾对策。

  • The main constructions of our water supply and purification system : sand basin reaction and sedimentation tank double-valves filtering pond etc.

    我厂给水处理 系统的主要构筑物:沉 池、反应池沉淀池、双阀滤池等。

  • The design idea and its advance are introduced about the system of sand weather monitor and warn in Northwest China .

    文中全面介绍了中国西北地区 尘暴天气监测预警服务业务 系统的设计思路及其先进性。

  • The article introduces the special design of ventilating and dust pelletizing system in sand reconditioning process .

    介绍了 处理工部通风除尘 系统独特的设计方案。

  • By using technics such as setting different standard and height of semi covered checkerboard fence in different location solid slope of road shoulder and creating sand transporting section ets and forming the solid control system sand hazards could be controlled sufficiently .

    不同 部位设置不同规格不同高度的半隐蔽方格沙障、固化路肩边坡创造输沙断面等技术,形成立体防护 体系,足以控制 害。

  • A study on the strengthening mechanism of the FFD system resin sand

    FFD 树脂 增强机理研究

  • A Special Coatings System of Sand and Stone Shock-resistance

    一种特殊的耐 沙石冲击涂层 系统

  • However inside casing gravel pack completion is the best way of well completion system for sand control .

    的角度看,管内砾石充填完井 是最佳的选择方式。

  • Cooling Treatment and Reclamation System of Sand in Lost Foam Casting

    消失模铸造 冷却处理及回用 系统的改进

  • Mongolia cyclone became the main weather system caused sand storm in northern region of China followed by southerly air-dry cold front weather systems . The higher concentrations of atmospheric pollutants were controlled by ground high pressure weather systems .

    结果表明:影响我国北方地区产生 尘暴的天气 系统主要为蒙古气旋,其次为偏南风干冷锋天气系统,大气中污染物浓度过高多出现在地面高压系统的控制下;

  • Implementation of SCADA System of Sand Paper Product Line

    基于iFix软件的 砂纸生产流水线SCADA 系统的实现

  • The Design Of a Fully Automatic Electrical Control System of Sand Table

    全自动 沙盘电控 系统设计

  • A high permeable cement slurry system for sand control

    用于 的高渗透水泥浆 体系

  • This paper introduces a design idea and implementation methods of two stage distributed control system for sand processing . The intelligent sand moisture tellers are applied to real-time control facilities and a microcomputer is used to supervise the working state and productive management .

    介绍铸造生产线型 处理用可编程控制器和智能型砂水分控制仪进行实时控制,微机进行监测管理的两级分布式控制 系统的设计思想和实现方法。

  • Research on the Computer Distributed Control and Management System for Sand Processing of Casting Line

    铸造生产线型 处理分布式微机监控 系统的研究

  • Automation Controlling System in sand Preparation and Moulding Process Established on the Basis of Rheology

    建立在流变学基础上的 处理和造型过程自动化控制 系统

  • According to the practical situation of consolidating the soft soil founda-tion by heaped load & vacuum preloading cooperated with drainage system of sand drain ( drainage plate ) a consolidation theory of sand drain foundation by penetrating soft soil layer is established .

    根据堆载及真空预压,配合 井( 排水板)排水加固软土地基的实际情况,建立较为完善的打穿软土层的砂井地基固结解析理论。

  • Application of Automatic Storage and Retrieval System in Sand Core Storage and Feeding System

    自动化立体 仓库芯储存、输送系统中的应用

  • The Control System of Sand Jet Core-making Machine Based on PLC

    基于PLC的射 制芯机控制 系统

  • Groundwater with an inherently high iron concentration is widely distributed in the quaternary system of sand and gravel aquifers in Harbin City .

    哈尔滨市区的 第四系 砾石含水层中,原生的高铁水广泛分布。

  • Design of screening system for sand and gravel aggregates at Jinhe hydropower station is presented here to give reference to similar projects .

    介绍了金河水电站 砂石筛分 系统的设计,对类似工程具有一定的借鉴作用。

  • According to the structure of castings and the productivity of foundry casting process has been properly designed including pouring position parting line gating and riser system sand core arrangement .

    通过分析箱座铸件的结构特点和生产车间的生产条件,合理设计了铸件的工艺方案,包括:浇注位置、分型面、浇冒 系统芯分块。

  • Guide for design of processing system for sand and stone of hydropower and water conservancy project

    水利水电工程 砂石加工 系统设计导则

  • Z & transform methods for designing computer control system sand problems in existense

    计算机控制 系统 z变换设计法及存在的问题

  • Due to power failure suddenly the lifting system of sand pump in alluvial gold mine is frequently blocked up .

    砂金矿山所 砂泵提升 装置因突然停电而堵塞提升 系统

  • Design and Application of Ventilating and Dust Pelletizing System in Sand Reconditioning Process

    回用工部通风除尘 系统设计及应用

  • Application of Multilayer Control System in Sand and Dust Environmental Test Equipment

    集散式控制 系统尘环境试验设备中的应用

  • The system includes sand weather information database sand weather monitor and sand weather service subsystems .
