


  • Study on Synergetic Development of Regional Logistics Supply and Demand Coupling System

    区域物流供需耦合系统的 协同发展研究

  • Based on column experiments we investigated the potential using sulfate reducing bacteria ( SRB ) and zero-valent iron ( ZVI ) to synergetic treat contamination in wastewater such as sulfate uranium etc.

    本工作通过柱实验研究了硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)和零价铁( ZVI协同去除废水铀和硫酸盐等污染物的潜力。

  • On the Synergetic Relationship between Asset Management and Financial Management

    高校资产管理和财务管理的 协同关系

  • The results show that the synergetic effect of hydrophilicity and photocatalysis can improve and maintain the self_cleaning effect .

    结果表明:薄膜的亲水性与光催化活性 协同作用是其保持自清洁的关键。

  • Research on Synergetic System for Logistics in Tobacco Industry Based on the Theory of Supply Chain

    基于供应链的烟草物流 协同体系研究

  • This paper studies the mechanism of multi-arms power cooperative in the combined operations systems using the self-organizing model based on the synergetic theory of systems science .

    利用系统科学 协同理论中的自组织理论模型,对联合作战系统内各军兵种之间的力量协同机理进行研究。

  • This paper explored the self-organizing developed condition of the NBA professional sports alliance and the motive force mechanism by synergetic theory .

    结合 同学分析NBA职业体育联盟自组织发展的条件,探寻其发展的动力机制。

  • At last we studies the equation of self-organizing synergetic evolvement and gets the correlative conclusion .

    最后研究了 联合 作战系统的自组织 协同演化方程,给出了相关结论。

  • Information and Resources Synergetic Mechanism of Inter-city Disaster Emergency Management based on Multi-agent Systems

    基于Multi-Agent的城际灾害应急管理信息和资源 协同机制研究

  • Recognition of the Synergetic Effects of Microconstituents and Ethanol in Liquor on People 's Health

    白酒中微量成分与乙醇 协同作用对人体健康的认识

  • Research on Theories and Practices of Integration and Synergetic Effects between Content Industry and Culture Industry

    内容产业与文化产业整合与 协同理论和实践研究

  • Study on the synergetic effect of safflower oil unsaturated monoglycerid ester synthesized ;

    采用油用 红花的子叶做外植体,进行 组织培养和植株再生系统的研究。

  • The Synergetic Estimation of Iron and Steel Enterprise Technology Innovation System Mechanism based on SIM Model

    基于SIM模型的钢铁企业技术创新系统机制 协同评价

  • By changing the boundary conditions of the grey forecasting model of the residual Error cent rank processing Make the original Synergetic prediction Model precision and prediction accuracy is higher .

    通过改变边界条件的灰色预测模型对残差进行了分阶处理,使原有 协同预测模型的精度和预测准确性更高。

  • Decision model for implementation order of green manufacturing technologies based on synergetic benefits

    基于 协同效益的绿色制造技术实施顺序决策模型

  • Water resources deployment model for river basin based on synergetic theory

    基于 同学原理的流域水资源合理配置模型和方法

  • Synergetic assessment of enterprise organizational system based on information measurement

    基于信息度量的企业组织系统 协同性评价

  • Research on Synergetic Degree of Industrial Convergence and Information Industry Structure

    基于融合的信息产业结构的 协同度研究

  • This paper introduces synergetic theory and proposes multi-path load forecasting automatically coordinated approach based on the maximum entropy principle .

    本文引入 同学原理,提出了一种基于最大信息熵的多路径负荷预测自动协调方法。

  • The effect of the extract on spontaneous activity in mice possible synergetic effect with pentobarbital sodium and anticonvulsant effect of with different doses were analyzed .

    方法:观察不同剂量乙酸乙酯提取物对小鼠自主活动的影响以及直接镇静催眠作用、与戊巴比妥钠的 协同作用和抗惊厥作用。

  • Research on regional cooperative healthcare system and synergetic mechanism based on synergetic

    基于协同学原理的区域协同医疗信息系统及 协同 模式研究

  • The Study of Processing Bank Organization Structure Based on Grid Synergetic Management Platform

    基于网格 协同管理平台的流程银行组织架构研究

  • Study on synergetic effect of pulsed light and O_3 on killing contaminated Escherichia coli

    臭氧和脉冲强光对大肠杆菌 协同杀灭效果的研究

  • Synergetic Development of Chinese County Economy on the Basis of Circular Economics

    基于循环经济理论的我国县域经济 协同发展研究

  • Research on Synergetic Mechanism of Regional Economic System in Metropolitan Regions

    都市圈城市经济系统的 协同机理研究

  • The synergetic effect of micro-crystallization and reactive effect on high temperature oxidation were summarized in this letter .

    总结了目前广为研究的微晶化和活性元素效应在合金高温氧化过程中的作用,并讨论了二者的 协同效应。

  • Study of Synergetic Degradation and Decolorization of Azo Dye by Mixed Consortium

    混合菌群共培养对偶氮染料的 协同脱色及降解的研究

  • Under certain conditions the stability and robustness of the closed-loop system driven by the synergetic controller are detailed .

    分析 离散 协同控制下闭环系统的稳定性及一定条件下的鲁棒性。

  • Research on Synergetic Innovation System of Enterprises Based on Industrial Cluster Theory

    基于产业集群理论的企业 协同创新系统研究

  • When business and IT have a synergetic relationship where one can adapt and change with the needs of the other the business is said to be agile and flexible .

    当业务与IT具有 协同关系(其中一个可以适应另一个的需要而进行更改)时,则认为业务是敏捷和灵活的。