

[经] 债券

  • On Exploring the Puzzle of Pricing the floating-rate T-bond

    浮动利率 国债定价之谜的一种解说

  • Treasury-bond is one kind of main financial-assets of residents . When residents adjust their financial-asset structure the amount issued T-bond will be affected .

    国债是居民持有的重要金融资产,居民对其金融资产结构的调整会影响 国债的发行规模。

  • Analysis of trading cycle feature in China 's T-bond market

    关于我国 国债市场交易周期形态特点的分析

  • The volatility of SSE T-Bond Index is also researched on various time scales in this paper .

    然后,进一步研究不同时间尺度下上证 国债指数的波动性。

  • An average cycle which is about 20 days was discovered in the time series of SSE T-Bond Index .

    上证 国债指数存在一个易变性 变动的平均周期,约为20天。

  • China holds the world 's largest currency reserves enough to buy up the share prices in New York or sell down the yield curve of the T-bond .

    中国拥有世界最大的货币储备金,足以买下纽约所有的股价,或者降低 美国 长期 国库券的收率曲线。

  • Of course T-bond futures can be very volatile and can trade several tics in either direction in a matter of seconds .

    当然, 债券期货的波动很大,每秒钟会向任意方向波动几个基点。

  • Korean T-Bond Market Practice

    韩国 国债市场的运行 监管

  • Study the Price of the Floating Rate T-bond A Brief Analysis on Capital and Interest of State Treasury

    浮息 国债的定价研究 清代国家生息资本& 盐业

  • Comparing with the yield cure of the western developed countries the level and shape of the T-bond yield of China is normal .

    与发达国家相比,当前我国 国债收益率 曲线 无论 绝对水平还是形状都比较正常。

  • T-bond futures is a financial derivative that derives from Treasury bonds .


  • Certificate T-bond is a main instrument whereby the bank issues T-bonds on behalf of the state and the bank 's business offices issue T-bond receipts to the depositors purchasing the T-bonds .

    凭证 国债是银行代理国家发行国债的一种主要手段,储户购买国债时由银行营业网点签发国债收款凭证。