syntactic ambiguity

[sɪnˈtæktɪk ˌæmbɪˈɡjuɪti][sɪnˈtæktɪk ˌæmbɪˈgju:ɪti:]


  • English syntactic ambiguity is caused by unspecified head - modified relation improper ellipsis combinatory coordination and special syntactic functions of some words .

    修饰关系不明、比较结构的简略、并列成分、某些词的特殊句法功能等常引起英语 句法 歧义

  • This article first explains the difference between syntactic ambiguity and contextual ambiguity and then in four dimensions ( homophones funs weasels and implicatures ) expounds on the intentional ambiguity in literary works

    本文首先论述了 句法 歧义与语境歧义的不同点,接着从四个方面(同音词、双关、模糊语、言外之意)阐述了文学作品中的有意歧义

  • The Study of Syntactic Ambiguity

    句法 歧义研究

  • This paper explores the relationship between mental load induced by syntactic ambiguity and duration estimation by using syntactic ambiguity ( different meaning in the same sentence ) and the modification of the syntactic ambiguity ( different meaning in two sentences ) .

    本文通过句法歧义(同一句话不同义)及句法歧义的变式(两句话不同义)来考察 句法 歧义条件下引发的心理负荷与时距估计的关系。

  • How working memory ( WM ) constrains syntactic ambiguity resolution is one of the core and unresolved questions within the studies of language comprehension .

    言语工作记忆对 句法 歧义消解的影响,是语言理解研究的核心问题。

  • Garden path sentences are caused either by lexical ambiguity or syntactic ambiguity .

    花园小径句式的产生或是词汇歧义所致,或是由 句法 歧义带来。

  • Secondly it discusses the syntactic ambiguity and its models .

    其次,简单介绍了 句法 歧义及其加工模型;

  • Proficiency Constraints on the Processing of Syntactic Ambiguity for Chinese Learners of English

    英语水平对中国英语学习者理解英语 句法 歧义 的制约作用

  • English ambiguity in English linguistics includes lexical ambiguity syntactic ambiguity and semantic ambiguity which are mainly on context .

    英语语言学中的模糊语包括词汇模糊语, 句法 模糊 ,语义模糊语,主要体现在语境上。

  • Prosodic Resolution of Syntactic Ambiguity : From the Point of View of Speaker and Listener

    从讲话者和听话者两个角度看韵律的 句法

  • The results showed that : In the syntactic ambiguity situation the subsection of the syntactic ambiguity sentences results the events increment of recollection and thus will cause the duration estimation to be longer with retrospective judgment than with prospective judgment .

    结果发现:当有 句法 歧义 存在时,由于句法歧义分段效应,将使得回忆的事件数量增多,从而导致回溯式时间估计比预期式估计更长。

  • Significant interaction of semantic relevance and syntactic ambiguity was found in the disambiguation region in Experiment 2.The findings suggested that semantic relevance information and syntactic information significantly influenced the online sentence processing .

    实验2发现语义关联性与 句法 歧义性因素在解歧区产生了显著的交互作用。

  • About syntactic ambiguity we apply the theory of scale and category grammar which is fton ~ Systemic-Functional Grammar to analyze it according to metafunctions and ranks of lexeme-syntax structure .

    句法 歧义,文章利用系统功能语法关于语言的元功能和级阶理论进行了分析。

  • Sometimes the same linear order of constituents corresponds to more than one constituent structure which is the potential one of the causes of syntactic ambiguity .

    有时,同一个线性排列的句法成分对应多个层次结构,因而产生 句法 歧义

  • The Research on the Relationship between Mental Load Induced by Syntactic Ambiguity and Duration Estimation

    句法 歧义引发的心理负荷对时距估计的影响

  • It can be a great help in teaching communication for us to analyze and study English syntactic ambiguity .

    分析和研究英语 句法 歧义能给教学、交际等带来较大的帮助。

  • Experiment 1 explores the relationship between mental load and duration estimation under the syntactic ambiguity situation .

    实验一考察 句法 歧义 条件下,心理负荷与时距估计的关系。

  • An Analysis of Syntactic Ambiguity from the Perspective of Functional Grammar ;

    从功能语法学角度分析 句法 歧义 成因(英文)

  • A Cognitive-context-based Study of English Syntactic Ambiguity

    认知语境参照下的英语 句法 歧义研究

  • Implication of Local Syntactic Ambiguity and Anaphoric Expressions in English Discourse

    英语话语理解中的 歧义与指代内涵

  • The implication of English syntactic ambiguity anaphors and elipses are research points of modern linguistics in that it remains a sticky problem of English acquisition as a foreign language .

    英语 句法 结构 歧义和指代与省略的内涵是语音学研究的内容之一,也是英语作为外语学习中的一大难题。

  • On Generality and Speciality of Syntactic Ambiguity in English and Chinese Language The Generality and Reflection on Value of Euphemism in Chinese and English

    英汉 句法 歧义共性与个性探析英汉委婉语的共性及价值映射

  • There is ambiguity phenomenon in natural language and syntactic ambiguity is one type of ambiguity .

    歧义普遍存在于自然语言中, 句法 歧义是歧义的一种。

  • At the same time reading syntactic ambiguity sentence will take on more cognition resources and will have high mental load which correlates to the syntactic ambiguity and the estimation paradigm .

    同时, 歧义句阅读将占用更多的认知资源,产生较高的心理负荷,这种心理负荷与句法歧义和估计范式都有关系。

  • But in the none syntactic ambiguity situation according to attention theory prospective judgment make subjects hold the attention on the time which causes the duration estimation to be longer with prospective judgment than with retrospective judgment .

    而当没有 句法 歧义 存在时,根据注意理论,在预期式时间估计时会对时间保有持续的注意,使得其时间估计比回溯式时间估计更长。

  • Syntactic ambiguity contrast in English and Chinese can greatly facilitate language teaching communication and translation .

    英汉 句法 歧义的对比与研究给教学、交际、翻译等都会带来较大帮助。

  • Experiment 2 makes an improvement on the basis of Experiment 1 using sentence recognition paradigm to induce higher mental load to explore the relationship during the situation on the modification of the syntactic ambiguity .

    实验二改良实验一,引用句子再认范式以引发更高的心理负荷,考察 句法 歧义变式条件下,心理负荷与时距 估计的关系。

  • So does language . There is ambiguity on each level that is syntactic ambiguity semantic ambiguity and pragmatic ambiguity .

    而每个层次都存在歧义,即有 语法 歧义,语义歧义和语用歧义。

  • An analysis of the English syntactic ambiguity

    英语 句法 歧义分析

  • Syntactic Ambiguity Contrast in English and Ch in ese

    英汉 句法 歧义 结构对比