

[医] 同基因的,同质的,先天的

  • In conclusion ligustrazine enhances CD31 expression in bone marrow cells after syngenic bone marrow transplantation of mice which may be related to the mechanisms underlying the ligustrazine accelerating hematopoietic reconstitution in syngeneic bone marrow transplantation .

    结论:川芎嗪可以 明显 促进骨髓移植后骨髓有核细胞 表面 黏附分子CD31的表达水平,这可能是其促进造血重建的作用机制 之一

  • Anti-anti-idiotypic Antibodies Induced by Anti-idiotypic Antibodies to Anti-HBc in Syngenic Mice

    用抗-(抗HBc)抗体在 同系小鼠中诱导抗-抗Id抗体

  • Study on orthotopic uterine transplantation in syngenic rat


  • Syngenic normal pig serum and heat-inactivated serum were not cytotoxic .


  • Detection of Anti-idiotypic Antibody Produced in Syngenic Mouse by HRP-SpA

    酶标SpA法在检测小鼠 同系抗独特型中的应用

  • Objective To explore the effect of Ligustrazine on expression of stem cell factor in syngenic bone marrow transplantation ( BMT ) mice .

    目的探讨川芎嗪 促进骨髓移植后小鼠骨髓中干细胞因子表达的作用。

  • Syngenic or isogenic cells are isolated from genetically identical organisms such as twins clones or highly inbred research animal models .


  • The study of invasive properties of murine uterine cervix carcinoma u_ ( 14 ) and its syngenic variants

    小鼠宫颈癌腹水瘤U(14)及其 株侵袭特性的初步研究

  • Cyclosporin A Induced Graft-Versus-Host Diseases in Syngenic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation


  • Effects of Platelet Factor 4 on Hematopoietic Reconstruction of Syngenic Bone Marrow Transplantation Mice

    血小板第4因子对 基因骨髓移植小鼠造血重建的影响

  • Female C57BL / 6J mice were immunized by intrasplenic embedding pieces of testis tissues from syngenic males . The splenocytes from 3 mice producing high immune response were fused with SP2 / 0 cells .

    采用C57BL/6J雄鼠睾丸组织脾内埋植免疫 同系 选择免疫应答 最强的3只鼠,取其脾细胞与SP2/0细胞融合。

  • At 1 ~ 2 days after syngenic islet transplantation blood glucose level of diabetic rats fell under 200mg / dl .


  • Observation on Tumor Invasion in Vivo after Subcapsular Transplantation of Mouse Forestomach Carcinoma into Syngenic Mouse Kidney

    小鼠肾 包膜囊下移植肿瘤组织的体内侵袭

  • Anti-tumor Effect of Locally Injected Superantigen on Bladder Cancers Implant in Syngenic Mice

    局部注射超抗原对小鼠膀胱癌 癌效应的研究

  • After transplantation of cells transfected with α FGF into the hearts of adult syngenic mice the expression of α FGF in vivo and its angiogenic effect in host myocardium were studied .

    将转染细胞 植入 同种 鼠心肌, 检测αFGF在体内的表达及受体心肌的血管生成。

  • Studies of monoclonal antibodies to syngenic mouse leukaemia ascitic clone cells
