synchronous detect

[ˈsɪŋkrənəs dɪˈtɛkt][ˈsɪŋkrənəs diˈtekt]

[计] 同步检测

  • In the high-performance control system of permanent magnet synchronous motor the rotor position and speed are essential feedback usually the mechanical sensors ( such as optical encoder and resolver ) are needed to detect the information of rotor position and speed .

    在高性能的永磁 同步电机控制系统中,转子位置和转速是必不可少的反馈量,通常情况下需要安装机械传感器(如光电编码器、旋转变压器)来 检测转子位置和转速信息。

  • This paper has mostly studied the six-phase permanent magnetism synchronous motor And we have studied how to detect the electric and analyse faults in motor interior and drive circuits . Wavelet transform was adopted to study and simulate in MATLAB / Simulink .

    本文以六相永磁 同步电动机为研究对象,进行了电动机本体、驱动电路的设计以及电气故障的 检测、分析以及排故等研究,采用小波变换方法在MATLAB/Simulink环境下进行了仿真分析。

  • Generally speaking in the PMSM ( Permanent-magnet synchronous motors ) control system mechanical sensor on the rotor shaft is required to detect the position and speed of the rotor .

    一般来说,在 电动机调速控制系统中需要在转子轴上安装机械传感器, 测量电动机的速度和位置。

  • Synchronous On-line Detect of Welding Process Parameters and Molten Droplet Images in GMAW-P

    脉冲GMAW焊接电参数波形及熔滴过渡图像的 同步在线 检测

  • As to the problem of sub synchronous resonance ( SSR ) in thyristor controlled series compensation ( TCSC ) circuit a method to real time detect and suppress sub harmonic has been put forward .

    针对晶闸管控制的串联补偿电路(TCSC)的次 同步谐振(SSR)问题,提出了一种可实时 检测次同步谐振,并对其加以抑制的方法。

  • In the distributed multi-sensor data fusion system the tracks that the fusion center gets are not always synchronous for the sensors detect the track at different rates and different communication delays .

    在分布式多传感器数据融合系统中,由于每个 传感器的采样周期不同以及具有不同的通信延迟,导致送入融合中心的局部航迹往往不是 同步的。

  • This paper discussed some issues about DAO 's synchronous replica and proposed the method of how to detect and eliminate data conflict by programming .

    本文基于VB讨论了DAO中 同步复制的若干问题,并提出了数据冲突的 检测与消除的编程解决方法,进一步完善了基于Jet型数据库DAO的功能。

  • Using DWT instead of traditional low-pass filter which not only can achieve the real synchronous wave detection of voltage flicker but also can detect the time frequency and amplitude of the signal .

    用小波子带滤波器代替传统的低通滤波器,不仅能够对电压 变信号进行不失真的包络检测,且能够 检测 电压闪变信号发生的时间、频率以及幅值。