


  • The pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels ; results from the systole of the left ventricle of the heart .

    循环着的血液对血管壁压力;是由心脏的左心室 收缩 引起的。

  • During the period of systole left ventricular wall has different degrees of thickness at different material point ;

    收缩期,左心室心壁不同部位有着不同程度的增厚: 心底 心中向着心尖 位移,心尖 位移最小,基本不动,自由壁向着室间隔位移;

  • In some specific systole controls a cost diastolic pressure is lower pressing of arteries and veins is bigger cardiovascular ill risk is bigger .

    在某一特定 收缩压值,舒张压越低,脉压越大,心血管病危险越大。

  • The results of echocardiography showed that systole and diastolic function of the heart were weak .

    心脏超声均 提示 心脏 收缩舒张功能减退。

  • Methods Mitral regurgitation during systole were analysed retrospectively in patients with left ventricular dysfunction .

    方法回顾分析 25例左室 收缩功能不全患者的 收缩期二尖瓣反流情况。

  • Intensity of radio signal also had this variation between in diastole and in systole .

    心脏 心肌射频信号强度 收缩期和舒张期之间也存在这种差异。

  • The pressure of lateral wall was higher than the pressure of medial wall during systole .

    整个 收缩期过程中,外侧壁的压力明显地高于内侧壁的压力;

  • Clinical Observation on Treatment of 68 Cases of Refractory Ventricular Premature Systole by Oral Amiodarone

    口服胺碘酮治疗难治性室性期前 收缩68例临床观察

  • The width of visual segment in the systole of the right coronary was bigger than that in the diastole .

    右冠状动脉在 收缩期可视段宽度比舒张期长;

  • Method for Measuring Different Phases of Left Ventricular Systole Period with Ultrasonic Doppler and Synchronism Electrocardiogram in Normal Persons

    多普勒超声与同步心电图测定正常人左室 收缩期时相的方法 研究

  • Study on variety of blood flow velocity of common carotid artery during systole

    颈总动脉 收缩期 峰值血流速度变异的探讨

  • Compare the decline in blood flow velocities and its recovery time before and after Trousseau 's test in vertebral waveform with or without notch at systole .

    通过对椎动脉 收缩期切迹组与无切迹组做束臂试验,比较束臂前后 收缩期血流速度下降幅度及流速自下降 恢复的时间。

  • Tic is show a muscle or a group of muscle are fast the systole that reduplicative clonicity or rigidity sex do not suffer consciousness to control .

    抽搐是指一块肌肉或一组肌肉快速的、重复的阵挛性或强直性不受意识支配的 收缩

  • DV Doppler waveform of this dextrocardia fetus showed a nearly ab - sent atrial systole wave .

    右位心胎儿DV多普勒血流波形的心房 收缩波近缺失。

  • Conclusion : these finding suggest that the systole diastolic performances became stronger and coronary flow increased and that the heart rate became slower after Equisetum Hiemale ltreatment .

    结论:木贼有增强心脏 收缩与舒张功能,有增加冠脉流量和减慢心率的作用。

  • Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of amiodarone on refractory ventricular premature systole and its safe .

    目的评价口服胺碘酮治疗难治性室性期前 收缩的疗效和安全性。

  • Only Systole Peak Velocity was different in TBI and control and TBI groups .

    TBI与对照组 收缩峰流速外均 明显差异;

  • Conclusion : Xinshuaining Pill can improve the systole and diastole function in chronic heart failure model of dogs .

    结论心衰宁丸可改善慢性心衰模型犬的 心脏 收缩和舒张功能。

  • In ≥ patient of 60 years old systole pressing and danger show positive to close diastolic pressure and danger show negative to close .

    在≥60岁的病人, 收缩压和危险呈正相关,舒张压和危险呈负相关。

  • With CPA-2 cardiovascular analyzer the cardiac systole function cardiac diastole function left ventricular time interval and vascular function have been detected .

    方法··:利用CPA-2分析仪,对心脏 收缩功能、舒张功能、左室收缩时间间期和血管功能等内容进行了检测。

  • Systole presses heighten diastolic pressure drops pressing of arteries and veins also increases accordingly .


  • TFC also could markedly decrease intracellular free Ca 2 + of resting phase and systole phase in myocardia cells .

    结论广枣总黄酮对心肌细胞ICa无显著影响,可显著抑制瞬时外向钾通道Ito,并可明显降低心肌细胞 收缩期和静息期细胞Ca2+]i浓度。

  • Relating to causing or regulating constriction or dilation of blood vessels . In some specific systole controls a cost diastolic pressure is lower pressing of arteries and veins is bigger cardiovascular ill risk is bigger .

    血管舒缩的,影响血管舒缩的与血管的缩小或扩张有关的,导致或控制血管缩小或扩张的在某一特定 收缩压值,舒张压越低,脉压越大,心血管病危险越大。

  • Effect observation of nursing intervention to ease the postpartum pains of uterus systole caused from intravenous drip of oxytocin after obstetrics finish dilatation and curettage of uterus

    护理干预减轻剖宫产后 病人静脉滴注缩宫素致 宫缩痛的效果观察卡贝缩宫素在子宫肌瘤切除术中的应用

  • MATERIALS AND METHODS : CK technique was used to detect the left ventricular wall motion in 25 cases of DCM and 30 normal subjects . The color displacement in the systole and diastole were measured .

    材料和方法:应用CK技术观察25例DCM和30例正常人的左室壁运动状况,测量左室 舒张期 收缩期彩色位移 幅度并进行对照分析。

  • Objective Doppler tissue imaging ( DTI ) was used in diabetic patients to evaluate the influence of hyperglycemia to the structure systole and diastole function of left ventricular .

    目的应用多普勒组织显像技术评价高血糖对糖尿病患者左室 收缩、舒张功能及结构的影响。

  • Cardiac electromechanical systole plate for chronograph mechanism

    心脏电机械 收缩时间