systematic tree

[ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk tri][ˌsistəˈmætik tri:]


  • This thesis has put forward a set of system index model method of organism variety selection by using the theory and ideology of systematic engineering and took the variety selection of fruit tree as an example of its application .

    本文运用 系统工程的理论和方法,以 果树品种为例,提出一套生物品种选优的系统指数模型法。

  • Because the constructing machine groups possess the characters of dispersing equipments fixing roles and flowing work so we establish a systematic structure which is a layered-distributed tree structure .

    根据路面施工机群存在的设备分散、角色固定、多机种流水作业的特点,确立了面向公路施工的多智能体机群的 分层& 分布式 树状 体系结构。

  • By the analysis of systematic structure and fault mode the systematic fault tree model of the structure is established with qualitative and with fuzzy quantitative analysis about it and the new method of quantitative fuzzy analysis of fault tree is put forward .

    通过系统结构和失效模式的分析,构造了 系统故障 模型,并对其进行了定性分析和定量模糊分析,提出了故障树模糊定量分析的新方法。

  • Tree of Decision is a kind of analyzing tool used to solve the problems of risk 's decision . In detail it is a systematic method using tree derivation to analyze and select action scheme .

    决策树是用来解决风险型决策问题时使用的一种分析工具,具体是用 树形 来分析和选择行动方案的一种 系统分析方法。

  • Based on the demand analysis of the system this paper raises the integral goals the systematic holistic structure functional model tree of the system .

    本文在总结系统需求分析的基础上,提出 系统的总体目标,系统的运行体系结构、 系统总体结构、功能模型

  • As a powerful and systematic tool fault tree analysis has been adopted to the particular need of process quantitative risk analysis and got comprehensive honor .

    作为一种强有力的并且是 系统 的工具,故障 分析已经被应用于满足过程定性定量风险分析的需求,并且获得了广泛的赞誉。

  • This taxon possibly was a basal clade in systematic tree of angiosperm diverged earlier than the divarication between Dicotyledon and Monocotyledon .

    因此,莲属是一个非常独特的、原始的植物类群,应该单独成科并立目,并且可能是被子植物 系统 基部的一个在双子叶植物与单子叶植物分化之前就分开的进化分枝。

  • Wenyoni in terms of systematic evolution the 16S rRNA gene of E. wenyoni was amplified by PCR and the amplified product was sequenced after clone the phylogenetic tree was constructed and discussed .

    wenyoni16SRRNA基因进行了扩增,对扩增产物进行克隆和测序,构建系统发育 并进行分析,目的在于从 系统进化角度探讨E。

  • Integrated environmental factors should be applied to the study on nutrient diagnosis carrying out systematic fixed location trials and working out rational fertilization schemes for various tree species .

    应用综合环境因子来研究营养诊断,开展 系统定位试验,制定按 树种的合理施肥方案。

  • In this paper based on fundamental acoustic principles a systematic study of tree belts ' noise-reducing effect mechanism quantification and design were executed .

    为此,本文从声学基本原理出发,对林带声衰减效果、林带声衰减机理、林带声衰减量、 林带降噪设计进行 系统的研究。

  • From the angle of systematic analysis the casting defects are regarded as systematic faults and are diagnosed and forecasted by the fault tree analysis ( FTA ) method .

    从系统分析角度,将铸件视为 系统故障,进行铸件缺陷预报和诊断的 FTA分析。

  • UPGMA is taken to calculate the genetic distance within and between populations . Systematic tree is constructed .

    应用UPGMA法计算了种群内和种群间的遗传距离,并构建了 系统

  • The systematic reason studies of the fire disasters on train magnificent analysis of the passenger train accidents with the model of success-lose tree putting forward to the forecast measures .

    利用 系统工程学理论, 系统研究列车火灾事故发生的原因,利用成败 模型宏观分析旅客列车安全,并分别从软件和硬件上提出了预防旅客列车火灾事故的对策措施。

  • It showed that Zygophyllum has high genetic diversity . Molecular systematic tree constructed with UPGMA indicated that the results of clustering analysis based on RAPD was consistent with those based on traditional methods which indicated that RAPD molecular marker could be used for genetic relationship researches on Zygophyllum .

    利用UPGMA构建了分子 系统 ,结果表明RAPD分析的亲缘关系聚类基本上与经典分类相一致,表明RAPD技术适用于驼蹄瓣属植物亲缘关系的研究。

  • Furthermore we have advanced a sort of improving decision tree systematic algorithm-decision tree algorithm based on discrete degree . The algorithm not only improve right ratio to assort but it is also very effective .

    然后,我们还提出了一种改进的决策树 分类算法&基于离散度的决策 算法,利用该算法挖掘分类规则,不仅提高了分类的正确率,而且非常高效。

  • Set pair analysis is a systematic analysis method which makes study on same different opposite quantity analysis In this paper the method is applied for the selection of associated tree species The conclusion from the example shows the method suits for practical production

    集对分析是对 系统作同异反定量分析研究时的一种方法,将该方法用于伴生 树种选择,实例表明应用该方法分析所得的结论与生产实践是基本吻合的

  • To be systematic I 'm going to build this tree depth-first left-first .

    为了保持 系统 ,我将要把这 设置,为深度优先和左边优先。