

n.研讨会专题讨论会座谈会,评论集讨论会( symposium的名词复数 )小型讨论会

  • The2012 Keystone Symposia meeting on HIV Vaccines will focus on basic aspects of immunology and HIV-1 virology to highlight issues that challenge the field .

    2012年拱心石艾滋病毒疫苗的 专题 讨论 会议将侧重于基本的免疫学和HIV-1病毒学方面的突出问题,挑战该领域。

  • The conference offers a variety of symposia plenaries workshops posters and consultative sessions with ADHD experts .

    会议提供的各种 专题 讨论 ,全体会议,研讨会,海报和与多动症专家咨询会。

  • The paper mainly outlines the seven symposia under the auspices of the Seismological Society of China and deals separately with the sponsor units date place main purpose and results of each symposium .

    本文主要概述了中国地震学会主持召开的7 学术 会议,并分别介绍了每次会议的主办单位、时间、地点、主要宗旨以及效果等。

  • General account of academic symposia sponsored by the Geophysical Society of China in1988 .

    中国地球物理学会1988年学术 会议 活动 概况

  • He said ancient Athenians may have honed the art of flirtation at drinking parties known as symposia drinking parties where men flirted with dancing girls among other entertainment .

    他说古雅典人的调情技巧可能是在一种名为 会饮的酒会上磨练出来的。在会饮中,男士跟跳舞的女士调情,作为一种娱乐消遣的方式。

  • There will also be a rich variety of symposia roundtable discussions lectures and workshops .

    将会有种类丰富的 座谈 、圆桌会议、讲座以及研讨会。

  • This series of MYR symposia ( New Delhi Kyoto Beijing ) is an excellent example of that type of program .

    这一系列最高产量研究 会议(新德里、京都、北京)是这类计划的一种好例子。

  • Unlike most meetings on stem cells the Keystone Symposia meeting on The Life of a Stem Cell : From Birth to Death focuses on stem cells within the context of the organism .

    不同的干细胞,一个干细胞的生命的基石, 专题 讨论 会议的大部分会议:从出生到死亡的重点在干细胞的有机体中。

  • We will be organizing many other internet symposia in the future and we look forward to seeing you then !

    我们今后将组织更多的在线 论坛,并期待着与您再次 相聚

  • The book ' s1 anniversary is being celebrated in Japan with lectures symposia plays conferences and concerts .

    在日本,人们用演讲, 座谈 ,戏剧,讨论会和音乐会的方式来纪念该书诞辰1000周年。

  • Staff from the Intellectual Property Department regularly participate in international and regional intellectual property symposia and conferences to keep abreast of international developments .

    知识产权署定期派员出席国际及地区知识产权 研讨会和会议,使能与知识产权的国际发展同步迈进。

  • The symposia and workshops of the IASPEI General Assembly dealt with extensive problems on studies of seismology and physics of the earth 's interior including : earthquake prediction ;

    本届 IASPEI大会的学术报告涉及广泛的地震学和地球内部物理学研究的问题,内容包括:地震预测;

  • Participants may adopt varied and different means of expression including exhibitions events symposia and forums .

    参展方可采用的表现手段是各式各样的,包括展示、 文娱活动和 学术 讨论等等。

  • Regional Symposia on the International Decade on Natural Disaster Reduction

    国际减少自然灾害十年区域 专题 讨论

  • On January 7th Lynch lectures at the meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America on the types of cups used at symposia over the centuries and how they give us clues to what was going on in Greece at particular times .

    一月七日,在美国考古学院的会议上,林奇教授做了一次讲座,内容是关于几世纪以来 座谈 上使用的杯子种类以及它们是如何将希腊特定时期重要事件的线索告诉我们的。

  • Altogether there were ten symposia convened by the Seismological Society of China in 1986 of which three were jointly sponsored with related fraternal societies and units and 797 papers were read at these meetings .

    中国地震学会1986年共召开了10 学术 会议,其中3次是与有关兄弟学会和单位联合举办的,共宣读学术论文797篇。

  • During the Ministerial Meeting the Secretariat also offers assistance to convene symposia and provides daily briefs for NGOs .

    会议期间,秘书处提供便利为非政府组织召开 专项 研讨会,提供简报 等,与非政府组织进行沟通。

  • We welcome papers and symposia in the disciplinary areas of Organizational Behavior Human Resource Management Strategy Organization Theory as well as International and Cross-Cultural Management .

    我们欢迎来自组织行为、人力资源管理、战略管理、组织理论、以及国际和跨文化管理等领域的论文与 专题 讨论 稿件

  • They have held many Symposia on animal-welfare issues .

    他们举办了多次研究动物保护问题的 讨论

  • Regional Symposia on Equality of Opportunity and Treatment in Employment in Europe

    欧洲区域就业机会和待遇平等 座谈

  • Past OASIS symposia have typically given a peek at some important standards efforts to come so hopefully this will be no different .

    过去的OASIS 研讨会一般会对一些即将到来的重要标准成果进行一次概览,因此期望这一次也能如此。

  • Committee for European Marine Biological Symposia

    欧洲海洋生物 专题 讨论 委员会

  • The symposia were held in various places in China but usually alternated between north and south .

    这些 学术 讨论 一般在中国各地举行,但通常是交替地在南北两地举行。

  • Both Malaysian and Australian researchers will be presenting their past and current research projects in various symposia .

    马来西亚和澳大利亚研究者都将出席各个 座谈 的研究项目。

  • Information is communicated and disseminated through symposia lectures scientific exhibitions poster and platform presentations .

    通过 座谈 、演讲、科学展览、海报和展示平台沟通和传播这些信息。

  • Regional Symposia on industrial development ;

    区域工业发展 座谈

  • Since 1961 six national Symposia on karstology have been held in China . Now karst is researched in combination with many other sciences .


  • Consequently macrophage biology will be a major focus of the Keystone Symposia meeting on Molecular Basis of Vascular Inflammation and Atherosclerosis .

    因此,巨噬细胞生物学的主要焦点将是一个梯形 专题 讨论 会议上的血管炎和动脉粥样硬化的分子基础的。

  • Over the years the Committee on Scientific Program has produced outstanding up-to-date sessions and symposia .

    多年以来,委员和科学程序已经有了杰出的最新的会议和 座谈