
[ˌsɪmtəˈmætɪk, ˌsɪmp-][ˌsɪmptəˈmætɪk]


  • Epilepsy with a known cause is called secondary epilepsy or symptomatic epilepsy .

    具有已知病因的癫痫称作继发性癫痫或者称作 症状 癫痫。

  • Any symptomatic vaginal discharge should be evaluated to ensure proper treatment .

    任何 症状阴道分泌物应进行评估,以确保适当的治疗。

  • We found evidence he 's almost certainly symptomatic .

    我们找到他 症状的迹象了。

  • That a solution to one problem begets another problem is symptomatic of China today .

    中国当前的 症状是,解决一个问题的办法却又引出了另一个问题。

  • The city 's problems are symptomatic of the crisis that is spreading throughout the country .

    该市的问题是正在全国蔓延的危机的 征兆 显现

  • Progression of symptomatic intracranial large artery atherosclerosis is associated with a proinflammatory state and impaired fibrinolysis .


  • These problems are symptomatic of three basic flaws in the current approach to the crisis .

    这些问题 反映了当前应对危机方式的三个基本缺陷。

  • Over a6-month period patients were monitored for both symptomatic and asymptomatic episodes of atrial fibrillation .

    在6个月期间,检测患者的 症状 和非症状性房颤。

  • Zanamivir remains a treatment option in symptomatic patients with severe or deteriorating illness due to oseltamivir-resistant virus .

    所以,如果患者由于受到对奥司他韦具有耐药性病毒的感染而病情严重或 症状恶化,仍可采用扎那米韦对其进行治疗。

  • Additional analysis was performed for twenty-four patients with twenty-five limbs that required excision of symptomatic lesions .

    并且对其中的需要 典型病灶切除的24名患者的25个肢体进行了额外的分析。

  • Patients with the non-pneumonic form of infection do not require any antibiotic treatment and the symptomatic approach is sufficient .

    非肺炎型感染患者不需要任何抗生素治疗, 对症 治疗就已足够。

  • Scientists in Finland found that the drug galanthamine provides an effective symptomatic treatment for patients with dementia .

    芬兰科学家们发现加兰他敏药物可以对老年性痴呆患者提供有效的 对症治疗。

  • Meanwhile surgical AF ablation is indicated for symptomatic AF patients undergoing other cardiac surgery ;

    同时,外科房颤消融适用于经历过其他心脏手术的 症状 房颤病人;

  • The treatment of skin lesions is symptomatic .

    皮肤病变的治疗都是 对症的。

  • Most patients with symptomatic metastatic disease are treated with systemic hormone therapy or chemotherapy .

    大多数 全身转移性疾病的病人用全身性激素治疗或化疗。

  • The chief complaint in all patients with symptomatic pseudarthrosis was pain .

    假关节形成的最主要的 主诉是疼痛。

  • However it is symptomatic of more serious problems .

    然而,它是一些更严重问题的 征兆

  • For example 10-40 % of women with untreated chlamydial infection develop symptomatic pelvic inflammatory disease .

    在沙眼衣原体感染未得到治疗的女性中,有10-40%的人发展为 症状 盆腔炎症。

  • Objective : to investigate the application of angioplasty and stenting in the treatment of Symptomatic middle cerebral artery stenosis .

    目的:研究血管内支架成型术在治疗 症状 大脑中动脉狭窄的应用。

  • Conclusions & Symptomatic carotid lesions remodel into more stable plaques over time after stroke .

    结论:在中风后一段时间, 症状的颈动脉损害重塑为更稳定的斑块。

  • Drug use in sport is also symptomatic of the wider problem of drug use in today 's world .

    体育中使用 兴奋剂是当今世界药物使用问题的一个明显的 表现

  • When symptomatic due to urinary tract infection or flank pain the standard surgical treatment is upper pole heminephrectomy .

    患者如存在泌尿系感染或侧腹疼痛导致的 症状可行上肾肾部分切除术的规范外科治疗。

  • Are many factors that can cause insomnia so treatment of insomnia to ascertain the cause of symptomatic treatment .

    很多种因素可以引起失眠,所以治疗失眠要查明原因, 对症治疗。

  • This is symptomatic of the general movement for women 's rights .


  • The patients had been identified as surgical candidates based on symptomatic response with temporary placement of an airway stent .

    根据对临时放置的气道支架的 症状反应来确定患者是否行手术治疗。

  • Ganciclovir is effective in the treatment of symptomatic CMV infection .

    更昔洛韦治疗 症状 CMV感染效果较好。

  • Measurement : Prospectively diagnosed and confirmed symptomatic deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism .

    测量指标――预期诊断和被证实为 症状的深部静脉血栓形成或者肺栓塞。

  • However symptomatic eosinophilic peritonitis can benefit from short courses of therapy with steroids or antihistamine .


  • Objective : To evaluate the value of uterine artery embolization ( UAE ) for symptomatic hysteromyoma .

    目的观察子宫动脉栓塞治疗 症状 子宫肌瘤的临床效果。

  • Treatment can be contractions agents anti-infective agents to stop bleeding and symptomatic treatment based on etiology acute severe bleeding is feasible with hysterectomy .

    处理上可采用宫缩剂,止血剂及抗感染,并根据病因 对症治疗,对急性严重出血者可行子宫切除术。