


  • Sector shares tanked losing a large chunk of their value in just a few weeks .

    投行 价格 一泻千里,短短几周内市值大幅 缩水

  • We got really tanked up on whisky and beer .

    我们喝威士忌和啤酒 喝醉了。

  • You get tanked at the wrong party .

    你在不该去的舞会上 灌醉了。

  • SOME young drivers get tanked up and wrap their cars round lampposts ;

    一些年轻人醉酒后驾车,撞上路 灯柱,车子被破坏 将路灯柱都包住了;

  • They get all tanked up throw a quick fist .

    他们 喝醉拳很快。

  • Embarrassing emails with his paramour surfaced his wife moved out and his approval ratings tanked .

    使他的情妇难堪的短信频频浮现,妻子从家里搬走,对他的支持率 直线 下降

  • He never tanked never ducked a commitment and struck every ball with serious intent .

    他从来都不会 喝醉,从来都不会逃避任何义务。他一直以坚定的信念拍 每一个球。

  • Shanghai stock brokerages went bankrupt after promising returns on stocks that tanked .

    上海的 券商在经历了高额回报之后 大多破产了。

  • He wrote the screenplay for The Promise a big budget film which tanked at the box office .

    他为电影《 写了剧本&《 是一部大投资的电影, 但是票房 惨败

  • The agency also claims he did not tell other investors that Mr Paulson was betting that the CDO would default when the subprime market tanked a position that ultimately earned Mr Paulson $ 1bn .

    交会还指称, 托雷也没有向其他投资者透露,保尔森下的注是:一旦次贷市场 问题,这款CDO产品将出现违约。正是这一立场最终让保尔森赚得10亿美元。

  • The bottom fell out of the market when the economy tanked last fall .

    当去年秋季经济 之后 价格 底线 最终 退出市场。

  • As markets tanked last month Ping An Insurance unveiled plans to raise up to $ 20bn through an issue of new shares and convertibles .

    在上月 中国 内地股市 跳水 ,平安保险(PingAnInsurance)宣布了通过增发新股和可转换债券筹资至多200亿美元的计划。

  • Study on rapid melt technique of fat and oll tanked with ring heating system


  • Before the year was out PCCW 's shares had tanked from a peak of HK $ 131.75 ( adjusted for stock consolidation ) to under HK $ 30 and for the past four years have mostly been trading below HK $ 5 .

    那一年还没有结束,电讯盈科股价已从 131.75港元的最高点(经股票合并调整后)跌至30港元以下,而且过去4年多数时间都低于5港元。

  • True in the short term earnings have suffered and share prices have tanked .

    诚然,短期内这影响了公司盈利,并 大大 压低了股价。

  • We tanked up at the filling station .

    我们在加油站 汽车 加满

  • This is a stark contrast from only a few years ago . In 2011 customers revolted as the company raised prices and announced plans to spin off the DVD-by-mail business . Netflix stock tanked as 800 subscribers fled .

    2011年,Netflix提高服务价格,并宣布将取消DVD邮寄业务,此举引发消费者强烈反弹,多达80万用户相继逃离,Netflix的股价 应声暴跌。

  • They tanked up fresh water and took down many coconuts .

    他们 了淡水,摘了许多椰子。

  • If only Lehman had been saved and the stock market had not tanked Michael Jackson would not have needed to commit to those 50 comeback gigs in London .

    如果当初救了雷曼,股市也没有 一泻千里,那么迈克尔杰克逊(MichaelJackson)就没有必要答应在伦敦开50场复出演唱会。

  • It goes like this : the stock has tanked on her watch shaming PepsiCo in comparison with the eternal enemy Coca-Cola ( KO ) which has soared ( see the new coke ) .

    他们是这么说的:她在任 期间公司股票表现 糟糕,这让公司在劲敌可口可乐公司(CocaCola)面前蒙羞,因为后者股价大幅飙升(参见“新可口可乐” 一文)。

  • While China and India grew strongly and Brazil barely lost ground the Mexican economy tanked shrinking by almost 7 per cent .

    在中国和印度实现强劲增长、巴西经济仅 下滑 际,墨西哥经济却 遭受 重创,萎缩了近7%。

  • By the time I got to the party Patrick and Delia were completely tanked up .

    我到聚会时,帕特里克和迪莉亚已 酩酊大醉

  • The economy tanked . The recession lasted 30 months . Wall Street lost over $ 8 trillion of our retirement money .

    经济 下滑,衰退持续了30个月,华尔街把我们的退休金 拿去亏了超过八万亿美元。