talk up

[tɔk ʌp][tɔ:k ʌp]


  • From one perspective his enthusiasm is hardly surprising : he has pinpointed this area as Google 's next big market and has plenty of reason to talk up the prospects .

    从某种角度而言,他的这种热情没什么值得惊讶的:他已瞄准这个领域,将其作为谷歌的下一个大市场,而且有很多理由 畅谈未来的前景。

  • Hu apparently felt it was worth having Apple Talk lark up at these conferences .

    胡显然认为苹果在会议 讨论Lark是大有裨益的。

  • You couldn 't talk her up to27 cent ?

    你就不能 到两毛七吗?

  • Not only will kitchen small talk free up your mind for a few minutes but it will also help you build positive relationships around the office .

    一段茶水间里的小 对话不仅可以 放松你的身心,而且能够促进你和办公室里同事的关系。

  • Ms Merkel faces domestic political pressure to talk up the credibility that comes with persuading markets that governments will stick to the rules of the growth and stability pact .

    默克尔面临国内政治压力,要求 推崇可信度,这种可信度源自说服市场相信:各国政府将坚守《增长与稳定公约》的规则。

  • Attempts to talk up the US dollar have been unsuccessful because the markets do not believe interest rates will be raised in the face of a troubling economic outlook .

    美国政府 力挺美元的尝试已告失败,因为市场认为,在经济前景堪忧的形势下,美元利率不会上调。

  • Analysts talk up this idea of the byod ( bring your own device ) to work but the reality is that for major corporations with global reach managing the smartphone flavor of the month is still incredibly challenging .

    分析师们大 BYOD(带 自己的设备)去上班这一理念,但现实情况是,对于那些全球性的大公司而言,管理风靡一时的智能手机仍极具挑战性。

  • U.S.boss Templin came to New York to talk up Lexus last week and if he felt uncomfortable about the shortcomings of its emotional intelligence he didn 't show it .

    上周雷克萨斯美国公司的老板 马克•坦普林来到纽约接受访问。不知道公司品牌情商较低这个事实是否让他觉得有些尴尬,反正他没有表现出来。

  • The teacher asked the students to talk up .

    老师叫学生 清楚

  • Don 't hesitate to talk up if you think you are right .

    如果你认为你是对的,就不要犹豫, 爽爽 快快

  • The teacher asked the student to talk up .

    老师叫那个学生 大声 清楚

  • Humphrey 's talk stirred up even more controversy .

    Humphrey的 谈话甚至 激起 更激烈的辩论。

  • Talk it UP Every time you pick Up the phone stand up and walk around .

    每次 聊天,你拿起电话,站立 起来并且徘徊。

  • He is afraid to talk up when he disagrees with the teacher .

    他不同意老师的意见时,不敢 直说

  • Let 's talk up the game and get a big crowd .

    咱们 这场比赛大肆 宣扬 一下,以便吸引更多的观众。

  • Are you looking at may be running a marathon but your scared of the distance you may have seen so many people fail or just talk it up but never do the run .

    您是否正在考虑跑一个马拉松,但是又对这个距离感到恐惧,您可能看到许多人败下阵来,或只是 谈论而不参与。

  • But while others talk up the world-changing power of the internet he is under no illusions that it will do much to improve the lives of the world 's poorest .

    但当别人 津津乐道互联网拥有改变世界的力量时,他却不抱任何幻想,认为互联网对改善世界穷人的生活不会起到太大帮助。

  • It is politic for Indian bosses to talk up their ability to invent things that all can afford .

    对印度的老板而言, 宣扬自己有能力生产每个人都能买得起的产品是个上策。

  • Bob can really talk up a storm .

    鲍柏 说起 真的可以滔滔不绝。

  • It makes sense for senior US and European officials to talk up the dollar against the euro as they did this week in the financial times especially now that optimism about the US economy makes their arguments plausible .

    欧美高官通过 言论 美元兑欧元汇率的做法(正如他们上周在英国《金融时报》所做的那样)当然没错,特别是如今对美国经济的乐观情绪使得他们的主张看似颇有道理。

  • Clarke kept talking the price up while Wilkinson kept knocking it down .

    克拉克不断把价格 ,而威尔金森则不断往下压。

  • Will you talk up a bit ?


  • If we talk up the event people will surely come .

    如果我们 极力 谈论那项活动,人们一定会参加的。

  • Talk not up I am quite sorry . China Ye shrugs shoulders impartial face in counting to serious there is no No.2th facial expression .


  • You 're in a position to talk me up .

    你要在 面前帮我 好话

  • As the president addressed a domestic audience to sell his deficit plan Tim Geithner US Treasury secretary made three appearances on financial television programmes to talk up the creditworthiness of the US .

    就在奥巴马向国内听众兜售其赤字计划同时,美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)三次登上金融电视节目, 鼓吹美国的信誉。

  • I want everyone here to talk up our upcoming dance .

    我希望 这儿的每个人都为我们即将来临的舞会做宣传。

  • He 'll be talking up his plans for the economy .

    他会大肆 吹捧自己制定的经济计划。