take the consequence

[tek ði ˈkɑnsɪˌkwɛns][teik ðə ˈkɔnsikwəns]

[法] 承担后果

  • Using recursive least square estimation method take the place of a heuristic error feedback learning algorithm to identify consequence parameters about the new model suggested . The whole identification process takes much less computation time than other method suitably on line identification .

    对于新的模糊模型采用递推最小二乘估计方法 代替启发式误差反馈学习方法辨识 结论参数,整个辨识过程所需的计算时间相对于其他方法最短,适用于在线辨识。

  • When public incident happen if we did not take effective measures to deal with it in time the consequence could be disastrous .

    突发公共事件一旦发生,若不能 及时 采取有效的措施, 后果不堪设想。

  • However Over the past few years lots of attack events take place on the subsystem information security of the power system all over the world both the economic lost and the calamitous consequence are unbearable .

    然而,回顾过去的几年,全球 发生了多 有针对性的电力系统 组成部分信息安全 攻击事件,造成的经济损失和灾难性 后果都是难以承受的。

  • However if not handled in proper manner during the transportation storage and application they take the risk of spontaneous combustion which as a consequence would induce fire and explosion .

    但是在大量储存、运输、使用的过程中若处理不当,活性炭会 发生自燃, 造成火灾、爆炸等危险。

  • The persons concerning with evident-exchanging should take responsibility for the unfavourable consequence like the invalidity of evidence .

    证据交换当事人应 承担证据失权等不利的法律 后果

  • Many countries take seriously of the influences of foreign capital to state economy security but what they adopts have caused the consequence is not actually same .

    世界各国 十分重视外资对国家经济安全 影响,但采取的政策和导致的 后果却不尽相同。

  • In the different fostering stages the entities with different interests will choose to take own actions proceed from the demand for their own benefits in consequence of this contradictions and conflicts could be likely arisen .

    在不同的培养阶段,不同的利益主体 出于自身的利益诉求 选择各自的行动, 并且 表现出矛盾和冲突的一面。

  • They are ready to take action regardless of the consequence .

    不管 后果如何,他们准备 采取行动。