taking of hostage

[ˈtekɪŋ ʌv ˈhɑstɪdʒ][ˈteɪkɪŋ ɔv ˈhɔstidʒ]

[法] 扣留人质

  • The objective act of the crime is limited to the taking of hostage by violent means and extorting money or property by taking advantage of a third party 's concern for the hostage 's safety .

    客观上限于使用暴力方法 扣押 人质,利用第三人对人质安危的担忧进行勒索;

  • The Chinese ship had 25 crew on board taking to 146 the number of seafarers currently held hostage by Somali pirates .

    “德新海”号有25名船员,目前被索马里海盗 扣留 人质的船员人数 由此上升至146人。