take the part of

[tek ði pɑrt ʌv][teik ðə pɑ:t ɔv]

与。。。站在一边, 袒护, 支持

  • Then take the elevator part of the way and walk the rest .

    或许 可以 乘坐 一半电梯的路程,余下的就干脆走路。

  • For a good real-life example take a look at the ZCatalog implementation part of the standard Zope distribution .

    看一个优秀的、现实存在的示例,可以去看 ZCatalog实现,它是标准Zope分发 部分

  • Nowadays most families take the first part of their Christmas meal at this point .

    如今大多数家庭在这个时候 开始享用圣诞大餐 第一 部分

  • In intelligent measurement and control system the design of software would be very difficult because much state conversions take place in the part of human machine interface .

    在智能测控系统中,往往存在着较多复杂 人机交互状态转换,这导致程序设计复杂。

  • While it may take the best part of two years for these headwinds to die the stage is being set for a strong economic recovery beyond that .

    这股逆风或许 需要将近两年的时间才能消逝,但它同时为经济强势复苏打下基础,而楼市的繁荣将 成为最大的推动因素。

  • Generally great earthquake series of magnitude 7-8 initially occur along the Japan Trench then deep-focus earthquakes with depths more than 300 kilometers take place under the west part of the Japan Sea and finally major shallow earth-quakes of M ≥ 6 appear in Northeastern China .

    一般是,日本海沟先发生7&8级大地震序列,其后日本海西 发生h≥300公里的深源地震,最后我国华北地区发生M≥6的强烈地震。

  • Selling Volvo will take the better part of five to six months if not longer according to a banker .

    一位银行家表示,出售沃尔沃将 需要“5至6个来月,如果不是更长的话”。

  • Let 's take a look at the interface with SAP part of the example that we mentioned previously .

    我们 来看一看与SAP 交互,这是上面提到的例子中的 部分

  • Philosophical conjectures take up the greater part of his novel .

    哲学探讨 占据他小说 许多 篇幅

  • Abstract : Establishing DTM triangulation net is made of some rules but some mistakes can take place in the part of the net .

    文摘:建立数字地模时,三角网是按一定规则 组成的,但局部仍 出现错误。

  • In the major abiogenic gas resource the abiogenic gases ( CO_2 and CH_4 ) take the most part of natural gas even whole .

    在主非生物天然气资源中,非生物气组分(CO2、CH4) 天然气总组 大部分或绝大部分;

  • Every breath that you draw into your body requires you to take a step or make the effort from one part of the triad to another .

    你汲取到你身体的每一次呼吸需要你从三元组的一 部分到另一 部分 迈出一步或做出努力。

  • Recently in large company investment in IT Infrastructure take the part of 58 percent in total IT budget the same as 4 percent total annual profit of the company and this kind of investment even increased at 11 percent every year .

    据调查,大型企业 IT基础设施的投资在其IT总预算中 比例高达58%,相当于这些企业年总收入的4%,并且这种投资还在 每年11%的速度在增加。

  • It is necessary to take the aviation science funds as an important part of the aviation science and technology predevelopment adjust the professional configuration and contents timely and reform the application and acceptance procedures .

    航空科学基金 作为航空科技预先 研究工作的重要 组成 部分,专业设置和内容应及时调整,要改革申请办法和验收制度。

  • But these will take a lot of thought on the part of sites & the decision on how reformat content for different devices is not something that a machine can figure out .

    但是这需要在站点 部分 很多考虑&决定对于不同的设备 采用何种重新格式化的内容,这并不是计算机所能够指出的。

  • The competent administrative authorities under the State Council shall take the control of dust pollution as part of the ground for assessment of a city 's comprehensive control of its environment .

    国务院有关行政主管部门应当 城市扬尘污染 控制状况作为城市环境综合整治考核的依据 之一

  • This may take the better part of a decade to see through ;

    这可能 用十年时间来看得更清楚。

  • Conclusion Apply only clone antibody law occult blood test combination urine sediment mirror Jian can take affect as BLD detection plays the part of detection as a result .

    结论:应用单克隆抗体法隐血试验结合尿沉渣镜检能对 BLD检测结果起到检测作用。

  • In the third we take the part of energy for the audio data index which come from the highest value coefficients of the best base transform in the wavelet packet .

    再次,我们提出用音频数据的小波包最好基变换系数 部分最高值的能量作为音频数据索引。

  • Or sometimes the Romans liked to take a big theater and fill the central part of the theater the cavea with water and then stage naval battles and that kind of thing .

    有时候罗马人也喜欢 利用大剧院,在大剧院 中心和兽笼,注满水,上演大海战之类的。

  • As the development of GPS technology the application of synthesizing aircraft attitude information based on GPS has become the important part of the use of GPS . It can take the full or part place of the inertial navigation system .

    随着GPS技术的发展,利用GPS进行载体姿态测量已成为GPS的一个重要应用,并在部分情况下 可以完全或 部分代替惯性导航系统。

  • With the head upright take hold of the outer part of the ear .

    保持头部完全侧向一边, 抓住另外 只耳朵 耳廓

  • Bright idea : Kevin Kline is set to take on the part of Belle 's father Maurice who is an inventor .

    奇思妙想: 凯文克莱恩饰演贝尔的父亲莫里斯他是个发明家。

  • To take away the refining part of the steel making cycle off an electric arc furnace which is discussed elsewhere is an excellent start .

    炼钢周期中 精炼 阶段从电弧炉中移走(这个问题将在别处加以讨论),是一个良好的开端。回复引用。

  • If DNA damages take place on the single strand part of telomere DNA the physiological function of it maybe changed .

    如果 发生在端粒DNA ,则会影响端粒DNA的生理功能;

  • Can I take the second part of the tour only ?

    我能只 参加 部分旅游吗?

  • And for its drink offering take the fourth part of a hin for one lamb : in the holy place let the wine be drained out for a drink offering for the lord .

    一只羊羔要同献奠祭的酒、一欣四分 之一。在圣所中、你要将 醇酒奉给耶和华为奠祭。

  • Washington promised last year to take the North off that list as part of a broader international deal that committed Pyongyang to declare and disable its main nuclear programs .

    华盛顿去年承诺 北韩从这个名单上除名,作为一项广泛的国际协议的 部分。根据这项协议,平壤宣布废弃其主要的核设施。