


  • Electronic let-off and take-up control system based on ARM and μ C / OS - ⅱ

    基于ARM和μC/OS-Ⅱ的电子送经卷 控制系统

  • Research on Automatic Take-up of Endless Rope Towing Vehicle

    无极绳牵引车自动 装置 设计与研究

  • Initially there wasn 't much take-up of the home improvement offers .

    开始时,对于居家改进的 福利提议, 接受 住户不多。

  • Push into the take-up points provided .

    推入提供的 举升点。

  • And yet the take-up of mainland residential places by Hong Kong residents has so far been relatively low .

    但到目前为止,香港居民 入住内地 护理 舍宿位的 比例一直相对较低。

  • This rapid take-up was repeated and exceeded as Austrian and other Western banks moved into central and eastern Europe .

    随着奥地利和其它西部的银行移至欧洲中东部地区,这种迅速发展的 不断 上演,并 超乎 意料

  • The machine adopts slide bar thread take-up horizontal rotating hook and auto-lubrication system .

    本机采用滑杆 线,水平旋梭,并具自动润滑装置。

  • Third grains especially coarse food grain in foods take-up a smaller proportion .

    第三,是粮食,特别是 粗粮在食物中所占的比例越来越低。

  • Large spindle pitch and large take-up package equipped with conveying equipment .

    摘取装置, 棉铃装置, w_733装置4大锭距, 大卷装,配有落筒输送装置。

  • Application of servo drive technology in electronic let-off and electronic take-up of loom ;

    目前电子送经系统在各类新型 织机 得到了广泛的应用。

  • Position the vehicle at the take-up points provided on a lifting platform .

    将车辆放于举升平台的 举升点上。

  • Take-up : loom take-up or external superficial take-up .


  • Mathematical model research of the control system based on XSP pay-off and take-up device

    XSP 排线机控制系统数学模型的研究

  • To introduce the component of barreled take-up machine for welding wire .

    介绍几种大盘重 线机的工作原理、结构特点及其优缺点。

  • There are two basic take-up mechanisms the direct and indirect .

    基本的 机构有两种,直接 机构和间接 机构。

  • Based on the curve of quintic polynomial the take-up cam is designed and the method of optimized design is presented in this paper .

    利用五次多项式曲线对 线凸轮进行了设计;并根据 刺绣 的特殊要求,提出了 刺绣 最优化设计方法。

  • Ensure that the take-up fork of the measuring support does not damage any parts !

    确保测量支架的 拉紧叉不会损坏任何部件!

  • Research on Control System of Belt Conveyor Hydraulic Auto Take-up

    大型带式输送机液压自动 拉紧 装置控制系统研究

  • Fabric take-up and batching device

    织物 和打卷装置

  • But the take-up was not encouraging as the market lacked the tools for foreign traders to manage their renminbi currency and interest rate risks .

    但该 计划 得到 响应并不令人鼓舞,因为对外国企业而言,市场内缺乏管理人民币汇率风险和利率风险的工具。

  • Analysts think that the disappointing take-up of the auction has weakened their hand .

    分析师们认为,令人失望的 资金拍卖削弱了他们的论据。

  • Although gamification has become a buzzword among HR directors the truth is that take-up is limited .

    虽然游戏化已成了人力资源总监中的流行词,但事实上它的 接受 是有限的。

  • The returning force of the thread take-up spring is insufficient .


  • The rate of take-up of Chinese varies for each country .

    中文在每个国家教育 市场 占有率都不一样。

  • Fabric take-up and batching mechanism which used change gear drive for adjusting the fabric density .

    采用交换轮调节织物密度的 机构。

  • Remove the remaining take-up points .

    拆下其余的 举升点。

  • A large take-up the central bank hopes would avoid banks having to shrink their balance sheets .

    欧洲央行希望,如果银行大量 申请 LTRO,将可避免收缩其资产负债表。

  • But other recent indicators suggest a possible slowdown in renminbi take-up by investors and companies .

    但近来的其他指标也表明,投资者和公司 转向 人民币的速度可能在放缓。

  • The take-up of private pensions is low and declining .

    个人养老金 占用 资金很低,而且还在下降。

  • The take-up rate for social security benefits .

    社会保障福利的 领取率。