


  • In other words whatever happens the big takeaway from the race will be : if Teddy 's seat isn 't safe no one 's is .

    换句话说,不管发生什么事,大 外卖的比赛将:如果泰迪的座位不是安全的,没有一个人的。

  • I mean do you have to takeaway everything ?

    我的意思是,你一定要 带走一切?

  • This might be the most important takeaway from our first jobs .

    这可能会是我们第一份工作要面临的一大最重要的 挑战

  • Pizza was by far the most popular takeaway choice accounting for83 % of sales .

    比萨的定购量占83%,是目前最受欢迎的 外卖 快餐

  • Takeaway : Find out what old writing trick one project manager employs in issue review meetings to help manage time better and keep team members focused .


  • I really fancy an Indian takeaway .

    我的确很想吃 外卖的印度 饭菜

  • He takes early morning jogs plays golf and goes to the local Indian takeaway .

    他通常会晨跑,打高尔夫,然后上当地的印度 餐馆 外卖

  • Please prepare takeaway ( snack and fruit ) for your child but no drink and nut on the purpose of safety .

    请家长为孩子准备 便当包括点心和水果),但不可以准备饮料和坚果,为确保孩子的安全。

  • Italians eat pizza and what does that suggest relying on takeaway food for sustenance ?

    意大利人吃匹萨饼,这表明什么呢,他们全靠 外卖食品生存?

  • We had a takeaway for supper .

    我们晚餐吃的 外卖 饭菜

  • The food element came about because I was working at Tuckshop Takeaway Caulfield ( Melbourne ) .

    食物这个元素来源于我在墨尔本考尔菲尔德快餐 外卖 的工作。

  • Another of our pools is heated with grease and fat collected from city takeaway outlets .

    我们的水池是通过由城市 出水渠道收集来的油脂来进行加热的。

  • Takeaway tip : The most effective resumes are clear concise and written in plain English .


  • Let 's have Chinese takeaway for dinner tonight .

    让我们今晚吃 外卖的中国 点心

  • Among those who buy lunch 40 percent eat with co-workers in a restaurant and20 percent order takeaway .

    在“买饭 中,有40%的人选择和同事拼饭,20%选择 外卖

  • Chanel and Prada recently launched special products in connection with Shanghai 's World Expo including a Chanel handbag shaped like a Chinese food takeaway carton .

    香奈儿(Chanel)和普拉达(Prada)最近推出了与上海世博会相关的特殊产品,包括形似中国食品 外卖袋的香奈儿手袋。

  • Q : Youre still working at Tuckshop Takeaway . Would you ever wear a head piece on the job ?

    你仍然在快餐 外卖 工作,你有没有在工作的时候戴一顶这样的帽子呢?

  • As he was in a hurry he simply got a takeaway from a nearby fast food shop .

    他行色匆匆,在邻近的快餐店买了 一些 外卖食物。

  • There 's a chinese takeaway round the corner .

    拐角处有一家中式 外卖 餐馆

  • They sell takeaway dishes snack foods like fruit yogurt and chocolate and cold cuts and bread for sandwiches usually much cheaper .

    这些 地方 提供 不少 种类 外卖 食品和小吃,像水果,乳酪,巧克力以及做三明治的冷切肉和面包。通常这类食品的价格都很便宜。

  • So the general takeaway message here is that there 's two types of sleep .

    我们普遍 结论是,睡眠有两种。

  • Now to Beijing where the traditional Chinese takeaway is getting a five star makeover .

    现在在北京,传统的中国 外卖 食品获得了五星标识。

  • Trust no one least of all yourself & that 's the takeaway from these new family cookbooks .

    不要相信任何人,尤其是你自己&这就是这些新家庭烹饪书的 理念

  • And yet & the surprising takeaway from this session ?

    但是,这场分会最出人意料的 收获 什么?

  • Takeaway tip : Tailor your content to each opportunity .


  • This is a takeaway many entrepreneurs forget .


  • If Mum is cooking it might be a traditional Sunday roast otherwise we 'll just order a takeaway or go out to eat .

    如果是我妈妈做饭,基本上就是个烧烤什么的,或者我们会 外卖 要不然还是出去吃饭。

  • My takeaway was that my hobbies should be left out of business functions unless the guest asks first .

    他得到的 教训是,除非客人首先问起,否则不应该将爱好 生意混为一谈。

  • But the takeaway is whenever you found yourself whining about something that likely is an opportunity for vision .

    但是我 收获的是,无论何时你发现你想要抱怨,那么便是一个设想的机会。