talking recognition

[计] 话音识别

  • Even if we are talking about awards and recognition badges you should place them on the About Us page .

    就算是 奖章 荣誉等标志也应当放到“关于我们”页面上。

  • And finally a few minutes later a tall athletic figure walks confidently past the tables of ladies who take tea and businessmen who are talking golf without a blink of recognition from any of them .

    最后,几分钟过去,一位高个、矫健的人自信地从那些餐桌边走过,坐在桌前的有正在喝茶的女士,也有 谈论高尔夫的商务男士,这些人都没有 认出她是谁。

  • Speaker recognition is a kind of speech recognition it is according to the speaker giving voice confirmed the process of that who is talking is also the biological characteristics based on sound as identity authentication based on recognition technology .

    说话人识别是语音识别的一种,它是根据说话人所发的语音,确定出 说话人是谁的过程,也就是基于声音这种生物特征作为身份认证依据的 识别技术。

  • Firstly talking about entire recognition of the establishment of financial supervisory structure in Taiwan affirming this structure how to promote economic development and making a conclusion that it 's necessary to combine management system with economic environment .

    首先对台湾金融监管体制确立的总体 认识进行了 论述,对这种体制在促进台湾经济、金融发展中发挥的有效监管给予了肯定,表明管理体制要与经济环境相适应才能得到历史肯定的观点。