abbr.Tactical Air Control 战术空军控制

  • For example Fujifilm has more than 70 per cent of the global market for TAC film which is a component of photographic film but is also used in flat-panel displays .

    例如,富士占全球 tac膜市场的70%以上,这种材料用于摄影胶片,还用于平板显示器。

  • Study of thermal activation characteristics ( TAC ) in pre-dose dating of Yue kiln porcelains from Shanglin Lake

    上林湖越窑瓷器前剂量测定年代中的热激活特性( TAC)研究

  • Preparation and Formation Mechanism of TaC Coating on Carbon / Carbon Composites

    C/C复合材料表面 TaC涂层的制备和生成机制

  • These results support the safe and convenient conversion of pediatric liver transplant recipients from twice-a-day TAC to once-daily XL .

    这些结果证明了 小儿肝移植受体疗法改变(由一天两次变为一天一次)的安全性和方便性。

  • Preparation of TaC Coating on the Surface of Carbon Fibers by Molten Salt Reaction Method

    熔盐反应法在碳纤维表面制备 TaC涂层

  • IBS will significantly enlarge TAC 's installed base expand its distribution capability in North America and Asia and bring the Schneider Electric Building Automation platform to a new scale .

    IBS将极大扩充 TAC的安装基地,提升其在北美和亚洲的销售能力,使施耐德电气的楼宇自动化平台达到一个新的高度。

  • Task-ambient air conditioning ( TAC ) system can produce a better thermal environment and breathing air quality than the traditional air conditioning .


  • A tourism framework cooperation agreement is signed between the Zhuzhou Association for Travel Agencies and the Travel Association of Chinese ( TAC ) .

    株洲市旅行社协会和台湾中华 两岸旅行协会签订了旅游框架合作协议。

  • TAC team is still five minutes away .

    战术 行动组还要5分钟才能到。

  • Dietary TAC was inversely associated with both cerebral infarction and hemorrhagic stroke although these results were not statistically significant .

    虽然还没有达到统计学显著差异,但饮食 抗氧化剂 含量与脑梗和出血性脑卒中存在着反比趋势。

  • I 'll deploy TAC teams to the port .

    我马上派 战术分队前往那个码头。

  • It does not reverse the order of files & this you must do yourself by listing them in reverse order after the tac command .

    该命令不能逆序排序各文件的顺序&这个任务您得自己做,以逆向顺序在 tac命令后列出各文件即可。

  • Time Resolved UV-Vis Absorption Spectra of Quercetin Reacting with Various Concentrations of Sodium Hydroxide The accuracy and resolution of the TAC are tens of picoseconds and less than ten picoseconds respectively .

    槲皮素与不同浓度氢氧化钠反应的紫外-可见时间分辨吸收光谱利用时幅转换器测量时间的精度和分辨率可以分别达到几十 皮秒和几皮秒的量级。

  • The TAC team is about to move in on gredenko .


  • Conducts TAC ( Total Acquisition Cost ) analysis and leads the commercial negotiation with potential suppliers .


  • The executive office of the LSC is the Secretariat of the Localization Service Committee of TAC .

    常设工作机构为中国 译协本地化服务委员会秘书处。

  • The air supply of desktop task air-conditioning ( TAC ) forms a non-uniform environmental parameters field around human body that is different from traditional air-conditioning .

    目的分析桌面 工位空调在人体周围所形成的非均一环境参数场,并进一步研究非均匀环境对人体 舒适的影响。

  • Investigators calculated the total antioxidant capacity ( TAC ) in the diet using a database of the most common foods .

    调查者使用常见食物数据库计算了饮食中抗氧化剂总含量( TAC)。

  • When is the TAC team leaving ?


  • You might consider a tic tac .

    你可以把这 成是 联动 游戏

  • Task-ambient air conditioning ( TAC ) has gain concern for the comfort healthy and energy saving .


  • This might have produced a spurious inverse association between TAC of diet and risk of hemorrhagic stroke .

    推测这可能导致在 抗氧化剂饮食和出血性卒中中虚假的反向联系”。

  • You said they sent the TAC team ten minutes ago .

    你说十分钟前就已经派出了 战术小组。

  • Your TAC team 's assembling outside .

    你的 战术小组在外面集合了。

  • There are two ways to display the lines in a file in reverse order : tac ( the reverse of cat ) and the command tail-r.

    有两种方法可以逆序显示文件中的行: tac(将cat反过来)和tail-r命令。

  • Levels of TAC and DNA damage showed no significant differences from the unexposed group .

    抗氧化 能力TAC 水平和DNA损伤方面未显示与对照样本有明显差异。

  • She sent in a TAC team to pick them both up .

    她派了一支 战术小队把他们两个都带过来。

  • This forces each file ( the % s is a placeholder for the file name ) to be pre-processed ( hence the pipe | ) by tac .

    这样可以强制使用 tac对每个文件(%s是文件名的占位符)进行预处理(所以使用了管道)。

  • There is going to be a report on tac tonight .

    今晚有 税法问题的报告。

  • In fact if the use of hand TAC skills hand TAC also have therapeutic effect .

    事实上,如果善用手 技巧,手交也有治疗效果。