


  • Tactual Sensation Arrays of Neural Networks


  • With apparent motion of tactual sense applied the device gives the patient the ability to perform biofeedback in tactile and visual ways and thus makes the patient more relaxed than other cases .

    该装置 利用 触觉 现象,使 在进行生物反馈时具备触、视 双重 加工 效能,放松程度高;

  • Tactual discrimination thresholds in spinal cord injured patients with and without pain

    脊髓损伤后疼痛病人与非疼痛 病人分辨阈的 测定

  • A sensation experienced through touch . tactile qualities ; the tactual luxury of stroking silky human hair .

    触觉由触摸 获得的感觉 可以 感触 的质量;通过触摸这个人丝绸般的头发 可以感触 过着奢华的 生活

  • Machine vision hearing tactual sensation and force sensation are greatly developed in the domain of robotics and some of them have been used for practical purposes .

    在机器人研究领域中,机器视觉、听觉、 触觉和力觉的研究都取得了 相当 成果,有的已达到实用的 水准

  • Multimedia is a media that makes the information that it carries interchange with the visual hearing and tactual organs of human .

    多媒体是它所运载的信息能同时和人的视觉器官、听觉器官和 触觉器官 发生 相互 作用的媒体。