



  • When Digger came out to his tire shop I asked if I could use his pneumatic wrench .

    当挖掘机出来他的轮胎店,我问我是否可以利用他的气动 扳手

  • She wrenched herself from his grasp

    她从他手里 挣脱 开来

  • That was my best wrench .

    那是我最好的 扳手了。

  • Tighten central screws on the sprocket and camshaft controller to the prescribed final torque using a torque angle wrench .

    用扭力角度 扳手将链轮和凸轮轴控制器上的中央螺钉拧紧至规定的最终力矩。

  • He gave his elbow a wrench when he fell off the ladder .

    他从梯子上摔下时 扭伤了胳膊肘。

  • He had wrenched his ankle badly from the force of the fall .

    他因摔倒而严重 扭伤 脚踝。

  • He pulled the handle off with a single wrench .

    他使劲一 ,把手就掉了。

  • He wrenched his arm free

    手臂 挣脱 开来

  • She tore at one man 's face as she tried to wrench free

    她试图 挣脱时朝一个男子的脸上抓去。

  • I wrenched my hand away from my attacker .

    用力把手从袭击者 手里 挣脱 出来

  • Use socket wrench to remove regulator seat for replacement .

    采用套筒 扳手来拆卸调节阀阀座进行更换。

  • He felt two men wrench the suitcase from his hand

    他感觉有两个人在 使劲 他手里的手提箱。

  • He used a wrench to loosen the bolt .

    他用 松开了螺栓。

  • Someone other than the suspect touched the matches and the wrench .

    除了疑犯还有人接触了火柴和 扳手

  • What the difference is between pliers and a wrench ?

    钳子和 扳手的区别是什么吗?

  • I always knew it would be a wrench to leave Essex after all these years

    我一直心里清楚过了这么多年后离开埃塞克斯会非常 痛苦

  • This allows the connection to be made without a wrench using a nut equipped with a hand wheel .

    这使得不用 扳手,而是使用带手轮的螺母就可以进行连接。

  • Although it would be a wrench we would all accept the challenge of moving abroad .

    虽然移居海外会很 痛苦,但我们都愿意接受这个挑战。

  • He gave his right ankle a wrench .


  • Their delegation threw a giant monkey wrench into the process this week by raising all sorts of petty objections .

    他们的代表团本周提出了各种细枝末节的反对意见, 在地 阻挠了进程。

  • Many of the things are of great sentimental value and it is going to be a wrench parting with them

    其中很多东西都具有重要的情感价值,令人难以 割舍

  • They wrenched open the passenger doors and jumped into her car .

    他们 使劲 后座车门,跳进了她的车子。

  • If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball .

    如果你可以躲开 扳手,你就能够躲开闪避球。

  • I lifted six prints off the wrench .

    我从 扳手上提取了六个指纹。

  • I had to run around to several shops to get that wrench .

    我跑了好几家商店,才找到那种 扳手

  • Connect the test cable and tighten to specified torque with a torque wrench .

    连接上测试电缆,并用一个扭矩 扳手紧固到指定的扭矩。

  • The plumber took out a wrench and tightened the bolt .

    管子工拿出一 扳手拧紧了螺栓。

  • A wrench with a hook that fits over a nut or bolt head .

    有一个钩子套在螺母或螺栓头的 扳手

  • Remove and install the glow plug using the flexible-head wrench .

    使用活头 扳手拆卸和安装电热塞。

  • He wrenched off his sneakers

    使劲 脱下运动鞋。