


  • They acclaimed him as the best writer of the year .

    他们称赞他为当年的最佳 作者

  • We can only print letters which are accompanied by the writer 's name and address .

    我们只能刊登附有 作者姓名和地址的信件。

  • I disagree with the doctrine that the writer 's life and intention have no bearing on his texts .

    我不同意 作者的生活和意图与他的文本没有联系的学说。

  • I can 't agree with the letter writer who claims bringing back the death penalty would be an abuse of human rights .

    我不能赞同 写信 所称恢复死刑就是侵犯人权的说法。

  • The writer constructed the story from memories of her childhood .


  • He is not so much a writer as a reporter .

    他与其说是个 作家,毋宁说是个记者。

  • Iris Murdoch was regarded by many as a supremely good and serious writer .

    许多人都视艾丽丝·默多克为极其优秀和严肃的 作家

  • She is now a writer and fashion stylist .

    她现在是 作家 时尚造型师。

  • One of writer 's favourite themes is the fraternity of mankind .

    作家最喜欢 的一个主题是人类的博爱。

  • No-one is to see the document without the permission of the writer of the report

    此报告未经 作者允许,任何人不得翻阅。

  • He was also a writer of beautiful stories some of which are collaborations with his fiancee .

    他还 了一些美妙的故事,其中有些是和他的未婚妻合著的。

  • This mad writer kept a lobster as a pet .

    这个疯狂的 作家把龙虾当宠物养。

  • The truth is I 'm a failed comedy writer really .

    事实上,我真的是个很失败的喜剧 作家

  • The writer 's imagination seems to have dried up .

    这位 作家的想像力好像己经枯竭了。

  • He 's embarking on a new career as a writer

    他即将开始新的职业生涯——当一名 作家

  • I failed in my career as a writer of fiction entirely because of deficiencies in the education system .

    我的小说 作家生涯失败了,原因完全是因为教育体制的缺陷。

  • In this book the writer contrasts good with and w_288 evil .


  • He was an unknown writer .

    他是个名不见经传的 作家

  • Kingdon 's broad experience as writer and scholar suffuses this important book .

    金登身为 作家和学者的丰富阅历在这部重要的著作中体现得淋漓尽致。

  • As a writer I am interested in characterization .

    作为 作家,我对人物塑造感兴趣。

  • At this point the writer puts in inserts w_1137 a flashback .


  • It 's a compulsion to write more than talent that makes a writer .

    成为 作家要有天分,但更要有创作的冲动。

  • A writer is suing director Steven Spielberg for allegedly stealing his film idea

    一名 作家正控告导演史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格涉嫌剽窃了他的电影创意。

  • Diana is a writer of historical fiction .

    黛安娜是历史小说 作家

  • Turner is a writer and critic .

    特纳是 作家 批评家。

  • The writer has sold out his artistic standards and now just writes for a living .

    这个 作家已背弃了他原来的艺术标准,现在只是卖文为生。

  • The writer builds up a clever contextual picture of upper class life .


  • She is a prolific writer of novels and short stories

    她是一位多产的 作家了很多小说和短篇故事。

  • He knows his limitations as a writer .

    他知道自己作为一个 作家的局限性。

  • He was a writer of repute

    他曾经是一位颇有名望的 作者