written document

[ˈrɪtn ˈdɑkjəmənt][ˈrɪtn ˈdɔkjumənt]


  • If there is any change in the transit goods an operator shall submit the written document for it .

    如货物有变动情况,经营人还应当提交 书面 证明

  • The oral presentation and written document should serve a real need for your assumed audience .

    口头报告与 书面 文件都必须要确实符合你所假设的观众的需求。

  • ESD must inform the Distributor 30 days in advance with written document if they have an adjustment of price .

    产品价格调整,委托人必须提前30天以 书面 形式 知会代理人。

  • A written document describing the findings of some individual or group .

    描述某个个人或组织调查结果的 书面 文件

  • These key control points should be a written document and the related staff should know clearly about it .

    这些关键流程中的关键控制点应形成 书面 文档,并要求相关岗位员工必须应知应会。

  • A period of time set by a party in a written document for the addressee to reply or take other action begins to run from the date stated as the date of the document .

    一方当事人在 书面 文件中规定的由受领人答复或作出其他行为的期间由该文件载明之日起算;

  • A written document providing for the disposition of a person 's property after death ; a will .

    遗嘱一种规定死后其财产分配的 书面 文件;遗嘱。

  • That 's because the add activity HTML is written after the document has already been loaded ( using Ajax ) so the Datepicker is not bound to its date input field .

    这是因为活动添加HTML是在 文档已加载完成(使用Ajax)后 编写的,因此Datepicker不会绑定到它的日期输入字段。

  • They also refused to give any written document to prove that I have been barred from traveling out .

    他们给不出任何 书面 证明来证明我被阻止出境,也不能出示理由。

  • Letter of credit is a written document from bank to the beneficiary ( exporter ) to guarantee the responsibility of paying for the imported goods under the request of the importer .

    信用证是银行根据进口商的请求,开给受益人(出口商)的一种保证承担支付货款责任的 书面 凭证,它是商业习惯的产物而不是法律的创制物。

  • Whether or not CIRC accepts the application for review CIRC shall issue a written document with designated stamp and date indicated .

    中国保监会受理或者不予受理申请,应当出具加盖专用印章和注明日期的 书面 凭证

  • Developed by the W3C and widely implemented this language includes datatyping and is written as an XML document .

    这种语言由W3C开发并被广泛实现,包含数据类型化(datatype)并被 编写为一个XML 文档

  • A syllabus is also called an instructional program . It is a written document that sets the aim and task of a certain course in schools .

    教学 大纲是规定了学校中某一门学科的目的和任务的指导性 文件

  • The above mentioned written document must be true and reliable .

    上述所有 书面 材料必须真实、可靠。

  • Saxon 's result tree is not normally materialized in memory & because its nodes are always written in document order they can be serialized as soon as they are output to the result tree .

    Saxon的结果树通常不在内存中具体化&因为它的节点总是按 文档顺序 编写,一旦将它们输出到结果树中,就可以串行化这些节点。

  • The format of your investment pitch is not as important as the content ; a few PowerPoint slides or a short written document are both fine .

    推介投资的格式没有内容那么重要;你可以使用幻灯片或者简短的 书面 文件,或者两者结合使用。

  • An Approach of Written Chinese Document Recognition and System Integration

    手写 文稿识别的一种后处理方法和系统集成

  • A written document preserving knowledge of facts or events .

    保存事实或者事件情况的 书面 文件

  • Act of giving something to someone ( permanently or temporarily ) by a written document where the object itself cannot be transferred

    书面 文件将某物暂时地或永久地给某人,但物体本身不能被转让

  • This article implement handwriting document online recognition system which supports users the freedom to edit the written handwriting document . This system meets users ' requirements of continuous input and quickly recognition .

    实现的支持用户自由编辑 写入的手写字符的手写 文档在线识别系统能够满足用户连续输入、快速识别的录入需求。

  • In the process of conducting business or cooperation with foreign partners after negotiation and letter correspondence the parties concerned in most cases have to sign up the formal written document which is called contract .

    在涉外经贸合作交往过程中,双方除了通过谈判或函电协商达成协议后,还需要另行签订正式的 书面 文件,就是合同。

  • Disclosure Statement is a written document summarising details of the shop and details of the lease negotiation .

    详情披露是一 有关出租店铺和租约谈判的详细介绍 文件

  • If you 've written an XML document then you know how helpful it is to be able to visually differentiate between tags attributes attribute values and tag values .

    如果您 编写了一个XML 文档,那么就会知道它对于直观区别标记、属性、属性值和标记值是多么的有帮助。

  • Audit report is the written document that auditor has of after necessary audit procedure to agreed items according to the norm and is used for enunciation of audit suggestion .

    审计报告是审计人员根据规范的要求,在对约定事项实施了必要的审计程序后出具的、用于表明审计意见的 书面 文件

  • You have the structure for the Java API reference documentation that enables navigation within an Eclipse help plug-in through a table-of-contents ( TOC ) written as an XML document .

    您拥有用于JavaAPI参考文档的结构,这些文档使得一个Eclipse中的导航能够通过一个被 编写为XML 文档的内容目录(TOC)帮助插件程序。

  • As the project grows a written document will become useful .

    随着项目的增长,要形成 书面 文档

  • This article is written for administrators of Document Manager middle-tier servers .

    本文是为 DocumentManager中间层服务器的管理员 编写的。