written opinion

[ˈrɪtn əˈpɪnjən][ˈrɪtn əˈpinjən]

[法] 意见书

  • This thesis is written to expose a deep and delicate analysis of some fundamental concepts and cardinal theories to reveal the authors own opinion so that one would not repeat the strange whirlpool of language game .

    本文的 写作目的旨在对一些基本概念、基本理论问题 深入细致的剖析,并提出自己的 拙见,以使今后在思考此问题时,不再陷入文字游戏的怪圈。

  • Would you please take a look at my application letter I 've just written ? I 'd like to have your opinion .

    请帮我看看我刚才 的求职信好吗?我想知道你的 意见

  • Whenever a scientific and technological thesis is written there should be not only scientific analysis demonstration a unique academic opinion precise structure clear arrangement and coherent sentences but a certain writing form as well .

    科技 论文不仅要有科学的分析论证,独到的学术 见解,结构严谨、层次清楚、语句通顺,而且应遵守一定的撰写格式。

  • Under present judicial environment in order to strengthen the citizen to trust on the judicial impartiality through invites some person quite qualities and legal accomplishment very strong and carries on the analysis to proofs of the case forms the written opinion refers to the court ;

    在现行的司法环境下为了增强公民对司法公正的信任,通过邀请一些素质比较高、法律素养很强的人对案件进行分析论证形成 书面 意见,然后提交给法庭,以供法官参考;

  • Appraisal report of project quality is the formal written opinion by supervision department for the construction quality of the completion project which has passed the initial survey and is one of the important measures of project management .

    建筑工程质量评估报告是监理单位为经过初验的已竣工工程的工程质量给出的正式监理 书面 意见,是工程管理的重要措施之一。

  • The directors and senior managerial personnel of the securities rating agency shall sign a written opinion for the annual reports ; in case they are against such annual reports they shall give reasons and opinions for their objections .

    证券评级机构的董事和高级管理人员应当对年度报告签署 书面 确认 意见;对报告内容持有异议的,应当注明意见和理由。

  • Where the company 's board of directors is over protest against the nominee the written opinion of the board of directors shall be submitted .

    公司董事会对被提名人的有关情况有异议的,应同时报送董事会的 书面 意见

  • The fourth further and definitely and publicly investigate the legal effect of hand written record promise public reviewing the opinion get and should have it the respect .

    第四,进一步明确公开审查 笔录的法律效力,保证公开审查 意见得到应有之尊重。

  • During the period of ten-year-civil-war Hu Shi has written 139 public opinion articles .

    在十年内战期间,胡适 了139篇时 文章。

  • The applications of techniques for human reliability analysis which are commonly used in nuclear industry into ship collision avoidance are studied . Based on the written reports of collision accidents and experts opinion a practical method for human reliability analysis suitable for collision avoidance is presented .

    探讨了人的可靠性分析技术在船舶避碰中的应用,提出了利用船舶碰撞事故报告以及事故统计数据并结合专家 意见评估 避碰过程中的人的可靠性的实用技术;