writing paper

[ˈraɪtɪŋ ˈpeɪpər][ˈraitiŋ ˈpeipə]


  • The quality and provenance of your writing paper is like a secret code .


  • Leaf or strip from a leaf of the talipot palm used in India for writing paper .

    伞干顶榈树的树叶或树叶条,在印度用作 书写

  • I bought some writing paper and envelopes .

    我买了些 信纸和信封。

  • When we think of paper we think of newspapers books letters and writing paper .

    一想到纸,就会让我们想到报纸、书籍、信件及 写字 用纸

  • People can use the keyboard to talk to each other through emails or instant messengers instead of writing paper letters . This has the advantage of saving money and being more immediate allowing many messages to be exchanged in a short period of time .

    人们可以敲击键盘通过电子邮件或即时通讯工具跟彼此交流,不用再 纸质信件了。这样做的好处是省钱、即时,在短时间内就可以互通很多信息。

  • Where can I buy envelopes and writing paper ?

    哪儿可以买到信封和 信纸

  • Paper can be recycled to make newspapers cardboard boxes books writing paper and milk cartons .

    回收纸可以做成报纸,硬 纸盒,书本, 纸张和装牛奶的盒子。

  • Laboratory study and mill trial of mini_coating of writing paper have been carried out .

    进行了 书写 微量涂布工艺技术的实验室研究和工厂试验。

  • A superior quality of strong durable white writing paper ; originally made for printing documents .

    一种白色、坚韧耐用的优质 书写 ,原本用于打印文件。

  • The drug store stocks writing paper and envelopes .

    杂货店供应 信纸和信封。

  • Selected imports of PU classical and nostalgic style comfortable writing paper pen let you with parker every record is a beautiful experience .

    精选进口PU,经典怀旧风范,舒适的 书写 纸张,配合派克笔,让您的每次记录都是一种美好的体验。

  • Does this shop stock writing paper ?

    这家商店有 信笺卖吗?

  • He always writes on crested writing paper .

    他总是用有顶饰的 信纸写信。

  • Would you please buy a pen and some writing paper for me ?

    请你帮我买一支钢笔和一些 稿纸,好吗?

  • Writing paper having a very faint mesh pattern .

    有模糊的网状图案的 书写

  • A durable writing paper used in record books and business ledgers .

    一种耐用的 书写 ,用于记账。

  • Using VBA in Word to Create Writing Paper for Examinations

    利用VBA在Word中制作考试用 作文 稿纸

  • Correspondence : Learning vocabulary for letter writing : writing paper ink envelopes .

    学习与写信有关的词汇,如 信纸、墨水和信封等。

  • The handwritten letter is very important to Americans says Cameron . It 's traditional to have your name engraved at the top of your writing paper .

    手写信件对美国人非常重要,卡梅伦表示,把你的名字印在你 信纸顶部是种传统。

  • Excuse me can you tell me where I can buy some writing paper ?

    请问,你能告诉我什么地方能买到 稿纸吗?

  • Would you bring me an envelope and some writing paper ?

    能给我拿一个信封和几 信纸吗?

  • They imply to me the regretful full points omitted on my writing paper and equal to the collection of my poems on my bookshelf beautifully designed and bound but dusty .

    在我的 稿纸上,它们是代表怅惘的省略的句点;在我的书架上,它们是那本装帧精美,却蒙了尘灰的诗集;

  • I must get hold of some more writing paper .

    我必须再找一些 书写 用纸

  • Writing paper suitable for use in a typewriter .

    适用于打字机的 书写

  • Personalized writing paper and pens .

    个人专用的 信笺和钢笔。

  • The British habit of using an address to head writing paper is also bowing to change .

    以地址作为 信纸开头的英式习惯也在改变。

  • LADY : Do you have any writing paper ?

    女士:您有 信纸吗?

  • Wash your hands or you 'll make smudges on the writing paper .

    把手洗乾净,别把 写字 弄脏了。

  • An important detail in writing paper concerns the weight to be given to topics .

    论文 写作的一个重要细节是要考虑各部分的权重。