wrinkle finish

[ˈrɪŋkəl ˈfɪnɪʃ][ˈriŋkl ˈfiniʃ]


  • By Shiying MEIXinjie HeJian LI Process conditions of wrinkle resistant treatment of silk with protein finish are optimized through orthogonal trial .

    通过正交试验对蛋白质 整理剂整理真 丝绸的工艺条件进行了优选。

  • Process and Mechanism of Wrinkle Resistant Treatment of Silk with Protein Finish

    真丝蛋白质 整理 防皱 整理工艺及机理研究

  • In this paper the author analysed the present situation and principle of cotton wrinkle resistant finish .

    对抗皱 整理的现状和原理进行了分析,对 不同 免烫 整理 进行筛选,并确定了 理想 甲醛 免烫 整理 NDW

  • Thus synthesized resin having free formaldehyde content < 0.2 % can be used for wrinkle resistant finish of cotton fabric .

    成品树脂的游离甲醛含量< 0.2%

  • Non-toxic and pollution-free wrinkle resistant finish of cotton fabric was described .

    无毒无污染的棉织物 防皱 整理

  • Aiming at the shortcomings of the cotton fabric such as poor in UV and wrinkle resistance nanometer ZnO chitosan and silicone were used to finish it for improving its anti-ultraviolet and anti-wrinkle properties as well as serviceability .

    针对棉织物抗紫外线及 抗皱性较差的缺点,用纳米氧化锌和壳聚糖、有机硅对棉织物进行 整理,以提高其抗紫外线和抗皱性能,改进棉织物的服用性能。

  • We provide acrylic emulsion resin and melamine resin both are water soluble is effective for wrinkle and shrink-resistant finish for cotton and cellulosic fiber .

    敝公司提供水性压克力乳化浆及美耐明树脂二种织物 处理 。其对于棉及人造纤维均能提供优异之 定型防缩 防皱 处理效果。

  • At first the paper describes the conditions of the laboratory tests of low temperature catalyst used for wrinkle resistant finish as well as the test methods of application of NU-83 Catalyst then the catalytic mechanism the analysis and discussion of testing results are presented .

    文章首先叙述了 防皱整理低温催化剂小样试验的条件,整理织物的测试方法以及 Nu-83催化剂的一般性能及使用方法。

  • Practice on Cotton Wrinkle Resistant Finish

    棉织 抗皱 整理 工艺实践

  • Application of Polyurethane Wrinkle Finish on Optical Instruments

    聚酯 在光学仪器上的应用