


  • Large harsh-voiced American wren of arid regions of the United States southwest and Mexico .

    产于美国西南部及墨西哥的干旱地区的叫声刺耳的大型 鹪鹩

  • Four Larks and a Wren .


  • The 10 most popular birds which have been voted for the by the public are the robin kingfisher barn owl blue tit wren blackbird puffin mute swan red kite and hen harrier .

    由民众投票选出的10个最终候选鸟分别是:知更鸟,翠鸟,仓鸮,蓝冠山雀, 鹪鹩,画眉,海鹦,疣鼻天鹅,赤鸢和白尾鹞。

  • Wren 's had a nightmare and we 're all going to die for it .

    瑞文 女士在发疯,我们都会被她弄死的。

  • The gold and red sassafras leaves surrounding our house declared it was too late for a house wren to remain in Michigan .

    环绕我们房子的金黄色和红色的檫树叶子说明,一 家养 鹪鹩 继续停留在密歇根州已为时太晚了。

  • Every time male wrens hear that cry they sing this in response wren sound w_766 .

    每当雄性小鸟听到屠夫鸟叫的时候,也用 叫声回应。

  • It took surgeons four hours to operate on the girl and they had to remove a section of her skull to get the pencil out but Wren escaped with no ill effects .

    医生花了4个小时给她做手术,移除一部分颅骨,将铅笔取出来。所幸, 莱恩逃过一劫,并且没有留下任何后遗症。

  • Small American wren inhabiting wet sedgy meadows .

    栖息在潮湿的莎草地带的美洲小 鹪鹩

  • Who 'll bear the pall ? We said the Wren Both the cock and the hen We 'll bear the pall .

    谁来拉上棺罩?我们, 鹪鹩说, 夫妇一起,我们来拉上棺罩。

  • Short-tailed bird resembling a wren .

    鹪鹩 形似但短尾的鸟。

  • Large United States wren with a musical call .

    有悦耳叫声的美国大型 鹪鹩

  • A wren of the genus Cistothorus that frequents marshes .

    经常在沼泽地带活动的 鹪鹩

  • As Wren 's epitaph famously declares the cathedral itself is his monument .

    众所周知, 雷恩的墓志铭中写道,大教堂本身就是他的纪念碑。

  • With Sir Christopher Wren 's cathedral as a backdrop Mr Brown insisted markets need morals and claimed he was something of a lone voice in arguing in the past that markets should be restrained .

    在克里斯托弗雷恩爵士(SirChristopher Wren)的大教堂中,布朗坚称市场需要道德,并声称,他过去 几乎是唯一主张市场应受到约束的人。

  • Unfortunately his latest squeeze known as wren is a video artist .

    然而不幸的是,他最近结识的 女子 雷恩 却是一位视频艺术家。

  • Wren inhabiting badlands and mesa country of western United States and Mexico .

    生活在美国西部和墨西哥的荒地及岩石台地的 鹪鹩

  • Common American wren that nests around houses .

    在民居周围筑巢的普通美国 鹪鹩

  • Wren says it is the first time that a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier will be deployed in Japan .

    雷恩 少将说,这将是核动力航母 战斗 首次部署在日本。

  • Ha ! said Wren . Think I 'd trust you ?

    “哈!” 雷恩说,“你以为我会相信你?”

  • American wren that inhabits tall reed beds .

    栖息在高杆芦苇畦地的美洲 鹪鹩

  • Meanwhile in spite of wrangling committees and money shortages St Paul 's rose with Wren holding fast as they had at Chartres to Plato and geometry .

    与此同时,尽管委员会之间争吵不休,资金匮乏,圣保罗还是矗立了起来,就像当初的沙特尔一般, 雷恩依旧忠于柏拉图和几何对称。

  • The robin and the wren are flown and from the shrubs the jay .

    自灌木丛知更鸟、 鹪鹩 展翅飞翔。

  • Rear Admiral Richard Wren said on board the Kitty Hawk on Monday that Beijing never gave a satisfactory explanation for the incident .

    海军少将理查德. 雷恩星期一在小鹰号上说,北京方面对以上事件从未提出一个令人满意的解释。

  • Thrush and wren this message bring .

    画眉和 鹪鹩带来了的消息。

  • As the days grew shorter I assumed this Carolina wren would fly to the states bearing his name .

    随着白天变短,我猜想这 卡罗莱纳州 鹪鹩将会飞到它 确实 应该去的州。

  • To tell the truth a wren needs only a twig to build its nest in the forest ;

    老实说, 鹪鹩在森林中筑巢,它只需要一根小树枝就 了;

  • Helen : Sir Christopher Wren was a very very famous architect .

    他是一个著名的建筑 学家

  • At last one morning I spotted a rusty oval-shaped bird with the characteristic long beak of a wren and that tipped-up tail .

    终于在一天早上,我察觉到了一只褐色卵石状的鸟,长着很有特色如 鹪鹩般的长嘴和翘起的尾巴。

  • Small wren of coniferous forests of northern hemisphere .

    北半球松林中的小 鹪鹩