take time off to

[tek taɪm ɔf tu][teik taim ɔf tu:]


  • You need to take some time off to relax .

    你必要 抽出一些 时间 放松一下。

  • I 've decided to take a bit of time off to completely finish my work on ' Harry Potter ' ( the last one comes out this summer ) and to focus on my other professional and acting projects .

    为了完成《哈利波特》的工作,我已经决定向 学校 请假,这样能专注于我的工作和演艺计划。

  • A lot of students take some time off after graduation to unwind .

    的意思是说,我毕业以后 应该 好好 放松一下自己。

  • Take time off to reflect on your future if this is needed . A good mentor will understand that you come first .

    如果需要, ,反思 一下你的未来。一个优秀的导师将会明白你去找他的原因。

  • It is the part of most jobs that requires the most diplomacy-convincing your manager you should be allowed to take enough time off to go on that dream holiday .

    说服经理让你 度上一段梦想中的长假,这是大部分工作了的人最需要“斡旋能力”的 时候

  • He couldn 't take time off to come to New York with me .


  • They have the freedom of correspondence and the right to take time off during festivals and holidays ; He believe he have the right to sit back while others do the hard work .

    有通信自由、节假日 休息的权利;他认为别人在干重活时他有权利休息。

  • In some cases one or both parents would take time off from their daily routine to accompany their child to the workshop .

    很多情况下,父母会 日常公务中 抽出 时间 陪孩子参加培训班。

  • Mr Zeng was working 12-hour days and could only take one day off a month . When his boss refused to give him extra time off to deal with an illness in the family Mr Zeng quit .

    他在牛仔裤厂的时候,每天要工作12个小时,每个月只能 休息一天。后来曾光的家人生病了,老板不准假,于是他辞了职。

  • A 2005 Harvard Business Review study called The Hidden Brain Drain showed that 37 per cent of highly-qualified women take voluntary time off work but 93 per cent of the women off-ramped want to return .

    2005年《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)一项叫做隐性人力流失的研究显示,虽然37%的高素质妇女自愿 离职,但93%的自动离职妇女 回去工作。

  • Younger people were also more likely to take time off work due to stress tiredness and feeling run down which the older contingent said would not be a reason to call in sick .

    年轻人更可能因为压力、疲劳、或者感觉精疲力竭而 请假,但年长的受访者称,这根本不能成为请病假的理由。

  • Take some time off and think about who you are and what you really want to do with your life .

    时间 出来,想想你是谁,想想你真正 自己的人生做些什么。

  • Besides the regular traveling to the various ETS offices in China and to our headquarter in Princeton I plan to take some time off to retrace the Silk Route later this year .

    除了定期的 中国各个ETS组织及位于普林斯顿的公司总部,我计划今年 时间探寻丝绸之路。

  • Enjoyable work comes first followed by job security and then the ability to take time off to care for family .

    首先是工作内容 自己 喜欢,其次是工作的稳定性,然后是能否 时间 家人。

  • He really encouraged all of us to take time off school to work on a project .

    他确实鼓励我们所有人 利用 课余 时间从事某个项目。

  • I want to take time off to rest awhile .

    我要 停止工作 休息一会儿。

  • Jane ︰ I need to take some time off from work to go run some errands .

    阿珍∶我需要 几个 小时 办些事情。

  • Obese people are more likely to take time off owing to illness .

    胖人更可能 病假

  • I don 't want to lose the momentum so I 'm not about to take time off from writing it in the sense that I don 't want to walk away from it and come back .

    我不想失去动力,所以我并不想 耗费 时间 做其他 ,也就是说,我不 放下它然后再重新开始写。

  • Sir Richard goes on to explain that staff will only take time off when they feel a hundred per cent comfortable that they and their team are up to date on every project .

    布兰森接着解释说,员工只有在百分之百确信自己和所在团队手头项目进展良好的情况下才会 决定 休假

  • You mustn 't take time off just because you want to see a football match .

    你不能只是因为想看足球赛 休假上班

  • Describing his trip as fruitful and eye-opening he said he had a lot of plans for writing but would take some time off to rest first .

    描述他的旅行卓有成效和大开眼界,他说他有很多计划的写作,但首先会 一段 时间 休息。

  • If you have difficulty to take time off for Zuhr and'Asr both prayers during your office hours you are allowed to combine Zuhr and'Asr .

    如果在上班时间您要 抽出 时间来礼披 和底格热有困难,那么您可以 它们合在一起礼。

  • Whereas most Western women who take time off do so to look after children Japanese women are more likely to say that the strongest push came from employers who do not value them .

    西方女性 放弃工作是因为 需要照顾小孩,而日本女性更可能因为雇主不重视她们而放弃工作。

  • Once again the kindness of people is just astounding they take time off work lead the convoy organise functions sightseeing and do everything in their power to make our stay memorable .

    再次人民的一片心意,只是令人惊讶,他们 请假,带领车队,组织职能,观光和尽一切力量使我们难忘。

  • I 'm trying to take time off to see the sights .

    我正试著 休息 时间 参观一些景点呢。

  • This doesn 't mean you have to take time off work-it just means you should try to make better use of your non-work time to do something fun .

    这不代表着你 做你的工作,恰恰意味着你 充分利用非工作时间去放松一下。