take turns


  • The doctors take turns at participating in the mobile medical team .

    医生们 轮流参加巡回医疗队。

  • Take turns asking your partner what he or she likes in sandwiches .


  • He and Carla Torgerson take turns as the band 's lead vocalist .

    他和卡拉·托格森 轮流担当乐队的主唱。

  • Sam and I take turns at riding the bike .

    我和萨姆 着骑自行车。

  • The nurses and doctors take turns to be on night duty .

    护士和医生 轮流值夜班。

  • They take turns with the bathroom .

    他们 轮流上厕所。

  • I have to make sure that my two sons take turns playing the video game .

    我得盯着我那两个儿子有 没有 轮流打电玩。

  • For the sake of fairness let 's all take turns .

    为了公平起见,我们都 轮流来吧。

  • Males and females take turns brooding the eggs .

    雄鸟和雌鸟 轮流孵蛋。

  • Other things might include dropping off and picking up children when you could take turns with other parents .

    还有一些事情,也许包括接送孩子,你可以和其他家长 轮流

  • The wives take turns cooking while his daughters clean the house and do washing .

    齐奥纳的妻子们和媳妇们 轮流做饭,而他的女儿们则 负责打扫房子和洗衣服。

  • A traditional I have with my wonderful partner is that we take turns planning Valentines Day each year .

    我和我的最佳拍档有一个习惯,就是每年 轮流计划怎样过情人节。

  • Children must be able to get along with others and learn to share and take turns .

    幼儿必须能与他人相处,学会分享和 轮流

  • In our class we take turns to do the duty report .

    在我们班,我们 轮流做值日报告。

  • Take turns asking and answering questions to make a class directory .


  • We may take turns taking out the trash .

    我们可以 轮流倒垃圾。

  • Kids learn how to share take turns and play by the rules .

    孩子们在运动场上可以学会如何分享、如何 轮流 替换以及如何按规则玩。

  • Here are some more tips on becoming a good listener . First take turns to listen .

    这儿是对怎样做个好的倾听者提出的几点意见。第一, 轮流地听。

  • The two brothers take turns looking after their father .

    兄弟俩 轮转着照顾父亲。

  • When I call my family they take turns talking on the phone .

    我打电话给家人时,他们 轮流跟我讲电话。

  • Let 's take turns to read our fact sheet .

    让我们 轮流宣读我们的资料单吧。

  • We take turns because it 's fair .

    我们 轮流 交换因为这样公平。

  • If we take turns driving we won 't get tired .

    如果我们 轮流开车,就不会觉得累了。

  • We take turns telling jokes at jim 's birthday party .

    我们在吉姆的生日聚会上 轮流讲笑话。

  • Help your child to learn how to take turns and how to share when playing .

    帮你的孩子学习如何在玩耍过程中与其他人 轮流及共享资源。

  • We will take turns speaking so don 't all try to speak at once .


  • Dan : We can speak English too but let 's switch off and take turns .

    阿丹:我们也可以说英语,但是可以中英文替换着 轮流说。

  • We can take turns to be the leader .

    我们可以 轮流当领袖。

  • And we each take turns attempting to seduce him .

    我们 轮流去试着勾引他。

  • You can 't all do it together ; you 'll have to take turns .

    你们不能全体一齐做,你们得 轮流做。