tank connections


  • The heater must be located in an area where leakage of the tank or connections will not result in damage to the area adjacent to the heater or to lower floors of the structure .

    热水器必须放置在不会因 热水器或 管道泄漏而对热水器和地面造成损害的地方。

  • Our special knowhow & automatic scale removing system of wash tank rinsing heater spray arms and all connections .

    专有技术&全系统自动除垢系统:主洗 、漂洗加热器、喷臂及所有的 联通系统。

  • From a long-term point of view it will pay to upgrade the quality and technical standards for the design of facilities in tank and to minimize possible leaks in static seals especially in flange connections .

    设计时适当提高 内设施的质量等级和技术标准,尽量减少法兰 连接等静密封泄漏点,从使用的长远观点来看,是事半功倍的。