


  • I could spice my talk with Talmudic lore too .

    我还能够 一些 犹太 法典的知识 融会 我的谈论之中。

  • This article focuses the development of Jewish charity in Biblical period especially in Talmudic period .

    本文着重探讨了圣经时代,尤其是 塔木德时期犹太教的慈善 理论的发展和 丰富

  • They study the old tradition which is now actually written down in Talmudic people heard of .

    这些学生学习古老的传统,这些传统现在实际上已写在 ,人们听说过的 犹太教 法典 中。

  • It challenges the Talmudic tradition with its hyper-rational scrutiny of texts .

    它挑战 塔木德经》的传统连同其对文本的超级理性探索。