tally company

[ˈtæli ˈkʌmpəni][ˈtæli: ˈkʌmpəni]


  • The warehouse keepers tally cargoes in lieu of the cargo-owner or the consignee but they themselves are attached to the stevedoring company .

    内理代表货主或收货人 理货,但他们本身属于装卸 公司

  • If the retallied figure doesn 't correspond to the original one our tally company will undertake the cost of retallying .

    如果重理数字与原理数字不一致,重理费由我们 理货 公司承担。

  • In order to reduce possible risks the tally company will generally make decision plans whether to conduct credit and when to conduct credit after they do a lot of researches to the target companies .

    为了尽可能降低风险, 企业通常会在对目标企业的各方面情况做大量的调研后做出是否赊销以及如何 赊销的决策方案。

  • The third part provides the feasible program of the integrated financial management of IMPC which is tally with the actual situation of IMPC by learning analysis and evaluation of the financial management system of Shanghai Power Company and Jiangsu Power Company ;

    第三篇通过对上海电力 公司和江苏电力公司财务管理模式的评价、分析和借鉴,提出了 符合内蒙古电力公司现实,并具有很强操作性的集成化财务管理思路;

  • The 45 anniversary of China Ocean Shipping Tally Company

    理货 启航& 在中国外轮 理货 公司 成立45周年之际

  • The China Ocean Shipping Tally Company Head Office has branches in all coast ports of our country .

    中国外 公司在我国沿海各港口都有分 公司

  • The tally business targeted leading to the business scope of the company is limited the declining competitiveness .

    另外, 理货行业业务针对性强,导致 公司经营范围较为局限,竞争力不断下降。