take up

[tek ʌp][teik ʌp]


  • A good deal of my time is taken up with reading critical essays and reviews


  • UN peacekeeping forces are expected to take up positions along the border .

    联合国维和部队估计会在边界线上 就位

  • It can take up to six months before reimbursements are paid .


  • He will be able to take up his normal routine shortly .

    他不久 就能 处理日常事务。

  • He left a job in the City to take up farming

    他辞去伦敦商业区的工作, 开始 务农

  • ' No no no ' says Damon taking up where Dave left off .

    “不,不,不,”戴蒙说, 然后从戴夫停下的地方 接着说。

  • Most scientists who can present evidence of an environmental threat can reasonably assume that a pressure group will take up the issue

    能够提供环境威胁证据的大多数科学家都有理由认为,环保团体不会 放过这个问题。

  • The entire memo took up all of two pages

    整个备忘录写 满满两页纸。

  • Mr de Garis 's MP Max Madden took up the case

    德加里斯先生的下议员 马克斯·马登开始着手处理这个问题。

  • He was not one to retreat but rather one who would take up the gauntlet .

    他不是一个想退却的人,倒是一个宁愿 应战的人。

  • I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn 't want to take up too much of your time

    我知道您肯定特别忙,我当然不想 占用您太多的时间。

  • Angela used to be a model and has decided to take it up again .

    安杰拉以前当过模特,现已决定 重操旧业了。

  • Increasingly more wine-makers are taking up the challenge of growing Pinot Noir

    越来越多的酿酒商 开始接受种植黑皮诺葡萄的挑战。

  • The aim was not to take up valuable time with the usual boring pictures .

    目的在于不要用常见的无聊图片 占用宝贵时间。

  • They threatened to take up arms against the government if their demands were not met .

    他们威胁,如果要求得不到满足就要 武力抵抗政府。

  • He had taken up a position in the centre of the room

    占据 房间中心的位置

  • Take up a relaxing hobby such as knitting .


  • If the bank is unhelpful take it up with the Ombudsman .

    银行要是不肯帮忙, 去找申诉专员。

  • Whoever decides to take up the gauntlet and challenge the Prime Minister will have a tough battle .

    谁要是 接受挑战,向首相叫板,都将经历一场 鏖战

  • He did not particularly want to take up a competitive sport

    他并不特别想 从事竞技体育运动。

  • Now you 're settled why don 't you take up some serious study ?

    既然你已经安顿下来了,为什么不 开始正经地学点 东西

  • 96 per cent of the eligible employees took up the offer .

    符合条件的雇员有96%接受 这个条件。

  • He left a career in teaching to take up a position with the Arts Council


  • Carpet tiles are perfect for kitchens because they 're easy to take up and wash

    方块地毯非常适用于厨房,因为其便于 起来清洗。

  • Gerry 's wife Jo takes up the story

    格里的妻子乔 接着往下讲。

  • She moved out of 28 Barbary Lane to take up residence in a house in Pacific Heights .

    她从巴巴里街28号搬 出来住进 太平洋高地住宅区的一所房子。