



  • The natural frequency and vibration shape of gear influence the process of gear drive and yawp directly .

    齿轮的固有频率和振型直接影响到齿轮的传动过程、 噪声

  • A new swirling cold air diffuser has been researched after tests of aerodynamics the velocity field the temperature field and yawp .

    对新研制的一种旋流式低温送风口进行了空气动力、速度场、温度场及 噪声测试。

  • Printer adopts famous brand guide rail-THK so it is more stable longevous and lower yawp during movement .

    打印机机身采用了知名品牌导轨 &THK运动时平稳性高,寿命更长,噪音更小。

  • Further more the hydraulic exciting vibration screens have a simple system and little environmental pollution and low yawp .

    而且液压激振振动筛还有系统简单、 噪声低、环境污染小 优点

  • Lower inertia lower yawp and high precision are the virtues of optical rotary encoders .

    光电编码器具有低惯量、低 噪声、高精度和高分辨率等优点。

  • I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world ( Walt Whitman )

    我在世界屋脊上 叫喊沃尔特·惠特曼

  • There are transmission delay data packet loss yawp disturb in networked control systems which make tradition control theory evaluate again before applying in networked control system .

    网络控制系统中存在传输时延、数据包丢失、 噪声干扰等问题,这些问题使得传统的控制理论必须重新评估后才能应用于网络控制系统中。

  • Even the picture has the aberrance and big yawp ; it also has the high extracting precision .

    即使是在图像存在畸变及较大 噪声的情况下,仍具有较高的提取精度。

  • This way makes sure of the accuracy and completeness of detection window and reduces the infection of the setting yawp and improves the accuracy of centroid detection .

    本方法确保了探测窗口确定的准确性和完整性,同时也减小了背景 噪声对质心计算的影响,提高了质心探测精度。

  • With the development and application of gear pump in high temperature high pressure large displacement low flow pulsation and low yawp . It is necessary for us to study the characteristics and improve safety and efficiency of gear pump .

    随着齿轮泵在高温、高压、大排量、低流量脉动、低 噪音 方面发展及应用,对齿轮泵的特性研究及提高齿轮泵的安全和效率已成为各国深入研究的课题。

  • Rail traffic will decrease exhausted gas and ameliorate environment Investing on yawp and atmosphere will also be decreased .

    轨道交通的运营减少了汽车尾气的排放、改善了城市环境 质量,减少了 城市对大气和 噪声环境的 治理投资。

  • To the infrared image pretreatment the method based on morphology filter is used to wipe off disturb and yawp .

    对于红外图像的预处理采用了基于形态滤波的方法,可以有效的去除干扰和 噪声

  • Fetal Electrocardiogram ( FECG ) is an objective index of physiological activity of infants . Nevertheless FECG is very low and often interfered by Maternal Electrocardiogram ( MECG ) and other yawp .

    胎儿的心电图(FECG)是研究胎儿心脏电生理活动的一项客观指标,但胎儿心电叠加在母体心电( MECG)上,信号十分微弱,并且受到各种 噪声干扰的影响。

  • Comparing the methods of zero-crossing three-point and four-point zero-crossing method is adopted to estimate the frequency with harmonic and yawp in actual signals .

    在频率估计中,分析了过零法、三点法、四点法的基本原理。考虑到实际信号有谐波和 噪声存在,确定用过零法估计电力系统频率。

  • At first ISODATA dynamic clustering is imported to median filtering algorithm . The algorithm can eliminate serious yawp noise and retain image detail .

    首先,本文提出一种引入ISODATA动态聚类的医学图像中值滤波算法,此算法既消除了 脉冲 噪声带来的干扰,又保持了图像的边缘细节。

  • Research on the Feasibility of Shortwave Communication at Sea under the Condition of Atmosphere Yawp

    大气 噪声条件下海上短波通信可通性研究

  • With luck any real education will not only make you aware of this ongoing dialogue but will demand that you join in it adding your barbaric yawp to the din .

    幸运的是,一个真正的教育环境,不仅能够让你了解这些对话,而且要求你参与到这些讨论、 辩解、争执中去, 肆无忌惮地加入你的见解。

  • The method not only disposes the disturbance yawp but also shortens the response time of leaks detection and heightens the precision of leaks location .

    两种方法的结合不但可以有效地去除干扰 噪声,而且缩短了泄漏检测的响应时间,提高了泄漏定位的精度。

  • In the process of data processing the processing processes and effects of the numerical filter used to remove yawp disturbing and the LMS adaptive filter used to remove random disturbing is realized with software .

    讨论脉搏数字处理时,为消除 噪声干扰所采用的移动 平均滤波器和为消除随机干扰所采用的LMS自适应滤波器的软件实施过程和处理效果。

  • For me the yawp of one two three four and the rhythmic accompaniment are as beautiful as symphony .

    喊声 播音 一二三四 叫号 ),那有节奏的伴奏音乐及配器如交响乐一样优美。

  • According to the practical need of the design of the photoelectricity detect system the analysis method of allotting the yawp for the photoelectricity detector is brought forward in the paper .

    从设计光电探测系统的实际需要出发,提出了雪崩式光电探测器最佳 噪声分配的分析方法;

  • And analyzing all kinds of yawp on on-line handwritten recognition Tibetan characters dispel the yawp by relevant methods .

    同时对联机手写藏文识别中的各种 噪声进行分析,使用相应的方法消除噪声。

  • Sum up fluctuate and error arose by market factors put forward simple method and application to wipe off yawp based on the ARIMA difference method .

    总结市场因素引起的波动和误差,提出了基于ARIMA(差分方法)去 的简单方法和应用。

  • The making quality of gear is very important to enhancing the precis ion 、 longevity and debasing yawp of mechanical transmission system .

    齿轮的制造质量对提高机械传动系统的精度、寿命和降低 噪声十分重要。

  • The yawp pollution of freeway to the ambience is rather severe .

    高速公路对周边环境的 噪声污染是较严重的。

  • For decreasing influence to the image quality we should percolate through the yawp before the image processing .

    为了减小 噪声对图像质量的影响,在 识别前需对图像进行 处理,滤波除

  • I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world .

    我听见我 原始野蛮的 越过世界的 屋脊

  • It can be used to solve yawp caused by disaccord processing speed among gates in quantum computer .

    这可以解决量子计算机中的各个组件或者部门之间的时间不匹配造成的 噪声问题。

  • The other parts operated below the water except the inlet the yawp was small ;

    除吸气 口外,其余部分潜入水中运行, 噪音小;