Last year my family ( my wife and I and our six kids ) began a tradition that is one of the best things we 've ever done : every Saturday we have a family meeting and every Sunday is Family Day .
去年,我家(妻 、我和六个孩子)开始了 一 个传统,也是我们做得最好的一件事情:每个星期六我们有一个家庭会议,每星期天是家庭 日。
The mean annual temperature in Shijiazhuang where the latitude is 38 ° is 4.2 ℃ lower than in this line but temperature differences in a year and a day are much higher .
石家庄位于北纬38° , 年平均温度低于此线约 4.2℃。
The owners of estray must claim them within a year and a day .
遗失物的主人必须在一 年 零一 日内提出权利请求。
They sailed away for a year and a day .
他们荡桨向前,船划了一 年 零一 天。
The New Year 's Day does not count as a day of the weeks and a Leap day does not count in the weeks or in the months .
元旦日不在周号内 ,闰年 日不在周号,也不在月号内。
Last year analysts reckoned it made anything between $ 1m and $ 2m a day from oil .
去年,分析师们估计ISIS 日均石油收入大概在100万美元到200万美元之间。
Some cultures even offer temporary marriages : pagans sometimes marry for a year and a day renewable by mutual consent while Shia Muslims can arrange fixed-term marriages .
有些文化甚至提供临时婚姻:异教徒(pagans)有时会结婚一 年 又 一 天,在双方都同意的情况下可以续签;什叶派穆斯林可以安排固定期限的婚姻。
The difference between a year and a day is365times how could you win ?
一 年 与 一 天的差距是365倍,后者怎么可能赢呢?
They most probably are that the head in New Year makes a presentation to in that day on Monday are really not that the period gives the child and the servant city get a gift on Christmas Day .
他们多是在 新年的首个星期一那天赠送礼物,并不是在 圣诞节期间送的,小孩子 和仆人都会得到礼物。
Wake up nothing the heart is also in a year and a day after day past flowing down the scar and tears .
醒来什么都没有,心也在一 年 又 一 年 一 天又一天的过去,流下伤疤和眼泪。
Every day all year its sunny and beautiful so Christmas is just as good of a day to hit the beach as any other .
整年的每一天 ,都是晴朗的美好天气,所以圣诞节就像其它 日子一样都很适合到海边。
Since I started my gap year I 've been playing more and more guitar reaching the point where I play an average of2 hours a day .
自从我的空档 年开始,我花在玩吉他上的时间 越来越多,最终达到了平均 每天玩2小时的地步。
Chinese demand grew by 33 percent last year and by an additional 20 percent this year pushing consumption to over 6 million barrels a day .
中国需求 去年增长33% ,今年还要再增加20%,使得消耗量 每天超过600万桶。
Last year a group of Jewish artists and media professionals created the Sabbath Manifesto a list of10 principles to be followed one day a week in order to unwind .
2010 年,一群犹太艺术家 和媒体专业人士发布了 一 份“安息日宣言”(SabbathManifesto),列出每周有一 天应该遵守的十大减压原则。
With irregularity in a year a month and a day there will not be good harvests and honest politics nor peace and prosperity in the state .
假如 日、月 、 岁发生了异常的变化,许多庄稼就长不好,政治就昏暗,贤能的人就得不到任用,国家就会紊乱。
Frozen soils are of evident reduction infiltration characteristics and the infiltration capacities of frozen soils change clearly within a year and a day .
越冬期间,冻融土壤具有明显的阻渗特性,入渗能力具有明显的 年变化特性 和 日变化特性。
The results suggest that a massive 590 could already have failed to stick to New Year diet resolutions . And a vast majority are unaware of the negative impact a single day off can have on their weight loss efforts .
调查结果显示,有多达59万人可能已经放弃了 新年减肥计划。 而且 还有很多人不清楚一 天不坚持对其减肥计划的负面影响。
A poll of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 's member countries last year found that Norwegian men pitched in the most - 180 minutes a day - with housework and related chores while Japanese men did the least - only 62 minutes a day .
去年,一项针对经济合作与发展组织的成员国的民意调查显示,挪威男性在家务活中投入时间最长,一天达180分钟 ,而日本男性投入时间则最少, 一 天仅有62分钟。
It has led to solid wastes increasing year by year that the life and production material consumption demand increase sharply . As a result the process of waste disposal problems have become very difficult and complex day by day .
生活 及生产资料消费的需求急剧增加导致固体废弃物 逐年大量增加,由此带来的废弃物处置过程中的纠纷问题 日益棘手复杂。
Along with technical and economical development the demands of structure reinforcement are improved year by year in all countries . To repair and strengthen existent structure has been becoming a branch domain of civil engineering day by day .
随着技术和经济的发展,世界各国在大规模建设完成 之后对工程结构加固的需求 逐年增长,对既有工程结构的维修 和加固已成为土木工程领域 日益活跃的分支。
Earlier this year health officials urged the public to cut their sugar intake to between five and seven teaspoons a day to prevent rising levels of obesity and rotting teeth .
今年年初,卫生官员们曾督促公众减少摄糖量 每天5-7茶匙即可 ,这样可以预防肥胖和蛀牙等问题。
Now the training has been a year and a half did not play summer winter vacation time 5-6 hours a day training for the future to become a gymnast and work hard sweat .
如今训练了已有一 年 半,暑寒假没有玩的时间, 每天训练5&6个小时,为未来能成为体操运动员而努力苦练流汗。
Can you imagine having New Year 's Eve dinner and receiving red envelopes on a hot summer day ?
你能想像在炎炎 夏日跟家人 围炉拿红包吗?
美[jɪr ənd e de]英[jə: ænd ə dei]
[法] 满一年