


v.<术>(船)偏航,偏离航线( yaw的现在分词 )(飞机)偏航

  • In order to reveal the cause and mechanism of the vibrations a torsional vibration model of tower was set up based on the structure and principle of the yawing system .

    根据 风力 偏航系统的结构和偏航原理,建立塔架扭转振动的模型。

  • Hydrodynamic Simulation and Analysis of Yawing of Bionic Robot Fish reciprocating power-driven tine harrow

    仿生机器鱼 摆动动力学仿真及分析动力驱动摆动式钉齿耙

  • And the turning radius and angle are obtained from the yawing angle information and the odometer information of the three wheels using fuzzy fusion technology .

    利用移动机器人三个轮子的里程信息和导向轮的转角信息,通过信息模糊融合获得 转弯半径和转角,再利用 运动学模型获得机器人的位置和方向。

  • The pupils model themselves upon their teacher . Hydrodynamic Simulation and Analysis of Yawing of Bionic Robot Fish

    小学生仿效他们的老师。仿生机器鱼 摆动动力学仿真及分析

  • In the paper the relation between cable vibration acceleration and wind velocity wind yawing anger anger of attack are discussed . Nonstationarity in wind-rain induced response is studied and the cause of this nonstationarity is discussed by using a wavelet approach .

    分析了拉索振动加速度信号与风速、风 偏角以及风攻角的相关性;研究了斜拉索振动加速度信号的非平稳性,并使用小波分析的方法探讨了导致其非平稳的原因。

  • Among most factors affecting the real - time image synthesis attitude aberration caused by missile 's attitudes such as yawing pitching and rolling is one of key aberration models .

    在影响下视 景象实时图像成像的各种 误差因素中,导弹 偏航、俯仰和翻滚等姿态引起的成像姿态畸变是其关键的畸变误差模型之一。

  • Analysis the components of yawing system and the process of a circular route of oil .

    对于 偏航系统,分析了 偏航系统的组成, 液压 控制 偏航系统的油液循环路线的过程。

  • By comparison and analysis of a large number of measured data revealing the yawing motion of the FPSO is the main reason for this phenomenon .

    通过对大量的实测数据进行比较和分析,揭示了FPSO的 运动是产生这种现象的主要原因。

  • The research shows in the process of hard grounding a considerable part of ship 's initial kinetic energy turns into energy of revolving mode which includes pitching rolling and yawing .


  • This paper describes the characteristics of rotating and yawing damping moment of wraparound fins in sub-supersonic flow and theoretically proves the necessity of positive-opposite rotation of wraparound with thickness at zero angle of attack in sub-supersonic flow .

    本文给出了亚、超音速弧翼的滚转及 偏航阻尼力矩特性,并从理论上证明了零攻角时有厚度弧翼在亚、超音速绕流时正、反向滚转的必然性。

  • In each mode it includes four attitude controls : rolling pitching yawing and thrust .

    在各种 飞行模式下 含有四种姿态控制:滚动、俯仰、 偏航 升降

  • Physical model experiments were made to obtain the observed data of yawing range yawing period and mooring force of3 ship types under different working conditions .

    通过物理模型试验,得到了3种船型在不同工况组合下的 幅度、偏荡周期以及系泊力实测数据。

  • The range of yawing rate when turning left in hover is calculated where the tail rotor might get into vortex ring .

    根据右侧飞试验结果,估算出样机悬停回转时尾桨处于涡环状态的 偏航 速度范围;

  • Firstly we apply a method of classical gain scheduling to design attitude stable system of three channels including pitching yawing rolling .

    首先,采用古典的增益调度方法分别设计俯仰、 偏航 滚转三个通道的姿态稳定系统和 自动 驾驶

  • The suboptimal control can achieve 20 % - 50 % control effect on the aspect of decreasing roll angle angular velocity in roll yawing angle angular velocity in yawing and swaying velocity but the sway displacement adds 14 % .

    在减少横摇角、 角速度、 角、艏摇角速度及 荡速度方面,次优控制可取得20%-50%的效果,但横荡位移增加了14%。

  • Yawing moment of inertia of sprung mass

    簧上质量 惯性矩

  • The aerostatic bearings of minimum friction are used in two yawing measuring sets of the dynamometer . The power developed by turbine and the mechanical power lost in the turbocharger can be separately measured simultaneously .

    该测功机采用摩擦阻力最小的空气静压轴承作为两个测量 机构 摆动轴承,能同时分别测出涡轮发出的功和涡轮增压器损失的机械功。

  • The rudder plays a secondary role during a turn it is used to prevent yawing .

    在转弯时,方向舵发挥的作用仅次于 离心 ,方向舵用来防止 偏航

  • Combined with the characteristic of vehicle walking mechanism and track line the geometry relation and dynamics relation among air spring yawing and tack is described with mathematical formulas .

    结合车辆走行机构和线路轨道的结构特点,对空气弹簧、 转向 和轨道之间的几何关系和动力学关系进行了数学描述。

  • The yawing can apparently attenuate the angular displacement of both the tail and the attack angle of tail fin .

    存在会明显的衰减尾 和尾鳍攻角的角位移。

  • Thirdly by neglecting the coupling influence the control laws of pitching yawing and sloping movements are designed separately with frequency domain analysis and root locus and then the parameters of the controller are chosen .

    第三,忽略耦合影响,将控制系统分为俯仰、 偏航、倾斜三个相互独立的通道,用频域分析法和根轨迹法设计控制律、选取控制器参数。

  • As the plane climbed to 370 feet it started yawing

    飞机攀升到370英尺时,开始 偏航

  • A Study of Mathematical Model for Yawing at Anchor

    锚泊 运动数学模型的研究

  • Modeled the regulating mechanism by adjusting the pitch of blade and yawing system with first-order model .

    采用一阶模型对 风力机变桨距机构和 偏航 机构建模。

  • The normal force pitching and yawing moments on the fuselage in hover result from the rotor downwash .

    悬停时,下洗尾流使机身产生负升力、俯仰力矩和 偏航力矩。

  • According to multivariable frequency design theory this paper studies the coupling between a guided bombs yawing and rolling channels by relative gain .

    文中从制导炸弹的 侧向 扰动 运动 方程出发,根据多变量频率设计理论,用相对增益法,研究了制导炸弹 航向和滚转通道的 交联耦合。

  • They were subject to violent yawing at low wind speeds .

    它们在低风速下会发生强烈的 偏离