table time

[ˈtebəl taɪm][ˈteibl taim]

[法] 时间表

  • The onmouseout event on the table fires each time you move the mouse between the rows ; the onmouseleave event fires only if you move the mouse outside the table .

    你在 table的两行之间移动 ,onmouseout事件就会发生;只有你的鼠标移动到table表单之外时onmouseleave事件才发生。

  • You can either set the table property at table creation time or alter it at a later time .

    可以在创建 就设置该表属性,也可以在稍后的时间进行修改。

  • The results showed that soil water time series and groundwater table time series were autocorrelation with one or two time lag distance for time correlation ranges respectively .

    结果表明,该地区土壤水、地下 水位序列为自相关序列, 时间相关域为1~2个滞后时间距;

  • Mummy Skeleton hands candle holders perfect for the buffet table at party time in a bathroom !

    木乃伊,骷髅手 烛台,完美的 聚会用品, 在洗手间最好不过。

  • An MQT can be defined at table creation time as maintained by the system or maintained by the user .

    MQT可以在创建 定义,或者定义为系统维护的MQT,或者定义为用户维护的MQT。

  • In original small dining table 's time we are very happy !

    在原来小 饭桌 时候,我们都很开心!

  • Certainly a table for4.What time ?

    B当然,一 四人桌。什么 时间

  • Our first major problem is that we are scanning the full bills table every time we want a row out of it and locking every row we read .

    我们的第一个主要问题是, 我们想要一行的内容 ,我们会扫描整个账单 ,并锁定我们读取的每一行。

  • Also any connection can refer to a created temporary table at any time without the need for a setup script to initialize the created temporary table .

    此外,任意连接都可以 随时引用已创建的临时 ,而不需要设置脚本来初始化已创建的临时表。

  • LOAD one table at a time .


  • All other users are prevented from accessing the table during this time .

    在这 时间 ,其他所有用户都无法访问这个

  • It 's true that storing the table is memory-inefficient because you use only two entries of the table at a time but ignore that fact for now .

    确实,存储表格的内存使用效率较低,因为一 只使用 表格中的两个条目,但是现在暂且将这件事放在一边。

  • You want to do it on the table this time ?

    你想在这 桌子 做?

  • Have you been sitting at the next table this whole time ?

    一直都坐在那 桌子那儿吗?

  • Repeat these steps for the column tag choosing the Column in a data table template this time .

    重复对column标签的操作, 这次选择Columninadata table模板。

  • The current strategy for maximizing performance and convenience is to retrieve metadata for a particular table the first time an instance of the class that maps to that table is instantiated .

    为了使性能最大化和更加便利,目前的策略是从某一个 中提出元数据,先把一个类的实例映射到那个表上,用来初始化。

  • The aim is to supplement the composition table this time by looking at the so-called processed products included in the daily diet in France .

    其目的是对法国日常饮食中所谓的加工食品 进行研究并补充成分研究

  • It should be possible to change the selected table at any time before Drying Mode is entered .

    在干燥过程开始前,可以对混合 方案进行改变。

  • What happened to you under the table that time ?

    上次你躲在 桌子 后面 怎么了?

  • This takes training as a lord to you must tie table next time the suction teaches you don 't tie meter and be affecting you the shape of the whole craft .

    这次对你以教育为主, 下次一定要打 ,吸取教训,你不打表是在影响你们整个行业的发展。

  • It 's time to create another table this time for comments .

    现在要创建另一个 这次是用于评论的

  • When we are at the table time passes away while we are eating .

    当我们在 餐桌 ,它在我们吃饭的 时候流逝。

  • A Set of Data Description Table and Time Queue Table Structure which Simplified the Logic Simulation Algorithm

    一组简化逻辑模拟算法的数据描述 时间队列表结构

  • The multi-purpose electrical energy table time check meter is the examination time sharing measurement ( multi-tariffs ) the electrical energy table designs the development the instrument .

    多功能电能 时间校验仪是检定分时计度(多费率)电能表而设计开发的仪器。

  • All those things that she had expected of him a clean room being at the dinner table on time not biting his pencils suddenly turned into a big source of friction .

    玛丽对儿子的一切期待保持房间干净、 按时 吃饭、不要咬铅笔忽然间成为双方摩擦的起源。

  • Based on the shaking table test we compose a neural network in which the input signals are the response displacement and velocity of the silo and output signals are the response acceleration of the silo plus input acceleration of the shaking table at time step t .

    仓振动 实验的基础上,用贮仓在动 作用下的位移、速度作为网络的输入,激振加速度和响应加速度作为网络的输出。

  • Moreover she adds some of the issues on the table this time are very emotional and many people seem to be taking extreme positions .

    而且,她还补充说:“今年 公开 争论的一些问题非常情绪化,很多人似乎都有点走极端。”

  • Note that this operation is not recoverable so if you need to recover your database to the point in time between the table move completion time and following backup the table may get lost .

    注意,这个操作是不可恢复的,因此如果需要将数据库恢复到完成 移动与备份之间的某个 时间点,那么表可能会丢失。