


  • A spatiotemporal bi-channel robot tactile representation system based on sound wave technology is introduced .

    介绍了一种基于音波播放的时空双通道机器人 触觉再现系统。

  • This paper presents a method that controls the tele-manipulator by combining tactile tele-presence with myoelectric bionic control .

    提出了一种结合 触觉临场感和肌电仿生控制技术的遥控机械手控制方法。

  • Research on Pressure and Temperature Information of the Tactile Array System by Recognition of Heart

    基于质心识别 对阵 触觉系统的压力和温度信息研究

  • I work by layering line shape and translucent glazes to create luminous colors and tactile surfaces .

    我通过线条和半透明的方式创作出 亮色 生动的外表。

  • Handle may be defined as a subjective tactile evaluation of the textile quality .

    手感可定义为织物质量的 触觉评价方法。

  • Study on Influence of Tactile Sensation in One on One Centers ' Offence


  • Babies who sleep with their parents receive much more tactile stimulation than babies who sleep in a cot

    婴儿和父母睡在一块儿比单独睡在婴儿床中能得到更多的 触觉刺激。

  • This is the time to begin tactile stimulation .

    这是时间开始的 触觉刺激。

  • During the aesthetic process of Sshoushan stone carving sometimes our vision may have the feeling of tactile impression .

    在寿山石雕的审美过程中,有时我们的视觉也许会有 触觉的感受。

  • The right hemisphere of the brain is specialized for the perception of complex patterns both visual and tactile .

    右半脑是专门从视觉上和 触觉上感知复杂形状的。

  • Sam creates impressions of fish and sea-life in various states using the tactile .

    他运用 触觉效果来创作不同状态下鱼类和海洋生物的压印作品。

  • These devices can enhance virtual arousal between individuals through tactile sensation .

    这些装置可以提高虚拟觉醒个人之间通过 触觉

  • A Tele-manipulator with Tactile Tele-presence and Myoelectric Bionic Control

    具有 触觉临场感和肌电仿生控制功能的遥控机械手研究

  • By way of refined pavement ground and wall surface become warm place warm stretching tactile sensation of life .

    经由细致铺装而成的地面与墙面,成为延伸生活 质感的温馨所在。

  • So we apparently have two discrete mechanisms guarding against typing errors one visual the other tactile .

    显然,我们有两个独立机制来避免打字错误,一个是视觉上的,另一个是 触觉上的。

  • Heat cold tactile and other sensations contribute to flavour .

    热、冷、 触觉和其他感觉构成了食物风味的一部分。

  • We are tactile animals .

    我们是 实际的动物。

  • Tweed is timeless tactile and tough .

    粗花呢从不过时, 手感很好,结实耐磨。

  • Attraction is not only about a visual auditory and tactile presentation but it 's also about pure energy .

    吸引不是仅仅和视觉、听觉和 触觉的呈现有关,它还和纯粹的能量有关。

  • The dynamic parameters of the micro tactile sensor are tested by using the self feedback optical fiber interferometer .

    并采用自反馈光纤 麦克尔 干涉仪测试了其动态特性参数。

  • I can 't find it ! Distorted body image and tactile dysfunction in patients with chronic back pain .

    找不到慢性背部疼痛病人的曲体成像和 触觉功能障碍。

  • Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opisthotonos .


  • A tactile sensor welding seam tracing in welding was designed .

    设计了一种 接触 自动焊缝跟踪传感器。

  • Tactile imaging is a perception or FEELING of localised bodily awareness .


  • The children are very tactile with warm loving natures .

    小孩子 说话时喜欢用上热烈、表达喜爱的肢体 触碰

  • In this paper a high resolution and flexible piezoresistive robot tactile sensor array is developed .

    设计并研制了一种机器人用高分辨率柔性阵列 触觉传感器。

  • Various types of damage and assemblies can be identified by visual inspection and tactile examination of the surface .

    不同类型的损伤和装配可以通过对其表面的目测和 手感鉴定出来。

  • Logo designers who like to experiment with tactile logos want to change common textures in the real world .

    喜欢尝试 触感的标志设计者想要改变在现实世界中普通的纹理,他们可以在他们最爱的软件上工作的很好。

  • Zoology A sensory or tactile organ such as an antenna a tentacle or a barbel .

    感觉或 触觉器官,例如触角、触手或触须。