




  • When a subject has been turned down only a tactless person would pursue it .

    当对方已拒绝 谈论某个话题时,只有 的人才会追着这个 话题 下去。

  • He had alienated many people with his tactless remarks .

    他说话 轻重,得罪了许多人。

  • To make a tactless remark .


  • He can be very tactless sometimes .

    他有时很 方式 方法

  • If that 's true it 's a tactless story .

    这要是事实就太 风雅了。

  • He has foot in mouth disease because he always says something tactless .

    他有说 错话 毛病,因为他常常说话 没有 技巧

  • So would I said the tactless clerk .

    “我也是”,这个 熟练的店员说。

  • How I longed for the power to unsay my tactless words !

    我真的渴望能收回自己 无知的言语!

  • Throughout his school life Darius was tactless and egocentric

    上学期间, 达赖厄斯粗鲁冒失,而且总以自我为中心。

  • He does not seem to realize that his tactless manner puts people 's backs up .

    他好像没有意识到,他 得体的态度会 引起人们的反感。

  • I was rather tactless me to ask such a question .

    这么个问题,实在是 了个 心眼

  • Formal exact and obstinate he was also cold suspicious touchy and tactless .

    严肃、严谨、倔强的他同时又冷漠、多疑、敏感、 不会 变通

  • It was well it was a little bit tactless I think .

    这种 做法是,嗯,这种 做法我以为是有 点儿 策略

  • A socially awkward or tactless act .

    一种社交方面尴尬或 老练的动作。

  • Her comment was tactless to say the least .

    她的评论至少可以说是 策略的。

  • I suppose it was rather tactless of me to ask .

    我想我这样问实在 有些 得体

  • I m afraid I ll never live down that tactless remark I made .

    恐怕我永远也没 办法 改正我那 谨慎的评价了。

  • An awkward or tactless act manner or expression .

    笨拙行为一种笨拙或 老练的行为、方式或表情。

  • He was totally tactless said Arundhati Ghose India 's former ambassador to the United Nations .

    他根本 懂事,印度前驻联合国大使 阿兰达蒂·戈斯(ArundhatiGhose)说。

  • It was out of order for him to make such a tactless remark .

    他说出这种 策略的话是 得体的。

  • An honest person tells the truth a tactless person tells the whole truth .

    诚实的人说真相, 缺乏 技巧的人说出所有真相。

  • Aside from being tactless however I cannot see what S & P did wrong .

    然而,除了不够 圆滑之外,我看不出标准普尔有什么地方做得不对。

  • Her tactless remarks just added fuel to the fire .

    那些 得体的话 简直是火上加油。

  • The mayor however generally administers the city in a centrist and technocratic albeit tactless way .

    然而,布隆伯格基本上是以中间派和技术官僚尽管 不够 圆通的方式来管理这个城市的。

  • I 'll never know because you 'll never be tactless enough to tell me will you ?

    我永远搞不清楚,因为你永远不会 公地告诉我,对不对?

  • He generally means well but he is a little tactless .

    一般说他们的存心是好的,不过他对人 有些 生硬 罢了