


v.用平头钉钉( tack的现在分词 )附加,增补帆船抢风行驶,用粗线脚缝

  • I also don 't have to worry about tacking on an error code in the return from parseLine because if a problem occurs that function simply throws an error .

    我也无需考虑如何追踪从 parseLine返回的错误代码,因为如果出现错误,该函数将只抛出一个错误。

  • When joining two layers of fabric together the seam is secured by tacking at the start and the finish .

    两层面料缝合在一起时, 缝开始和 终端 加固 使其牢固。

  • Our last trip involved a coastal passage tacking east against wind and current

    我们上次旅行时 曾经 沿着海岸, 风浪向东 曲折 航行

  • A Method of Moving Objects Detection and Tacking for Video Image

    视频图象运动目标检测与 跟踪方法研究

  • Investigation on Seam Tacking Path Self-teaching Method Based on Visual Sensor

    基于视觉传感器焊缝 跟踪轨迹自示教方法研究

  • A store owner was tacking a sign above his door that reads Puppies for Sale .

    一位店主正在 门头一块写着“出售小狗”的招牌。

  • Faced with such a challenge many nations resort to trade sanctions tacking huge charges on Chinese imports .

    面对这样的挑战,许多国家选择了贸易制裁, 中国进口商品 征收高额 关税

  • If not waiters will appreciate you tacking on the 10 % yourself .

    如果没有的话,侍者会感激你自己 附上那10%。

  • The model took resolving practical problems in medicine as the aim with emphasis on cultivating ability of tacking good use of statistical theory and statistical analysis software in science research .

    该教学模式以解决医学实际问题为出发点,着重培养 学生正确利用统计理论和统计分析软件为科研 服务的能力。

  • A new nonlinear output tacking controller has been designed in this paper which combined the nonlinear stability inversion system theory with the single-neuron adaptation PID controller .

    把非线性逆系统原理和单神经元自适应PID控制相结合,设计出一种新的非线性输出 跟踪控制器。

  • High precision stepping feeding system auto-cutting structure ensure ACF tacking accuracy .

    高精度步进给料及自动切刀结构,有效保证 ACF 精度。

  • We were tacking fairly close inshore

    我们沿着近海岸 曲折 航行

  • The principle of tacking stitching of lockstitch sewing machine was analyzed pointing out that whether the tacking stitching is in good order or not lies in how to control the tacking relay .

    对工业平缝机 缝线迹的产生原理进行分析,提出回缝线迹整齐与否的关键技术是对倒缝继电器的控制。

  • The ship was tacking trying to make the harbor .

    船在作之 航行,企图驶入港湾。

  • Method and Realization of Auto Light Control of Large Visual Field CCD Camera Used in Target Tacking

    用于目标 跟踪的大视场CCD相机自动调光方法及实现

  • After stitching to the vanishing point leave enough thread to tie a tailor 's knot ( tacking or back stitching thickens the point of a dart so that the fabric will crush when pressed ) .

    留足够线,打一个线结( 粗缝与倒回针使得省道的尖变厚,所以熨烫时,面料会有压痕)。

  • Construction Method and Technology Measure for Pipe Tacking in A Certain Power Plant in Nansha integrated mill

    南沙某电厂 顶管施工方法及技术措施 全能工厂,综合工厂”

  • The tailor 's knot is used as a substitute for machine tacking .


  • On machines that have an automatic reverse tacking is accomplished by using the reverse lever for a few stitches at the start and at the finish of the seam .

    在有自动 回动 装置机器上,加固 可利用倒回杆装置在 开始和终端缝纫几针即可。

  • Danger of material damage when tacking down insulation .


  • Each method and member of that object is accessible by tacking its name onto the root URL .

    要访问那个对象的每个方法和成员, 将它的名称 附加到根URL上即可。

  • Investigation on tracking strategy of three-axis tacking equipment based on particle swarm optimization

    基于粒子群算法的三轴 装置跟踪策略研究

  • The bows turn the freighted ship tacking speeds away under her gray sails .

    舵轮转,重船 加速灰帆扬旗快去远航。

  • He said the movement must accommodate itself with the existing international reality and be nimble and efficacious in tacking its goals .

    他说,不结盟运动必须适应当前国际的现实状况,并在 达到目标的过程中要很灵活和有效。

  • The sailing ship was tacking .

    帆船一 航行

  • A Novel Correlation Tacking Algorithm Based on Edge Amplitude Distribution of Target

    一种基于边缘幅值分布的相关 跟踪算法

  • He was tacking about on this daily though perilous voyage .

    他在进行这种日常的、 惊险的航行。

  • Finite-Set Statistics Based Multiple Target Tacking

    基于有限集统计学的多目标 跟踪算法研究