tables of equipment


  • Through the design of core database relationship diagram ( ER diagram ) and the database tables structure the database of equipment manage system is designed . Finally as an example the detailed design and functional modules implementation of equipment history performance subsystems are given .

    最后,以 设备管理系统下的设备 履历绩效子系统为例,给出了系统的详细设计及功能模块的具体编程实现。

  • And through a lot of graphics and tables of logistics distribution center the key of logistics processes equipment and systems for a detailed comparison and analysis and explanation in order to search for solutions to the old logistics system operation process of the existing prominent problems .

    并通过大量的图形和 表格物流配送中心的关键物流工艺流程、 设备、系统等进行了详尽的对比、分析和说明,以期寻找解决当前旧物流系统运行过程中存在的突出问题。

  • Database module is developed based on Oracle database including data tables of all network equipment and the tables relating to paths .

    数据库模块基于Oracle数据库开发而成,包括网络中的所有 设备数据 、和路径相关的所有表。

  • The tables of database are linked with their primary keys and foreign keys . The basic data table contains information table of equipment and information table of test task .

    数据库各 通过主键和外键联接在一起,其最基本的数据表是 装备信息表和试验任务信息表。

  • According to the routing tables of network equipment and host computers analyzed non-vector diagram obtained part of topology relation of network then ulteriorly obtained the topology structure of the main network .

    而该无向图正是根据主机和 设备的路由 分析出的该网络的部分拓扑关系,进而就可获得主干网络拓扑结构。

  • Main functions of the system includes generating station relay type tables generating the arrangement of computer-based interlocking unit blocks tables generating outdoor terminals wiring tables generating interfaces cabinet wiring tables generating equipment work circuit wiring tables generating driving and collecting circuit wiring tables .

    主要功能包括:生成车站继电器类型 ;生成计算机联锁组合排列表;生成分线盘配线图;生成接口柜配线图;生成 设备工作电路配线表;生成 设备驱动采集电路图配线表。