table index

[ˈtebəl ˈɪnˌdɛks][ˈteibl ˈindeks]


  • Storing multiple table or index fragments in a single dbspace improves query performance over storing each fragmented expression in a different dbspace .

    与在单个dbspace中保存多个 索引片段提高了查询性能,这样做胜过将每个分段表达式存储在不同的dbspace中。

  • These counters are incremented by the respective DML operation occurring on the partition both table and index partitions .

    这些计数器由 索引分区中发生的各个DML操作实现值累加。

  • Tcbstats all Show all table and index metrics

    tcbstatsall显示所有 索引度量指标

  • Each fragment is a group of rows or index keys within a table or index .

    每个分段 都是 索引中的一组行或索引键。

  • They can reduce concurrency and availability when executed against a live table or index space .

    当根据活动 索引空间执行时,会降低并发性和可用性。

  • The table or index is treated as a single logical entity when queries or updates are performed on the data .

    对数据进行查询或更新时, 索引将被视为单个逻辑实体。

  • You can store multiple fragments of the same table or index in a single dbspace reducing the total number of dbspaces needed for a fragmented table .

    在单个dbspace中可以存储同一个 索引的多个片段,从而减少分段表所需要的dbspace总体数量。

  • This section will deal with conversion issues that come up with DDL statements like table and index creation statements .

    本节讨论DDL语句(比如 索引创建语句)面对的转换问题。

  • A reasonable structure of table index could accelerate data search speed .

    合理构造 索引将有效提高数据库查询速度。

  • This can all be done while the table or index is online .


  • Inconsistent statistics may be caused when users collect the partial statistics for example collecting table and index statistics individually at different points in time .

    用户只收集一部分数据可能会造成不一致的统计数据,例如,在不同时间分别收集 索引统计数据。

  • In DB2 the command RUNSTATS TABLE ALL INDEX ALL collects all uniform statistics many of which may not be necessary for improving query performance .

    在DB2中,RUNSTATS TABLEALL INDEXALL命令会收集统一的统计数据,这其中很多对改善查询性能并不必要。

  • Obviously the above applies to an analysed table and index .

    显然上面应用于一个分析了的 索引

  • The server returned an error attempting to either create a temporary table or index statistics .

    该服务器返回一个试图创建临时 错误或试图创建 索引统计错误。

  • The optimizer acts based on statistical data about the number of rows in a table the use of space by a table or index and other information .

    优化器的操作基于数据表中的行数、数据 索引使用的空间以及其他信息的相关统计数据。

  • Note that this statement specifies the table spaces for the table index and large objects ( LOBs ) .

    注意,这个语句为 索引和大对象(LOB)指定了表空间。

  • The script creates a report that provides details about table and index usage .

    该脚本创建一个包含关于 索引使用的细节的报告。

  • Indicates when a table or index scan has stopped .

    表明已停止扫描一个 索引的时间。

  • Q : How do I calculate the table and index size for a partitioned table ( or any table for that matter )?

    Q:如何计算已分区表(或者任何相关的表)的 大小和 索引大小?

  • Automatic table and index reorganisation .

    自动 索引重组。

  • In Informix V11.7 the update delete and insert counters have a size of eight bytes each and are added to the table and index partition page .

    在InformixV11.7中,更新、删除、插入计数器分别为8个字节的大小,并被添加到 索引分区页面中。

  • Thus if a table or index has only one extent it will keep all its data or keys in one physical place .

    因此,如果一个 索引只有一个区段,那么它会将其所有的数据或键保存在一块物理空间中。

  • Then DB2 could use the four-column index the traditional way ( index table index table etc. ) to return the rows in the desired order ( the same order as or the reverse order of the index ) .

    然后,DB2可以以传统方法(索引、 索引、表,等等)使用这个4列索引以期望的次序(与索引相同或相反的顺序)返回所需行。

  • Each line is a runstats command on a table or index .

    每一个行是一个 索引上的runstats命令。

  • Design of Table Index Function of Machining Center by Indexing Axis

    用分度数控轴实现加工中心工作 分度功能的设计方法

  • There is an attribute RUNSTATS TIMESTAMP on the table or index node of the access plan graph that indicates the last time when the statistics were collected .

    在访问计划图的 索引节点上会有一个RUNSTATSTIMESTAMP属性,它表示收集统计数据的时间。

  • DB2 determines if a table or index reorganization by periodically checking tables and indexes that have had their statistics updated and schedules such operations whenever they are necessary .

    DB2定期检查已经更新其统计信息的 索引,判断它们是否需要重组,当需要时安排执行这些操作。

  • Join reads one or more table or index partitions from the inner side .

    联接会从内侧读取一个或多个 分区或 索引分区。

  • Storing multiple table or index fragments in a single dbspace

    在单个dbspace中存储多个 索引片段

  • HSQLDB keeps all table and index data in memory saving all SQL statements issued into a file named database . script which also acts as the transaction log .

    HSQLDB将所有 索引数据放在内存中,将所有发出的SQL语句保存到一个名为database.script的文件中,该文件同时也充当着事务日志的角色。