


  • Any of various small mostly tailless extinct flying reptiles of the order Pterosauria that existed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods .

    翼手龙任一种小型已灭绝的翼龙目的飞行爬行动物,它们绝大多数都 没有 尾巴,生活在侏罗纪和白垩纪之间的那段时期。

  • Lateral Performance Analysis and Stability Augmentation Control of Tailless UAV


  • Sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with gray furry ears and coat ; feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark .

    澳大利亚 行动缓慢的树栖有袋动物,有浓密的灰毛的耳朵和身体;以桉树的树叶和树皮为食。

  • Slow-moving omnivorous nocturnal primates of tropical Asia ; usually tailless .


  • The paper investigates aerodynamic design of the control devices for a high aspect ratio tailless configuration .

    本文研究大展弦比 布局的气动舵面设计问题。

  • For straight-winged tailless airplanes only the negative camber satisfies the conditions for flight .

    对直机翼 飞机,只有负弯度才满足飞行条件。

  • Pig-sized tailless South American amphibious rodent with partly webbed feet ; largest living rodent .

    南美洲 的两栖类啮齿动物,体型大小如猪,部分 蹼足;最大的现存啮齿动物。

  • Any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping ; semiaquatic and terrestrial species .

    多种 、矮胖身体的两栖动物,后肢长适于跳跃;半水栖和陆栖种类。

  • Small class of bilaterally symmetrical marine forms comprising the tooth shells . pig-sized tailless South American amphibious rodent with partly webbed feet ; largest living rodent .

    由两边对称的海洋掘足纲软体动物组成的一个小纲。南美洲 的两栖类啮齿动物,体型大小如猪,部分 蹼足;最大的现存啮齿动物。

  • Over the last seven decades they 've been a proving ground for developments including delta wings tailless aircraft and supersonic flight .

    在过去的70年,他们已经为包括三角翼, 飞机发展的试验场,和超音速飞行。

  • In this paper are presented the major wind tunnel test results for the direction control of the tailless aircraft configuration .

    介绍了 飞机布局方向控制特性风洞试验研究的主要结果。

  • The residents of Pachacamac a Peruvian village outside Lima have almost one thousand fluffy tailless guinea pigs in an enclosure .

    秘鲁利马城外帕查卡马克村的居民在一个围墙内养活着几乎一千只毛茸茸的、 没有 尾巴的豚鼠。

  • Uncertain Tailless Aircraft Robust Gain-scheduling Controller Design Using LMI

    基于LMI的不确定性 飞行器鲁棒变增益控制器设计

  • Any tailless ape of the families Pongidae and Hylobatidae .


  • It is one of the few tailless mammals besides the apes and man .

    它是除了猿猴和人类以外,少数 没有 尾巴的哺乳动物之一。

  • Out of plane stability of greenhouse side columns with eccentrically lateral braces Lateral Performance Analysis and Stability Augmentation Control of Tailless UAV

    温室边柱侧向偏心支撑下的平面外稳定 尾翼无人机横侧向分析与增稳控制设计

  • Aircraft designers routinely use scale models and in the case of the X-36 Tailless Fighter Agility Research Aircraft that 's as big as it got .

    飞机设计师经常使用比例模型,并在案件的 X-36战斗机敏捷性研究 飞机,这是因为大的,因为它得到了。

  • Tailless donkey as the other children mocked my disorientation .

    还要被其他孩子 嘲笑我的方向感。

  • Good for ? Cure warts with . tailless amphibian similar to a frog but more terrestrial and having drier warty skin .

    有什么用?可以治疣子。 的两栖动物园,与蛙形似,但在陆栖性较强、皮肤较干燥且有疣。

  • A short-haired tailless breed of cat believed to originate on the Isle of Man .

    被认为是原产于马恩岛的一种短毛 猫。

  • A drag rudder is mostly used by tailless aircraft .

    阻力方向舵在 飞机上得到广泛的应用。

  • Trim and linearize the nature tailless UAV using two methods .

    使用两种方法对自然 飞机 模型进行配平线性化工作。

  • In this paper a tailless aircraft was used as a model . Its dynamics was derived and the state-feedback controller was designed .


  • Small nonvenomous arachnid resembling a tailless scorpion .

    小而无毒的蜘蛛类节肢动物,形似 蝎。

  • Design Robust Mixed-Sensitivity Controller to Uncertain Tailless Aircraft

    不确定性 飞行器混合灵敏度鲁棒控制器设计

  • Tailless macaque of rocky cliffs and forests of northwestern Africa and Gibraltar .

    非洲西北部和直布罗陀的多岩绝壁及森林中的 猕猴。

  • The general conceptual design method of tailless Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ( UAV ) was researched in this paper .

    本论文主要研究 人机总体概念性设计方法。

  • Design of LPV Gain-Scheduling Controller to Uncertain Tailless Aircraft

    不确定性 飞行器LPV变增益控制器设计