system analysis

[ˈsɪstəm əˈnælɪsɪs][ˈsistəm əˈnæləsis]


  • During a transformation programme a common scenario is that system analysis and design discovers undesirable data-processing scenarios .

    在转换项目进行期间,经常遇到这种情况,通过 系统 分析和设计发现了一些不希望出现的数据处理场景。

  • College Graduates Information Management System Analysis and Design

    高校毕业生信息管理 系统 分析与设计

  • The Enterprise Knowledge Management Society Coordinated System Analysis under Knowledge Supply Chain Angle of View

    知识供应链视角下企业知识管理的社会协作 系统 分析

  • Methods of system analysis principal component analysis and graphical representation were employed .

    研究方法: 系统 分析 、主成分综合评价法和图示法。

  • Second the use cases are analyzed to build the system analysis model that represents a hypothetical architecture for the software .

    第二,分析用例来构建表示软件推测架构的 系统 分析模型。

  • System analysis of restricted condition of local financial and currency policy in Hunan

    湖南财政货币政策调控约束 系统 分析

  • To be specific I do system analysis trouble shooting and provide software supporting .

    具体地说,我做 系统 分析,解决问题以及软件供应方面的支持。

  • In addition to the formation of the apparel industry logistics Union constitute a value chain logistics network and system analysis of the international apparel logistics system to build networks .

    另外否以组建服拆行业的物流联盟,构败价值链物流网,并 解剖 了邦际服拆物流体解网的构建。

  • In RUP-SE modeling this is system analysis at the context level .

    在RUP-SE建模中,这是范围级的 系统 分析

  • I am familiar with both hardware and software and with hands-on experience in system development including system analysis and design .

    我对硬件和软件都很熟悉,并具有系统开发的实际操作经验,包括 系统 分析和设计。

  • Analysis and design of mechanical parts procurement management system for static and dynamic models the completion of system development analysis design and implementation work .

    分析设计了机械零件采购管理系统的静态模型和动态模型,完成了 系统开发的 分析、设计和实现的工作。

  • Damped inertial navigation system analysis

    阻尼式惯性 导航 分析

  • Premises Information and Statistics and Decision Support System Analysis

    房地信息查询统计与决策支持 系统 建设 分析

  • These boundaries are critical early elements of architectural design as they immediately focus the development team 's initial system analysis .

    这些边界是架构设计的重要的早期元素,它们马上会关注在开发团队的初始 系统 分析上。

  • Algorithmic estimates produced in TOGAF Phase E can be further refined during Phase E in which implementation projects are usually dedicated to performing business and system analysis of their scope .

    在TOGAF阶段E产生的评估可以在这个阶段进一步修正,因为项目的实施通常专注于实现实施范围内的商业和 系统 分析

  • The feasibility and effectiveness of the study was explained on application of the system analysis methods for civil aviation system safety by the evaluation example .

    通过实例分析计算,说明 系统 分析方法在民航系统安全应用研究中的可行性和有效性。

  • An approach to a formal representation of user interfaces linked with system analysis has been described as well .

    还介绍了把 系统 分析与形式化的用户界面表示联系在一起的方法。

  • A lot of fuzzy factors exist and are usually difficult to measure in an accuracy way when we select an ideal quarry scheme by using a usual method such as balance method and system analysis method .

    砂石料场方案选择中存在著许多难以精确度量的模糊性因素,常规的平衡法、 系统 分析法很难对此进行有效的处理。

  • Why do you want to do a source system analysis ?

    为什么要做源 系统 分析

  • The activities categorized as conceptual design are the usual activities of System Analysis and System Design .

    给规类为概念设计分类活动是 系统 分析与系统设计的常见活动。

  • It 's the abstract that is called system analysis .

    这就是所谓 系统 分析这个抽象概念。

  • The series will also describe how you can formally represent user interfaces linked with system analysis .

    本系列还会向您介绍怎样可以正式化地表示与 系统 分析相连接的用户接口。

  • These include control system analysis and synthesis representation of dynamic systems controller design performance and robustness .

    包括控制 系统 分析和合成、动态系统的表示、控制器设计、性能与强健度等等。

  • Welfare Statism and Charitable Trust : Way Orientation and System Analysis on the Support System for Poverty Students of Colleges and Universities

    国家福利与公益信托:贫困助学的路径取向与法律 制度 分析

  • After system analysis it pointed out improvingtheprecision of the presetting model was the fundamental measure to improve the precision of the coiling temperature .

    通过对 系统研究和 分析,提出了提高卷取温度控制质量的关键。

  • Grey System Analysis of Characteristic Agricultural Development in Longnan City Gansu Province

    甘肃陇南特色农业发展的灰色 系统 分析

  • The MDSD plug-in is also of interest to the managers of a systems development project as well as those concerned with system analysis and specification system architecture implementation and test .

    MDSD插件程序同样吸引系统开发项目管理者以及项目 分析和规范、系统 体系结构、实现和测试等相关人员的兴趣。

  • Application of coke-oven gas in pre-baked anode system Analysis on gas flue treatment of open type baking furnace of prebaked Anode

    焦炉煤气在铝用预焙阳极生产 的应用预焙阳极敞开式焙烧炉烟气治理 方法 探讨

  • System for Analysis Research and Training

    分析、研究和训练 系统

  • Experimental Study on Application of Water Cooled Parallel Flow Heat Exchangers in Heat Pump System ANALYSIS OF HEAT BALANCE IN GROUND-SOURCE HEAT PUMP

    平行流换热器在江水源热泵中的应用研究地埋管地源热泵 系统的热平衡问题 分析